My Medical Grow

So things look a lot better on the aphid problem down to just a few on most plants . The same bling plant still has a large infestation . I think my solution was too weak doubled up to 4 oz per gal of water and sprayed again last night . Their moving a lot slower this morning . The Romulan was real light or next to none . Here’s a couple of pics of the Romulan these lady’s are short and fat . But a long grow ahead need to wrap with nets their 8 feet wide x 5 feet tall .


I have clusters of tiny black bugs on my og kush. Any idea what they are?

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Aphids are different colors did your spray help ? I use a loupe so i can get a good look with these old eyes .


This is what’s been coming out of the organic side of the garden .


So my grow is going insane I think I’m ahead of last season by several feet if size matters lol . The Bling and our veggies grown with 100% pure Organic products is producing more than a couple of old folks can eat .


Damn fine growing there, Sir!


So the aphid problem is not much of a problem now. Still have a few on the same plant in the center of my grow will spray the whole garden in a day or two . Its just a pain to get good coverage on big plants its hard to reach in without doing damage to the plant .


Everything looks great and the veggies look yummy :yum: cant wait to see everything at the end of the year


Watering heavy today starting to heat up all the smoke from the fires has kept the temps down a little but the air sucks . A lite dusting of fine ash this morning thought I had an invasion of white bugs . All starting to stack and smell so good almost tropical this morning .


Out in the jungle watering 92 degrees and smoke the sun is a sick yellow haze plants sprinkled with ash . This fat girl is 6 feet tall and 30 feet in circumference :upside_down_face:

That’s smoke not clouds or clouds of smoke I think half of the state is burning scary when you live in the woods


No joke man, please be safe my friend.


Still a lot of smoke but seems to be improving the sun almost looks normal today . The girls need sunglasses . The Bling is still getting bigger not slowing but in full bud trim hell on the way . Over 200 tops on this lady and getting fat .



Another Big fire more smoke and heat I don’t see any problems with my grow but it must be slowing them down . The sun is just a glow behind the smoke .

Vanilla Frosting stacking and stinking in a good way .


Is this the same cut of the vanilla you did last year?

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Do you think most of your bud weight has occurred already?

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If like past years they won’t finish till October plenty of time to fatten up :grin:


Last season the vanilla frosting was from regular seed . This is a clone from the pot shop .


Gotcha. Seems like an interesting strain. Would you recommend growing it?

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Yes if you have a lot of room for big plants . Great smoke and heavy producer this is an outdoor plant .

Interesting. I may have to put one in the greenhouse next season. Do you top your plants at all?