My Medical Grow

No I just spread the branches with nets every two feet .

Yeah this season i topped a few and left some to be. I prefer the main stalk structure of non topped plants outdoor for sure.

Even more smoke a new fire upcountry evacuating outlying areas but the wind is dying down . Power is out and I have the generator running to power everything . Helicopters flying the lines maybe getting power back on . A picture of the Romulan with hundreds of buds looks weird with the orange glow of the sun through the smoke . When code enforcement was here he really liked this fat girl and took a few extra photos lol . Power just came back on I can shut the noisy generator off :grin:


Same old stuff smoke and ash and weak sunlight but the smoke is keeping the temps almost twenty degrees cooler . The lady’s are real happy and the buds are corkscrewing around the stems and feel solid both the Bling and the Vanilla Frosting . The Romulan buds are small and growing into skinny spears . And a little behind just started stacking but hundreds of little tops . Just a side note the fans on the Romulan are turning fast and dropping trimming by nature . I might help with the leaf blower once in awhile but let here do her thing she’s like a round sea of green . All observations were made after a bowl of Bling a little snip with one day hanging . Very nice early smoke real mellow and pain relief I think this may turn out great real smooth with no cure .


Cool nights have started major changes in my grow a little purple starting to show on the tops . But rapid growth is still happening back to the ladder to open these plants up and trim the ash and soot covered fans . This Vanilla Frosting is putting on the weight .


Every time I look at your plants @gramps I think to myself this guy knows how to overgrow some smoke. Beautiful!


I’ve been in trim hell for a week can’t wait till I harvest lol . Rising sun warming up the Vanilla Frosting and a view from the top of my world Time to drop the top net and zip tie to the sides and spread the tops to finish .


That is truly an amazing plant!


Gramps…You should have labelled this thread “Jungle Book”…

Very nice work!


now thats a ‘‘tree’’!


Hey @gramps. I have a question if you don’t mind. I have an inch of rain coming tonight and not sure what to do. I’m so close to harvest. We have been having humidity in the 100 percentile every night and it doesn’t seem to be hurting my grow but this rain has got me concerned. Should I bust out the tarps and do some wrapping? What would you do?

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If everything is supported good and just a quick storm I would use a leaf blower after the storm passes . Best not to take a chance with mold taking hold . !00 hundred percent is like rain every night be careful .


Fired up the generator to water power out again due to the wind and fires always something to make growing your own medicine a choir . A photo of a Romulan this morning she a has small tight buds and a lot of them . Its always a guessing game with something new I’m letting the fans yellow and drop no pruning maybe a light leaf blower to knock the dead leaves off so far no insects like Romulan she would be a bitch to spray 6 feet high and nine feet wide .


Oh, you are gonna have fun trimming that one.


That’s a wide plant @gramps. I had some wide ones and big growing plants. I think I messed up on weight by growing in Clay soil. I got about half of silt loam and clay for 8 inches then it’s hard pan. Correct me if I’m wrong but I think you can only grow big buds if you don’t have shallow topsoil. I think you need something deep for the tap root. I don’t think you can grow big buds unless you do that.
I think quality is the same between clay grown weed to potting soil. But I also think you get more weight growing in big ass pots.

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The big bags are not very deep maybe 1 1/2 feet but the lateral roots have plenty of room . Clones don’t have much of a tap root I start seeds in 1 gal pots and by the time I plant they have started to circle . I just turn upside down and shake out and leave the roots alone just place in a pre dug hole . When I turn the soil over to add amendments in the spring its a mass of fine roots edge to edge top to bottom . We have started a winter garden in all the empty big bags . I think spreading the tops makes every branch act like a single plant and increases yield . Perfect weather so far to finish hot days cool nights if the rains hold off I may have a fat harvest .


Trim hell for sure the rest of my grow looks like the locust have landed I’m pre trimming then when I water I clean them up some more .


I’ve been putting Dad to work stripping all my leaves a day or 2 before we pull them. It’s saving us a lot of time trimming


I like to trim and open them up to spread a little more each top to its own square a month or so before harvest makes for a solid fat top . And lets the understory popcorn put on a lot of weight I’m seeing a lot of growth in the buds top to bottom .


Mine are stinking something fierce now. Just did a trichome check. I probably have maybe a week to go on some and maybe 2 weeks on others. All that pruning I did this year, so far I’ve had no popcorn or larf. 'm guessing the giant Cheese will have a bit, but probably none on the other remaining 4. It’s gonna make trimming a lot easier too