My Vida Loca Bwuahahaha

All time favorite American Dad clip…:rofl::joy::crazy_face::flushed:


Tomatoes and microgreens. Came home to the one lettuce container uprooted…can’t wait till these greens start growing and the cats will just eat those.


Day 6 on these Thor’s Hammers. I have to say the kratky system is super easy. I think my intention will be to use for the smaller seed plant runs etc. Just having too good of success with the full on hempy to be denied. Roots are coming in nicely though, can’t complain! Will be switching them back to 18/6 - tried 24 hours for a couple days and the energy costs are staggering. Ah well, I have more time - than money LOL. Good times!


Some coconut oil and honey. I got smart and figured why not use shatter - was way easier. Man, can’t wait till I’m using my own plants.


Also, some things to note about what I learned using the shatter. It’s so much stronger than flower that you have to account for it, or you’ll be sorry (I was, and this just renewed my respect for the “go slow” method). Unless you want to take a nap, this is the “night time” dose jar. Also, the “terps” (and I say that loosely because it was a commercially produced product) did not burn off as much as I’d liked, but I attribute that to leaving the caps on during the decarb process. The coconut oil I made some eggs with this morning, so the saturation (amount of oil) you can use helped to control that, used about a tsp, which is around 50 mg (and at 530 am isn’t narcotic, which is what I’m trying to avoid). So far so good on the coconut oil.

Additionally, I purchased the silicon sleeve for the Ardent (based on this adventure and how well/not well it went) for future use. If I get into concentrates again (which I will eventually purchase some again) it will be key for de-carbing the wax/shatter etc. Also, I plan to use the sleeve for the melting of the coconut oil as I need to dose it. Handy little thing.

And @LedZeppelin the roots are doing well on the little kratky kids - I need to change out all of their water solution tonight, we’re on day 9 so time to go to week 1. Will post some pictures as I get that completed!


Yes, It’s not narcotic, but I’m eating a 170 mg cookie I made at 915 am - so tweaking will be in order. I really think that baked goods seem to be the best/easiest method for delivery of medicine into your system.


Thor’s Hammer, day 11. Water changed out to week 2 for the fox farms 3 part nutes. Will keep it there for the next 3 weeks. There was only about 1.5" of the water that had been used in the original reservoir. They look OK, not blown away by the root development, but this is only day 11.


Looking good. Nice work!

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Looking good there sister…
Can’t wait to try my own DWC/RDWC…

I get away with substituting vinegar and baking soda for pH down and up, i wonder if it will work on water culture :thinking:


I bet it probably would. On a whim I took a ph of one of the discarded waters and it was well over 7, so the ph drift on the passive system is wicked high…


Ok, so my buddy had issues with curing his crop this past harvest and the last group I got (before this existing one) totally molded and he was able to “save” the rest of it. The bud is dried and it’s not rotted, but you can see the mold damage (darker buds) as well as some of the mold “webbing”. I’ve researched that you can still use this for tinctures, but I’m so on the fence that I think im jist going to make him tincture and send the rest of the bud back home with him. Is this even safe for consumption? (no smoking this stuff, legit for sure) but for edibles and tinctures? And this is no small amount, this is like a pound of flower here.


I haven’t actually done so yet, but as far as I know making tincture with moldy bud shouldn’t be a problem with alcohol extraction. Assuming it’s strong enough, anyway, the alcohol should kill the mold and filtering should get rid of any physical material left.


Yeah, that’s what I’ve come up with as well, it just really grosses me out lol. Thanks @Cormoran


As logical as I know it is, I don’t exactly like the idea of baking cookies with tincture made from moldy bud either. :stuck_out_tongue: We probably get worse every time we shop at the supermarket or go to a restaurant, though. Food safety regulations are truly terrifying, far more so than a little moldy bud. Now just to get myself to believe it…

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Hah, legit. I’ve got 95 proof alcohol so I know there won’t be any contamination, I’ll just have to comfort myself as I’m dosing with tincture :rofl::joy:


I assume you mean 190 proof? Otherwise I’m not sure that works for killing mold, but I’m not sure it works for making tincture either. :wink:

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190 proof, so it’ll kill the germs


Oh Yeah!! for sure!
…RSO might be another option to consider.



General consensus is to throw them out, but i had made edibles in the past with moldy bud (definitely throw out the rotten part at all cost, use what’s left) and I’m still standin strong :muscle:

Take my advice with a grain of salt though coz our immunity is built like a tank in this side of the world🙈…

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So, this batch of tincture came out way darker than I anticipated. I attribute this to the Ardent decarb machine and maybe the darkness of the moldy bud, they always come out darker :woman_shrugging: The Magic butter machine folks came up with a strainer that works like a French press- game changer - I won’t go back to a micron screen again. Just like a big Ole French press with a metal sieve (ttea strainer is exactly what this is with a specialized plunger). 4 oz in 1500 ml, planning to reduce at least by half.

In my distress of color, I opted for a singular sample for evaluation (hahaha, oh my first world problems). Much lighter. Still - that 190 proof alcohol takes your breath away.

Tomatoes got a haircut today, pollinated them the past couple days, so fingers crossed the fruits set, super excited for some fresh tomatoes.