Name that deficiency

Is it safe to spray on them during flower …

Lights off I suppose

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You may have salty flavoured buds frech|nullxnull, you’re right, better just water it, the recipe is the same: two tablespoons of Epsom salt per gallon of watericon_e_surprised|nullxnull

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If the soil nutrients is all that plant has had, I would start with low dose of N, K and med. dose of P. I would be giving it calmag and molasses. What do you have available?


Fox farm trio dirty dozen pack …

I moved my light up also just to be sure but I did hit one that was yellowing a week ago with some big bloom and grow big but has had no effect …

Just noticed yesterday the off green color she was showing and it’s rapidly on the decline

One bottle is called Bembe is suppose to be like molasses

No cal mag ither

She’s growing decent for the most part starting to frost up but today she way like praying hardcore almost all the way folded in type deal

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Common let’s hear it :crazy_face:

If you haven’t fed them anything, you answered your own question. A seedling mix is only good for a few weeks of veg. Feed them according to the chart on your nutrients. :wink:


Haha figures Solves it next water I’m going to use the nute chart a half strength seeing how the ppm is 1300 for that feeding and thinking its too much for auto

Another yellow one here but got hit with nutes seeing how it takes it

Also moved fce3000 up to 20 inches at 75%

Bag says use nutes a month after planting :roll_eyes:

Weird though last grow diff soil same thing happen to my autos two weeks into flower just started yellowing tried feeding them this that finished with yellow red leafs leaning me towards a little bit of light exhaustion as well

I like epsom salts, and add 1 tbl / gallon on most waterings. Do note, with salts, you want to occasionally rinse / water top down or you will accumulate salts at the surface. I find it helps to boost magnesium a bit for sure…

I do both foliar and watering, but once shes budding, no more foliar (really I’m just more concerned with adding moisture to the buds than the salts, you can always wash your buds).


Dude, do you hate @Rabeats2093 ?? the FoxFarm trio nute chart is HORRIBLE… Burn city! I use 1/4 strength… tried half and still burned stuff… full strength? I swear the chart is geared towards product sales, not plant growth…


All product charts are made for sales, not results. BioBizz even recommended to continue to give their fertiliser in a smaller dose when overfed. The plant would otherwise go straight into malnutrition :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’ve never had problems with photos and feeding them the solution just these dang autos

Some of the ppms they suggest is 1700 lmao probably higher

We foliar spray with a product called Overgrow up until a week before harvest.
Ever use?, I came to when I started working at farm thinking it was an overgrow product maybe, that’s when I found Site was back on.overspray

well… I can say maybe then, the autos prefer a lower feeding regimen? I have absolutely cut it to 1/4 strength across the board, photo or auto. mostly noticed it on autos for sure, and maybe some photos might be happier at 1/2 strength, but full strength was burn city for me. Maybe my soil mix has plenty of good compost and nutes then?

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I think OG needs a cut of the proceeds for them using such a great name LOL

Never used that… the NPK numbers look nice for a foliar though…

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For me it was weird to put something on buds, but my buddy swears by this stuff.
He also uses CEASE up until last week, shit is awesome.
I’ve smoked it all and I’m Okay for a blue dog.

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Wow, a whole tablespoon per gallon? that seems like a lot. I use 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of epsom per gallon of water for my plants in soil. I use it every watering in bloom.

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Yeah I’m in same boat with my soil right now haven’t feed it nutes raised lights so we will see in a couple of days if they improve

If not I will deff dose them with something I hate seeing a lady in distress!

For now !!!:sweat_smile:

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Yes, a full tablespoon. I also have a drip irrigator that gives a nice soak (fast drippers) so only 1 minute every other day. guessing the combo dilutes it possibly? I also don’t completely soak when I add nutes / epsom salt / worm juices / etc… Plants love water, but hate wet feet in my experience…

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Never used FF nutrients, I just assumed the feeding chart was accurate. :man_shrugging: