My Seed Collection.... I have a problem

Mine complains about the same thing. She didn’t notice I snuck in a new storage jar :grinning:

I do repackage everything into small Apple bags, seal-a-meal in group packs with some dehydrated rice, and then group in an air tight blacked out mason jar. This helps to keep the fridge space take over as optimized as possible.


i bought a small soda fridge that i can set the temp at 55-60 works real good even ffor storing jars of cured stash almost like a humidor with belveda packs in the jars


Man, and I thought I had a problem cause I can’t fit a wafer thin mint into the gallon mason jar I use for storing seeds At least I am planning my next 3 runs pulled from that jar rather than waiting for something coming in the mail.
3 packs down, only 60 to go…


If I ran ten strains a year it would take me more then twenty years to get threw everything and I’m making new crosses every couple months…
I probably won’t be around in twenty years so might have to start gifting out some of the collection that is not part of my breeding/preservation goals.


Always seems like I’m getting close to saying ok that’s enough and then I find a new thread to unravel and a bunch of new seeds I want to add to the collection magically appear. Really enjoy seeing all the other posts on this topic and the passion of fellow seed collectors. Much love


It never stops!!! Even when you realize it is never all going to get grown

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That is sad on multiple levels…what a waste.

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I think it’s a hold over from prohibition and scarcity. A sense that you have to grab everything.
It’s one of the beautiful things that I find here. People including myself reach a point where sharing is the mentality that replaces hoarding. I really believe that is what is going to keep genetics diverse.
That feeling of hoarding has lost me a lot of clones in the past.


Considering that one person can produce enough seeds from a single plant to last every regular member on the forum for at least a few years, not sure there’s any alternative other than forcing people to stop making seeds or doing giveaways. :slight_smile:


I think the trading is a very important thing. If the genetics are spread out across 1000s of people it’s much more likely they won’t be lost.

I lost stuff because it was in only 1 place. Makes it vulnerable


I have more seed then I can ever grow, but to be fair, I make beans. I don’t feel like it’s a waste because I have 5 adult children, most of whom love the Herb, and they are making more little people who might like Herb down the road. I am building a seed library so my kids and their kids can have access to lots of different, interesting cannabis. Not to mention, I get great pleasure from spreading said seed around the world and seeing growers get good results.:v::canada:


Are you freezing cuttings? Tell me more


I sure can’t take credit!


just found a pack of Lost Skunk by Silas. anybody remember these?

Holy Mackerel that is a very impressive and long list! I don’t feel bad at all with my small collection anymore LOL Its funny how just about everybody in this thread has the same addiction, if you want to call it that. Even though we know we may never have the chance to grow them all, we still keep looking at seed lists and buying more, its crazy. Glad to know I’m not the only one! Next time I create something new I’ll post in this community for giveaways or trades. Should probably just give away since again, I’ll never be able to grow them all on my own :+1: :v:


Welcome to OG @GnomeChompsky


For sure a addiction :sweat_smile: welcome to og @GnomeChompsky


I think calling it a passion is a better way to put it, for most of us… I’ve seen a real addict at work. Unless your seed collection is slowly destroying all your personal relationships and you end up broke, alone and in prison every few years because of it, it’s not an addiction.


It’s definitely a thin line between passion and obsession for me. There’s a part of me that feels obligated to steward seeds in such a fashion, hoping to help preserve them for future gardeners in ways I wish were done before me. In ways that were done before me.

These plants which are so near and dear to our hearts, we are their feet! Borrowed that from Michael Pollen. There is something so intrinsically human about saving and sharing, trading, seeds. Much love


@Tardis808 Interested in any trades on subs gear?
Jesus OG
Grape Goo