Mystery Dudes - Intersex expression

A bit frustrated.

I’ve got a pretty good grow going; Old Soul, Icy Grape, Durban Nights XX, Apple Fritter and Ruby Grand.

They’re in 6th week of 12/12. Running in Coco Loco under Mars Hydro FC-6500.

I’ve kept a pretty good eye on things and have surveyed regularly for nanners/balls.

Light discipline has been steady and generally it’s been stress free, but I’m seeing beans where there should be no beans .

Obviously I’ve got a “Lola” somewhere, but danged if I can find it.

Feeling like it’s probably Ruby Grand (Exotic Genetix - Nectarina x Red Runtz) It’s sitting next to the fan (running periodically at low revs) and seems to have the most evidence of seeding.

Inviting anyone who feels like sharing to tell their tales of hunting hard to find intersex-perpetrators and any thoughts about intersex expression under LEDs.


It can happen anywhere. I’d triple check the lowest nodes first. If they’re buried in the buds they’ll be very hard to find. If they’re coming out the tops it should be obvious.

I don’t have any LED specific input.

Best of luck.

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I’d check that one growing into the lights first. Sorry to hear about the unwanted seeds.

Lady boys are hard to tell these days. Check for ‘candy’ in the shorts aka buds. I missed a few in one of my tents and ended up with a shit ton of seeds too. Best of luck!


Yeah - That was one of the first suspects. That’s Apple Fritter. The stretch on her was insane. She’s actually trained down a bit. No nanners/balls though…

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Update here. It was indeed the “Ruby Grand.”

It progressed into full intersex expression after these posts.

The male flowers were buried in buds in multiple locations. The whole grow was contaminated. 🤷

“Icy Grape” and “Apple Fritter” had smaller amounts, but the “Durban-Knights” was right next to the culprit and a real-victim.

It seeded almost as much as the “Ruby Grand.”

“Old Soul” turned out quite nicely though with only a few seeds.