My Vida Loca Bwuahahaha

hi @nefrella ive been trying to find your thoughts/smoke report on terpenado (im currently growing some, always nice to compare) but i dont think its anywhere on this thread, at least i couldnt find it. what do you say?


I likely didnā€™t make one. I wasnā€™t as into the documenting stuff back then. I know it was good though, none was wasted hehe. @the_bot


So, ever in the search to remove the nasty flavor from eating cannabis, I tried washing my ABV. I took the plunge and have pretty much stopped smoking (combustion) and moved over to vaping (haha - Iā€™m learning to love orange different @Gpaw ). I picked up a Mighty+ , and I have to say, very VERY happy with it. Learned that the lower temp (baseline 180 deg. C) is the best for flavor, so now, best of both worlds - vape + ABV.

5 Day wash - ABV in cheesecloth, regular tap water, put into a jar with a lid. Only thing Iā€™d do different next time is I would refrigerate it. But, it was a neat thing to watch as it progressively got more clear as the days went on.

Squeeze and rinse

Into the oven at 170 degrees (Iā€™ve seen 150 online, but my oven only goes to 170).

Worked the materials (moved around, broke up larger chunks) in 15 minute increments.
This is a close up of the wet materials

Started with 35 g, ended with 23 g

The color is almost exactly what it was when it was first washed - I figured it would either leach out or get darker. Nope.

So hereā€™s what Iā€™m doing with it - each capsule holds around .33 grams (but realistically .3 because of spillage when you smash the two sides together).

I thought that ā€˜washingā€™ the materials would diminish their potency - lets just say - DONT take 3 grams (as pictured above) - itā€™s a detoxing experience :laughing:

13/10 so easy - sooooooooo easy. Will be doing this more frequently as I donā€™t have to bake anything to injest an edible. After the wash the taste/smell are so faint you can literally eat the ABV and taste almost nothing.

Tomatoes - theyā€™re growing above their lights now lol

What a wonderful life. God bless you all! :dove: :latin_cross:


if you refrigerate it you could risk breaking the trichomes off the bud. they would become more fragile/rigid because of the cold and break off (like when you use ice for bubble hash). so room temperature or luke warm would be best - is my thought.

nice! now that you are vaping if you ever come across an m dyanvap - its a nice addition. although the mighty seems more than plenty.

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Good point. The reason I thought to refrigerate is by day 5 there was slime starting. After the thorough rinse however, it was fine. Thanks @the_bot !


Oh - wow, now thatā€™s a neat little device! Thanks again!!!


Awesome! Iā€™ve been meaning to look that up as suggested by @the_bot . Looks awesome!

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OK, question for my extraction experts.

Decarb,water wash, capsule.

Start 28g dried flower, after decarb, wash & dry, 14.89g.

Since thc isnā€™t water soluble, and Iā€™ve seen the overall weight of materials reduce like this with abv, not super concerned for gram reduction persey, but how do you dose this?

Iā€™m assuming standard like you would for any edible that you would infuse into (minus ofc the infusion).

Meaning ~2500 MG thc (losses from og 2800mg at start) Ć· 15 (for math simplicity) = 167 mg/g?



Nice! Are they getting wet soon?


Theyā€™re in the water now !!:+1::green_heart:šŸŖ“


Well, I dropped 6. 4 germinated only 2 viable. There was issues with the seedlings that they just didnā€™t come up. So, we shall see. Plan to get them past the 1st week and throw them into the living room to veg out for a few weeks till they can be sexed and then either tossed and/or cloned. Really want to try this strain. If these two happen to be boys, I have 5 other seeds, but not super pumped about their performance thus far. Iā€™m not an expert grower, but these seeds are meh for performance so far. Hopefully Iā€™ll get a beautiful lady I can use as a mother. That would be epic!

These Imperial Majesty seeds, totally opposite. 5/6 germ (still holding out hope for #6). One straight up shot out of the rooter pod before taking off itā€™s helmet, had to push it back down. Itā€™s a derp derp - it was still on this morning and Iā€™ll likely have to remove this afternoon. Same gig for these ladies once the tent gets full, theyā€™ll hit the living room to veg till I can sex/clone them. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


The time has come my friends to let go of the genetics and seeds that I know Iā€™ll never get to growing.

I recently dropped a few seeds of the Bohdiā€™s, only to really truly realize my love of growing, is autoflowers - not photos.

My discovery, your gain!

I canā€™t keep these seeds just sitting in a box, they need to go to someone who will grow them. As much as I love the idea of keeping them, I never see myself following thru with any of it, I love the autos too much! Haha.

1st draw - 5 pack selection choice (1 winner)
2nd draw - 4 pack selection choice (1 winner)
Draws 3-9 - 3 pack selection choice (9 winners)

All total, 11 drawing winners. Drawing available for USA and Canada. Drawing to be held Friday, May 5th! First draw will submit their picks etc. as we go down thru the list. Will be RNG, using existing sign up participants. Sooooooo on May 5th, if your a winner, for expedience please be considering now what your picks would be, and alternatively if yours are taken by previous OGā€™er etc.

If youā€™re interested, sign up below.

Will keep the list open for a few weeks at least so everyone has a chance to sign up.

I look forward to seeing these ladies and gentlemen growing in the wild!

Good luck & happy growing.

God bless you all!

  1. Master of Muppets - 4
  2. Umeboshi - 11
  3. Cherry Lotus - 12
  4. Strawberry Goji - 6
  5. Snuggle Funk - 11
  6. Phone Home - 11
  7. Superstitious - 5
  8. Blue Sunshine - 11 (plus hundreds of seeds I made)
  9. Space Monkey - 11 (plus hundreds of seeds I made)
  10. Midnight Cowboy - 11
  11. Celestial Citron - 11
  12. Wookie Orgasim - 6
  13. Purple NL#2 - 22
  14. Imperial Majesty - 6
  15. More Cowbell - 7
  16. Mountain Temple - 11
  17. Rainbow Serpent - 11
  18. Banana Spliff - 8
  19. Uplift - 11
  20. Unicorn Milk - 11
  21. Purple Soul - 11
  22. Mango Lotus - 12
  23. Gorilla Ghani - 14
  24. Forrest Queen - 4
  25. Terpenado - 6
  26. Wookie 7 x Dreadbread - 12
  27. Lemon Wookie v2 - 12
  28. Womo - 12
  29. Time Bandit - 6
  30. Mango Hashplant - 6
  31. Babylon Buster - 12
  32. Lazy Lighting - 18
  33. Granola Funk Remix - 12
  34. Dream Axis - 12
  35. Soul Axis - 12
  36. Sky Lotus - 11

Add your name below:

  1. @MotaMan
  2. @LedZeppelin
  3. @Foreigner :canada:
  4. @ramblinrose
  5. @unomas :us:
  6. @greasy :us:
  7. @Joey420 :us:
  8. @zephyr :us:
  9. @Rhino_buddy :us:
  10. @VAhomegrown
  11. @Greenup :us:
  12. @moka :us:
  13. @CocoaCoir
  14. @Dirt_Wizard
  15. @CrunchBerries
  16. @Brodix
  17. @yardgrazer
  18. @schmarmpit
  19. @SEMOActivist :us:
  20. @BudWhisperer :us:
  21. @BeagleZ :us:
  22. @DesertHeartGardens :us:
  23. @Habitt
  24. @FriendsCallMeApples
  25. @Kami :us:
  26. @FattyRoots
  27. @tresbundles
  28. @middleman :us:
  29. @HeadyBearAdventures
  30. @Hapi
  31. @HappyTrees23s :us:
  32. @imstinky :us:
  33. @gonzo
  34. @MoBilly
  35. @icky_sticky_og_nicky
  36. @repins12 :us:
  37. @420PyRoS :canada:
  38. @catapult
  39. @Jim
  40. @GreenBhoy
  41. @TopShelfTrees1
  42. @Weednerd.Anthony
  43. @OrganicGorilla
  44. @MonsterDrank
  45. @Cormoran
  46. @Klyphman
  47. @Zett
  48. @herojuana.tom
  49. @GREANDAL :us:
  50. @HumblePie420 :us:
  51. @Oldjoints
  52. @BarefootAndBlazed :us:
  53. @CanuckistanPete
  54. @Oldguy :canada:
  55. @SHSC-1
  56. @THCeed
  57. @US3RNAM3
  58. @BIGJ
  59. @Maddawg :us:
  60. @AzSeaindooin420
  61. @Emeraldgreen

Youā€™re one of the most generous people around.

I love the autos too much! Haha

Why did you end up going with autoflowers for your grow? quicker harvests?
do autos give you any special medicinal qualities?

I remember you grew a lot of vegetables, did autos just have better compatibility to run more than one kind of crop under the same photoperiod?


Wow @nefrella ! Youā€™re too generous. Those are some goodies. :heart::heart::heart:


Aww, youā€™re too kind! @zephyr Iā€™m just being practical and I love OG so much. Canā€™t think of anyone Iā€™d rather share with.

As to why autos, when I first started growing, and thru the research, Mephisto always came out looking good. The simplicity of 18/6 with fire genetics, canā€™t lose. :green_heart:

Iā€™m learning to just grow the seeds I habe, enjoy the strains, and if I donā€™t get to make seeds, oh well - thereā€™ll be another favorite.


Thanks @nefrella this is the giveaway of the year! Youā€™re so generous to us


What an awesome giveaway, thanks @nefrella!!!


Thank you @nefrella for your kindness and a chance at some great genetics.


Awesome @nefrella , thank You for doing this!
If iā€™m so fortunate to win, they will be grown under the sun.
And will donate 1 of the packs to an OG seedrun, if the strain qualifies. Iā€™m looking at you Mountain Temple!