My Seed Collection.... I have a problem

doesn’t Colins run “Get SeedsRightHere” ? help me understand Ethos some off-shout strains are sais "made by colins but nit in Ethos packing. Got a pack once that wasn’t what I ordered and they said it - (the pack )-was mislabled ??? some times you can’t beat their [prices BUT ??? ant info helpful. Lately having germination rates 0% tried 6 of their seeds (ethos) used to get 100% germination rate

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Killer collection. I’d post mine up but don’t feel the need to highlight my seed whorish past (present, and future). I don’t see a problem though. I showed my collection to one of my real life stoner buddies and he said “why so many”. He made me sad that day. :laughing: Self sufficiency man! I’m going to rely on someone else to provide me with the best ganja?! HELL NO!


Out of likes but hilarious :joy:

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You’re still relying on others for cannabis if you buy seeds…make seeds and you’re gold.


I know i was seed crazed for years. Been reformed for about 6 years and barely bought a single pack in that time just trades and pollen chucks.

This has happened to me many times. ill have some friends over theyll mention wanting to buy seeds online and try there hand at growing ill show them the stash in the fridge and theyll just be like

then i cry inside.


My only thought about this is confusion. However I can get together with some other growers and talk for hours about weed. My wife finds it incomprehensible :joy:. How could you talk about weed for hours!

@RandomCalyxDB0 I see you have a bunch of critical mass. Have you tried them?


I have only popped a couple Critical Mass seeds from Mr. Nice not the Dynasty F3’s. This was awhile ago and only for 1 run.
From what i can remember the Colas were just straight 2-Liter bottles across the board maybe bordering on those RC cola 3-liters LoL

But any specifics on smell/flavor/stone i cant remember. I wanna say it was very skunk with some sweetness in smell and shackles you to the couch.

I really wish i had made journals and taken notes over the years, i should start doing that now.
note to self — take notes.

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I only recently started taking notes or any kind of documentation.
In a previous live all of that was called exhibit A.

I’ve been thinking about the critical mass more as breeding for the addition of weight


Oh I make seeds man. Only thing more addicting than buying seeds is making ‘em.


ok ill join in my problem is i dont have enuf … this addiction is sure cheaper than some other things i could collect :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

next to PINK :yum: BLUE would be my fav color


That’s usually the problem “not enough “ :joy:

don’t have that addiction yet but playing around with it

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Holy shit please f2 those lol


His whole bodhi list honestly :joy::joy: @VAhomegrown


it’s bad. I’m getting help


running out of places to put seeds myself


I Strive to have that problem


Huh, convenient packaging. Nice

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It took a long time but a few months ago my wife finally complained about the amount of space seeds are taking up in the produce drawers of the fridge.


The only remedy for that is: get a bigger fridge! Haha