My Vida Loca Bwuahahaha

I was like “Cat tail? Is that you?” Lol


Happy Sunday ya’ll!!! God Bless everyone.

HRH Woo Woo in her sunny glory…:rofl::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Microgreens going nuts!!!


I’m really enjoying the slower pace of soil again :heart:


Oof tomorrow is fan cleaning day. Also have a 6" inline (ac infinity) that I need to put in the rotation to replace a cruddy 4" knock off brand. It’s been sitting on the shelf for months, time to break it out.

Transplanted some tomatoes (3gal), butter crunch lettuce(1gal) and broccoli(1gal). Waiting on a couple seed orders, looking forward to starting some potatoes and sweet potatoes. :yum: Picked up some garlic cloves at the grocery today to start growing some of that as well, because for some reason, Burpee’s (seed company, amazing btw) isn’t shipping those at this time. Lol. Whatev’s! Grocery store garlic grows just as well, and uhh, way cheaper.

Need to do some reading on thinning seedlings because honestly, this is the first time I’ve ever attempted vegetables. I’m tired of having to buy produce from the store, thats from God only knows where. I figure if I can grow weed, I can grow food.

Growing up, my dad was the gardener…These days he spends his time reading and enjoying the retired life. I really did get my love for growing plants from him. He never grew weed, but man could he grow a veggie garden.

Basically by the time I’m done with this current crop in the flower tent, when those are done, that tent will be all vegetables. For some reason, it seems like what I should be doing, not sure how to explain it - just a really important feeling.

Times are going to get harder, and not to sound like a fatalist, but I believe 2021 is going to be worse than 2020…it just fits the bill.

Worst case scenario, I learn how to grow this stuff now, rather than being tossed into the wilderness (quite literally potentially) with no knowledge of how these plants behave and mature.

I’ve always been into fishing and hunting, so I never had issues with those skills.

Speaking of which, lol, I need to go gun shopping soon :gun::gun::gun:.

Interested, is anyone else into bushcrafting?


If only we were closer :laughing:. For bush crafting, I only know a bit more than the average armchair survivalist :sweat_smile:. There’s lots of nice YouTube channels that show many useful skills, especially fire starting and food gathering/trapping. I just need to actually practice it at some point out in the woods.


Ditto. I spend hours learning, and hopefully it’ll stick when the rubber meets the road. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::rofl:


Heck yeah sister! All about Bush crafting. And I totally get that feeling of the need to grow veggies. Something about it just warms the soul


Always out on the land finding great things. Check out this patch of may apples we found.

The fruits from these are supposed to be box turtles favorite food. They only produce one per plant, so I hope they save me a few.

PS. Sending your seeds out today @nefrella :wink:

Things have been holding me back lately.


I’ve been mowing down on ramps all week. Wild leeks. There is a giant patch near my house so this time of year leeks on buttered bread is my meal a couple times a day.


Wonderful! Leeks are yummy. I love finding wild surprises. :green_heart::seedling:

Speaking of surprises, we also Found about 40 volunteer cannabis seedlings that we didn’t know about back on the land. Hope they’re good ones. :green_heart:


Happy Monday!!! Today is my “extra day off” due to less business at work kately, but hey, still got a job, and got to play in the garden!


Tonight was the first time I harvested food from my new garden! Just microgreens, but its the first step!

Everything seems to be growing really well, still need to plant the leaf lettuce and a few others.

Such an exciting thing to grow veggies!

Stay safe everyone

God bless :heart::us_outlying_islands::white_heart::us_outlying_islands::blue_heart:


Greetings! I was wondering how the blue sunshine turned out, havent seen too many final reports on it.


Howdy everyone. It’s been a rough few months, I’ve missed you all so much!

Just got my husband home today from a 4x bypass surgery - it’s been a trying time.

I’m having to file for emergency family leave, as there’s no one else to care for him.

Sadly, my grow has gone to poop, but, I still have my husband.

Hopefully I’ll get back to it, since I now have the next 8 weeks to be caregiver.

Can’t wait to catch up on everyone’s progress!!!

God bless you all :heart::heart::heart::heart: Glad to be alive.

Ps - the scars are WICKED…I’ll post pics lolol.

Hey, gotta laugh about something right?

I told him today when we left the hospital "Happy Birthday " because realistically, of by God’s grace is here here today.

I’ve missed you all SO MUCH!!!


Welcome back


Thanks, glad to be here :heart:


Holy guacamole!!! @nefrella is back. You had a lot of us worried for you. So great to have you back sorry to hear about your tough times. Hope things start to work out.


Can only get better right @Chronickyle ! :heart: so scary, hug your family tight :heart::heart:


HOLY SNOT… I’m so sorry to hear about your troubles & I’ll pray :pray::heart: for your family :family: if it might help.

I’m SOOOO EXCITED to see you here… I almost spit my drink across the floor. Damnm you was missed :pensive:


We were worried about you! Glad your husband is on the mend. That had to be some scary shit!! Been married 30 yrs., would be lost without my wife.