MysteryMoogs new grow thread

Hey buddy, things looking great!! Can’t wait to see the girls bloom in the octos!


This plant, the same one I have been growing since the late 90’s, (this is possibly the original ecsd, I STILL need to get cuttings out to a couple people) has thrown me yet another curve ball. This plant for some reason, went full on flowering…and now looks to be reverting back to vegging. The buds on the bottom are no joke…lol
This plant has convinced me 110% that the growing environment is the number one factor on ANY plant growing. There have been times that you would think it’s not even the same plant :rofl::joy: It has always hermied easy inside, but never outside. But of course, have never ever have it go balls deep into flowering outside, then revert. (Without me doing it of course). This might get interesting…

@Joker the mator pics are for you :+1:



@syn , since you asked for root pics, I got my wife to get her camera out. I will get them uploaded later…BUT, now I have had two very obvious issues I need to resolve. Like an idiot, was still in my old mindset…and well, guess what? I REALLY need to raise my ceiling this weekend, and what the hell was I thinking putting 8 of these things so close together!!:hushed:. Ah, I need to spread them out a bit, it was far more difficult to get those pics than I could have imagined. And keep in mind, I just had fingers reattached​:rofl::joy:

Second, to my surprise, I don’t have huge root balls. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: That does not concern me though, as the plants are just out of this world. So much larger than I anticipated…and been in the pots since what, April 2, and flipped to flower, just a few days ago. When did I do that?!? Damn…wasn’t that long ago I know that.


was any hitting the rez?

There are few that have none, the rest have something. From 2 to 3 roots, to the pics I’ll post.


are your octobags cupped or strapped?

this is strapped

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Strapped :+1:

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Hmm, thought that would cause extra roots to form at the bottom too by it being open.

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I would not think using unstrapped would effect roots by any measurable amount. But, what do I know? :joy::rofl:

I never used the strapped bags they are meant to keep the bag tighter but I don’t see an advantage

I did try washing the bags in the washer machine they came out great just soak in water for a day or so before then rinse before washing


@Syn sorry brother, I am side tracked so it will be late. I’m building an r/c airplane-FPV truck…lol

Old 24ft box truck.


niceeeeeeee hope we get a flying video


very white, looking good!

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And the one clone, that has been just sitting there, half dead, sad and lonely, has finally decided to grow…lol Too bad I have flipped to 12 hours already. We will see how big she gets.



Time to fill the res.


For those in the know, or follow me at all…

Here is my hand…they did a damn fine job. Middle finger got the worst, no bone or joints in it now…so it does not bend or move now. Others actually work just fine, pinky looks funky missing it’s tip…haha. Ring finger in the most painful, it’s kinda a z shape now…works and bends, but painful. Index finger hurts, but works just fine. The skin graphs are extremely sensitive to heat, wind, cold right now. Hopefully that eases up.


And I finally went back to work last Monday, thankfully. And of course, first thing I have to do is prove myself…and up in rooftop I went to unwire, unhook, and lower down a damn big ass AC unit from 40 feet up :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It sucks ass when. I remotely hit it on something, it swells and turns purple for a while :hushed: