Need help with diagnosis of old Se asian sativs

Small seeds are an indicator of wild state genetics. I don’t know how long it takes for seeds to get bigger but when you start feeding plants they start making bigger seeds. Makes sense. Plants ALWAYS use extra energy for their seed. Bigger seed= more stored food, and a greater ability for the seed to lie dormant for a time, such as thru the dry season. These meangreen seeds aren’t so small As lolab valley, a wild kashmir landrace, but they are close. I’d say semi-domesticated, at best, and imo whether a plant is domesticated or not has little to do with potential potency, but much to do with how often potent plants are found in a line, if bred well.

I have over four hundred landraces and all of them have larger seeds. Seems like a pattern, yes?

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Yeah I know this. I knew right away the creeper phenotype was cambodian dominant. I’ve seen tons of pictures. Has that look and that cambodian blue green color too

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i want to see tonns of 70s cambod Strain pics, sho you have 100s wich book?

what i heard lately, the SE asian Geenpool and Indian Genepool has more Genes than other Landraces (african Columb) .
So, this could lead way to a theory of SE Asia/India Strains not beeing inbreeding bottlenecked super hard , and less than other Landraces…
And the genome is almost as big as from the absolute Origin in China Himalya highlands…

Thats actually to expect, given that these Countries were closer to Origin, right…
Any gene getting lost on the way is more possible the longer the Route… right.
And i heard in a Robert Clarke riddle that can happen, genes getting botlenecked when a smaller amount of seeds only gets transported and repopulated bigtime at another place…
They get bottlenecked

On the other hand, it doesent give us a concrete Value how much un-bottlenecked it is…

All i wanna say, that i can imagina a relatively bottleneck-free Strain collected in SE Asia, to only exist if crosspollination was rather likely… Rather than each Family growing their heirloom, always carefully killing any males, and at max keeping a small malebranch and carefully applying on Females for next years seeds…

and since we can imagine crosspollination, and since i heard of pretty unselected pigfood-weed (atleast i guess the didnt select, actually i cant proove it, but man if those pigs ate Tripweed…)
since that, i can imagine a pretty unselected genetic background in many regions… because again; because the analysis shows no bottleneck happend, the size of the Genetic code is almost unchanged big from SE asian/indian compared to Origin in China.

Aaah, now were kind again, aha

also the relatively small leaves, are associated with wild genetic… the Leaves are a better-semi wild argument imho. becuase if its drugstrain, people like to see a nice propper leave, just for sake of looking propper… (in theory)

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I think African, too, because they are often a mix of the genepools you mention, sometimes having as much variety. South, Eastern, and Western Africa for example.

I look at many of the same icmag threads/ IG pages as you. I just don’t post. A couple of the guys ( on OG now, too)post old stuff all the time too. @mexcurandero420 and you are both good resources. Preservation Exchange on IG is another good one.
Does this not look Cambodian?

I get around my friend. Not as much as you for se asian, but enough to know what I’m looking at, and when it comes to History and movements of people’s and their plants, not many go deeper than i do.
Shit. Wrong pic. That one looks more Thai/ Laotian to me. Here it is.
That color says it all, doesn’t it? Small plant, too. I haven’t even trained it. I’d say it’s a Cambo pheno. You disagree?
The one above has that Cambo redstem thing going on, but structure is Thai/ Loatian.


no, any other gene-codes are smaller, afri, sothamerica, smaller…

I think these East and West African genepools are largely unknown. East Africa in particular. Just loaded with cannabis farmers. Massive genepool imo. Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ethiopia…The Great rift Valley in general all have massive amounts of cannabis farming. Their genepools represent a largely extinct Arabian genepool too, imo. All up and down East Africa has old Arabian genetics mixed in with Indian, other Middle Eastern, Persian and some Southeast asian.
Angola has a super old cannabis genepool too, and old pollen samples predate almost anything else on earth. I think due to the Civil War there, it’s also largely unexplored. More is known about its offspring landraces, found in South America.
For sure, India has a massive genepool. Se Asia too, and I think to an extent the two have mixed, making both even more diverse. China/ Tibet needs to be thoroughly explored, as it’s likely to be a mother country of Se asian and Indian cannabis.


@romanoweed I’m not disagreeing with the current conclusion about where the most diverse gene pools are, It’s just that I don’t think africa has been explored enough for anyone to see all that it contains


i thin the gentic anaylis map sliste some parts of africa , i guess the took some samples, and they were fine with calling it a day, and it thats how they shown what shurely might be uncompleete… who knows. always have to stay open. nothing is really clear for me,

nut i would say, that unrelated from this i heard often from the widespread hemp-lifestock-feed in se asia… again, hence it matches with the theory. also india, has wild weed in mid india… matches…

from brazil per example i probably heard of similar things? but barely the same level of “widespread uncontrolled hemp-wild weed” … africa neither, less wild weed, ?

maximally in southafrica a bit wild poplations said love of landrace…

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I got some of the smallest seed I’ve ever seen this year of a Malawi, they are tiny!


@slain Really? Tiny Malawi seed? Still reddish brown in color? Kinda hard to tell in the pic. Maybe off some feral plants? Try to pop any yet?

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I know there are loosely tended cannabis patches all across the Congo, but not sure about anywhere else in west africa. . Probably Angola, because it’s been there so long, and for sure, it’s all over South Africa. I’ll find out about East Africa. I bet it grows wild there too. I think before careful selections take place, natives generally treat cannabis like any other herb. They know where it grows, and they go to the patches each year and gather what they need, and probably help it spread if needed, or keep the edges of a forest cleared. but other than that, it pretty much grows itself.

Yeah I know, smallest seeds I’ve ever seen , not much bigger that sesame seeds! I only got a male for them late in their season so they were almost spent, but they are are jet black and fully formed, the few I threw in water hatched ok, but I don’t know how they will grow, maybe they will just be a little slower to start?

They are also f3 of the ACE Malawi and the plant itself was a bit whack so I’m thinking it’s some segregation popping up.


I can think of a few small landrace seeds. Some types of Nepalese, Manipuri, and the smallest I’ve ever seen is Uttarakhand from Coco. I know there’s a lot more just can’t remember right now.


and yes, the first pic looks a bit cambodian-insh, with its ultrashort internodes and stemms , or how they are calley… you know what i mean.

Really?! Interesting. Not feral then, at least not likely. Maybe thousands of seeds were made?
@Chara Lolab Valley seeds are like poppy seeds, and Kalimpong seeds( East india) are reportedly very tiny. I think that one is a Nepalese transplant. Have you seen tiny Manipuri? The ones I have are one the small side, but not tiny. Lots of feral plants in Manipur/ Nagaland

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Yes my Manipuri from old RSC stock are very small. I was worried about germination at first but it doesn’t seem to be a problem. I almost need a microscope to see the Uttarakhand. But surprisingly they will germinate too.

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