My New Little Tent Grow

Wow - they are fattening up nicely! Looks like they are right on your originally outlined schedule :yum:

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Silver Mountain


Here is an overdue update.
I’ll probably harvest most within the next 2 weeks or so.
I already chopped the weird Cindy mix plant, buds small but fairly frosty.
So I have 5 girls remaining at 61 days from flip. It looks like I will be harvesting sometime next week, as all but one appears like they will be ripe enough at 72 to 78 days or so. One of the Silver Mountains may have to go 80 days plus, we will see.

Group shot, then Kali Bubba


Silver Mountain at 63 days.


And just a short while ago they were poking their heads out of the soil for the first time!


He was the green ray gun. Set to super grow. The zapper. Very nice. I have to say.


This little grow is almost finished. Only 2 plants remain in the tent, the others have all been harvested. The two in the tent are a Kali Bubba and a Silver Mountain at 76 days from flip.

I will be switching the tent to flowers and herbs and some veggies when the last 2 are harvested. After I germinate the non cannabis seeds, I may start an even smaller grow than the one I am finishing up, only 2 plants… probably try a fem Satori and Far Out while I am getting the flowers and veggies started. I’ll see how it goes.

Harvesting a Silver Mountain yesterday morning.

The two still alive today.


Nice frosty harvest. :smiley: :+1:


Great grow, and these most recent photos are truly beautiful!


Very nice and frosty. Good stuff


Thanks to all for checking out my humble grow and saying such nice things!

I am looking forward to samping the flowers from my completed little grow.
In a couple, three weeks I will do smoke reports on the 3 Silver Mountains and 2
Kali Bubbas.
Meanwhile, I have transitioned my tiny tent to starting veggies and flowers mostly.
I will be growing only 2 ganja plants this time. Mandala’s Far Out (fems) and Satori (fems).
I have never grown the feminized version of Satori. I have also never grown these 2 varieties exclusively indoors only, as I’m gonna do for this grow.

I started all of the seeds on Feb 22. Coleus, Tomatoes, Vinca, and Sunflowers (Dwarf) along with the ganja.
Today or tomorrow I will start some Zinnias, Marigolds, Nicotiana, Impatiens, New Guinea Impatiens and Jalapenos.

I am in my remote location through the upcoming summer.

I will try to get some photos up soon.

Again, thanks for stopping by, and for looking at my way of gardening.


Way to grow mate. Not been as active past few weeks and missed loads. Plants look(ed) mega. :+1:
Onto the next eh :v:

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Hey, thanks Pal, I want you to know it was you that got me thinking of the big benefit of fem seeds, so I subsequently bought the fem version of Satori, which I have dearly loved as reg seeds.


Man, they turned out beautiful!

Excited to follow along with the Mandala grow. That seed company has always interested me. Almost seems like they’re the antithesis of the hype breeders so prevalent today.


For me every plant has to count. Its illegal to cultivate or possess cannabis here. If I’m risking my freedom it has to count. I understand fems are frowned upon but the serve a huge purpose for people in my position. Least now you’ve went the feminised route you know every plant is good for meds. You’ll have to let us know if you notice much difference in growth, taste and effects :+1:


I have only ever been an outlaw as well… I only have grown in prohibition States, probably always will at this point.

Yea, that’s the key, I have a baseline with Satori, having grown it from reg seed many times, I know what I expect from the fem seeds, so we’ll see,

I have grown fems several times in the past, (I think ‘12 was the last crop… Wappa Paradise Seeds)
Anyway, I have no problem with fem seeds and I decided (thanks to you) to give ‘em a go, particularly because Satori was not available as fems until this year.


I’ve just been looking at the UK seedbanks for them. Lots of regs. No one seems to have a fem version. The regs are cheap enough to buy. £40 for 10. You’ve got me wanting to run them since you think so highly of them. Bonus is they yield huge supposedly. If I can find some fems I’ll snap some up. Cheers @Calyxander


Here are some pics from today.

The last pic is Far Out which has a Blueberry Dad


Looking good. Starting some new stuff.


Here is a Silver Mountain flower, only in the jar for a week or so…