My Vida Loca Bwuahahaha

So the Thor’s Hammer plants are looking really “weak” like. Limp, without vigor. Not sure what’s causing the issue, obviously not lack of water because they’re in the kratky setup. I’ll get some pics tonight, but what causes this? The only thing I can think of is lack of air movement, as I don’t have a fan in the tent moving the air, but that seems crazy as the intake I have turned up so there is air movement.


Maybe some silica?
Perhaps throw down a little diatomaceous earth and water in?



So there’s a couple that are droopy, and the others are all looking fantastic. I’m seeing pre-flower already, boys (which is normal that they’re the first anyway). These are only 17 days old, wow, fast. The 2 runts are for sure getting the axe.



Apparently they are taking turns at “who can be limp and wimpy”. I just don’t get it, I guess plants just do what they do and I’ll continue to be amazed and perplexed at the same time. Ah well, at least there’ll be some seeds from it. Of which, I’ll gladly part with at some point. I don’t think I’m going to grow any for smoke from these, as after some research discovered that it’s a heavy Sativa strain, and that’s just not my bag, baby. Ah well, someone will be happy I’m sure! I’m glad for the learning experience. One thing that I’ve come to love about this style is the “set it and forget it”, because that’s what this tent literally is. I look in on it a couple times a week, shake my head and move on with my day. Easiest thing ever. Is it the most efficient? IMO, no. The cost for the electricity vs. actual plant growth and or yield, I don’t think it can match the hempy, but I suppose that’s not why I did this experiment LOL. I’ll just move these containers to the living room for my lettuce. Win/win!
EDIT - I had originally posted this in my Fast buds thread, apparently I was still asleep. HAHA


Looking good @nefrella! Keep up the good work!


First tomato!!! And the cat grass was a hit.


Yay! I actually just started a new batch of cat grass a couple days ago. Gotta have it in the winter since they can’t get it outside usually. Too cold or no grass or both lol


Well - I guess I’m glad I never got around to killing those two plants that I wasn’t thrilled with - they’re the only 2 females. 5 males, 2 females. They’re all looking pretty decent though, I’ll be updating reservoirs tonight or tomorrow. Crazy.


Thor’s Hammer reservoirs changed to week 5 (even though today is just the start of week 4). FFOF 3 part nutes, added open sesame (also Fox Farms, bloom enhancement fertilizer) , 6.1 ph. So far it looks like they’re taking the nutrients well. These are day 23 from sprout.

Photos in successive order Left to Right the 2 females are on the far Left. That one boy is crazy tall compared to the rest. Just going g to leave all 5 males in with the 2 females, don’t see any reason not too, they’re all decent amd I’m just making seeds for future use anyway.

#1 female

#2 female



I made a tincture out of some shake from the dispo, worked really well. Was able to make with 250 ml with the super booze and didn’t have to reduce it. Net was 175 ml.

Standard green dragon freezer method, and boy, super green.

I am 100% perplexed as to why this batch (as compared to one I made in October) is super green/dark, and that other batch was almost a pristine light yellow clear. The only difference that I can see is the method of decarb. The really light tincture was oven method, these last two tinctures have been decarb machine.

Still learning how to fill the molds properly, Lotta dead soldiers I’ll be munching on haha. Also figured out - wrap them individually (you would’ve thought the last time I would’ve figured it out haha - no.)

These are around 12 mg each, so not an elephant tranq like my peanut butter cookies. :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::green_heart::dove::latin_cross:


And just like that, those candies got put into a bag and are off to the bro’s house…I can’t get over the taste, that whole oz tincture is trash (IMO) because I’ll never use it. The candy came out tasting like lemon Halls Cough drops. I thought the taste wouldn’t be as bad as last night, but nope, still bad.

Now I’m curious if the Ardent decarb machine cooks stuff too much, this makes zero sense unless the decarb burned the herb.

Bummed out. That one batch was great, this one was really yuck. Ah well, perhaps when my plant grows ill try again, done wasting $ on dispo stuff only to have to throw it out.

Kinda mad at myself. Ugh, or Arrrrrrrg rather. Hahahahaha.


Ok, so these regular auto males - 4/5 seem to be throwing female pistols - is this normal, or are these garbage? I’ve never grown auto-reg’s before, so not sure what to expect. I’d rather know to dump them now rather than later. If they are ok, how much longer to keep the males in the tent to ensure pollination?

Only one without lady parts



Oh damn. For me, that is garbage. Up to you. Could do something for science if you want as there’s a couple breeders(dj short and ethos) saying it increases females in the progeny and less or no herms. The majority opinion though, like mine, is that intersex is intersex and usually don’t want to proliferate that in the offspring if you can help it. Like breeds like and all. The one stable one you got looks good though! Nice density and fat brachts, plus some purple in there too. Got any frost on those balls?


No frost, but I did an open pollination and they’ll be going into the trash.

What a bummer. Ah well, can’t win em all.

Edit - at least this way I can dump em, clean the tent and move on.

The one good thing is the experience with the kratky method. I found out it’s not as efficient as hempy haha. So, at least that was established!


Well it at least looks like pollen hasn’t started dropping yet?


Hahaahaha, ohhhh it’s everywhere. The one male (intersection in the front) was fast and early. They’re all dropping at this point.


hahaha, i thought about that as they went into the trash can.

The roots were quite robust however. Sorry about that, I should’ve done it, but the phone was in the other room LOLOL.

I did leave the trash bag at the front door, so I’ll snap some this afternoon when i get home.


Sorry @nefrella ! I missed this thread! Congrats on post No. 420! :v::sunglasses::green_heart:




@LedZeppelin they were all around this average, about 6" length.