Nefrella's 420 FastBuds Collective

Hopefully the feds have bigger fish to fry. But it’s a valid point.


Lol yeah I think they have bigger fish to fry. Some old lady in California really ain’t going to be on their bucket list for biggest catches :joy::rofl:


Got a fastbuds gg#4 about done flowering outside. It is about the size yours are now!:rofl: Look at the uniformity in the tent nice.


Some tough choices are made today regarding my current grow.

I’m in week 6 of seed plants, with pollination about 10 days ago.

Other tent is in week 6/7 the gorilla glue.

I’m having to take them both down and scrap the projects due to some great news!

I finally was offered a job back home in Montana and I’m so truly blessed that it’s going to be starting next month, so I’ll be leaving California for good.

I’m super bummed in one way, but on the other hand, they’re just plants.

I’ll always grow more!

I’m so excited for the new job, apartment and ESPECIALLY the fact that I’ll be literally only 2 hours away from my parents, instead of 1500 miles.

What a great day!! So blessed :heart::heart::heart::heart:


Congratulations on the new job!


Congratulations @nefrella ! Sounds like all good things. I do love Montana. What great nature they have there.

Don’t forget about us when you move. That happens sometimes. (Where’d you go @Chronickyle ?) 🤷
Only good vibes! :v:


I’d love to try a few fast flowers if anyone wants to trade something.


Thanks so much @Tejas I’m so excited!


I could never forget about you @Rhino_buddy !

In all honesty I’ve wanted to move home for many years I just haven’t had the right opportunity and the timing was never right but now everything has green light all over it and I’m just so grateful it is beyond my wildest expectations that I’m going to get to spend time with my parents again I’m so so glad for that.

Montana’s a legal state so don’t think I’m going anywhere anytime soon lol :heart::heart::heart:


I’m so happy for you. It is not common for all the stars to align so perfectly as they did to make this move possible for you. I see good things and happiness in your future. Sucks though the stars couldn’t have waited another 4 weeks. :wink: :rofl:


Haha, legit perfectly timed @LoveDaAutos always the next run!