Nefrella's 420 FastBuds Collective

Looks like it’s trucking right along!


That last pic kinda looks like Guy Fieri.
Maybe I’m weird.

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Looks like we are right on schedule for pollination! First sign of pollen release today (5/18) and the ladies are a 'waitin! :orange_heart::tangerine::orange_heart:

Plant in the bacK is a Mephisto Samsquanch/Forum (day 33, freebie) and the other (front R) is the OS/OS (day 34) plant.


Those are very pretty pollen sacs.


You know I don’t know if I’m just very fortunate, or if they all look like this @BigMike55 :joy::rofl::heart::green_heart::orange_heart:


That shemale looks pretty damn cool. Glad to hear your project is moving along as planned!


Have you had this happen before when reversing? Were you able to make viable S1 beans on that same plant because of that? I’m trying to reverse the TK and have some flowers coming in like this and just wondered… I’d imagine it would work fine but :thinking:


Yes @HolyAngel this happens everytime I flip a female plant. This is normal when selfing or flipping a female to a herm for seeds (I imagine as 100% change is not possible is why).

I’m just using this particular OS for a mostly full reversal. I sprayed it almost all with STS (tried to, and theres even a few vuds that will be S1 seeds - if i want to deal with that nightmare, we shall see).

In fact, the Sour crack (S1 seeds) I’m waiting on to finish started out just like that bud for some (the direct STS sprayed buds) and the ones that didn’t get a direct spray of STS had less sacks and more pistols.

Edit - CRUNCHY :rofl::joy::rofl::joy::skull::skull::skull: SOOOON, oh soooon baby girl :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::crazy_face::woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:


Awesome! That’s pretty interesting. I’ve been seeing the same thing here using STS. Some branches are all balls but a lot have some hairs on there. I was planning on hitting another TK to make the S1’s but glad to know I should be able to get some on the reversed plant too. I started spraying twice a week to hopefully increase pollen production on her but it’s also definitely causing some burn too.


When I used CS I killed more than I ever brought to completion. Too dicey for me. And1 at $26 a seed hahahahha, no.


Are you making SAMSQUANCH og x forum stomper s1 ? That’s awesome. SAMSQUANCH has been my favorite so far from mephisto but Ive just begun! Flowers look amazing did the sts add those purple strips by the pollen sacs?

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No, making that cross with the Orange Sherbet. Someday yes @420noob


Well, I think the pollen donor OS is about spent, so probably next week spray it down an into the livingroom cornfield it goes :herb::crazy_face:.

Interesting how the other OS seems to either be struggling with pollination, or the pistols look different on that one with pollination. I’m leaning towards a difficult pregnancy. The SamxForum girl, oh she’s beyond pollinated. We shall see…

This Orange Sherbet sure doesn’t look super pregnant, but the pistols have been a silvery looking odd since the pollination started. Only a few tell tale orange, but it seems a slow, very slow pollination process perhaps. I’m skeptical because look how pristine these pistols are?? Amazing, lol. Devastating, but who knows. Emotional damage. :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::crazy_face:

But good Ole SamxForum, wowza. At least I know there WAS pollination. :rofl::joy:


Squanch stomper really that sounds like a beautiful cross and the buds are showing it. Sam’s one of my favs for sure I e grown 5 and was happy with 5 also the one I e grown the most in my 10 auto flower grows lol. :+1::exploding_head:


That’s a good name @420noob :green_heart::+1::blush:


Ok - I feel better now. Many more have finally been pollinated. Was somewhat skeptical, but most plants don’t rando pistol shrivel up in week 8. So, yay!

OS seed plant


Looking good as always.

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Not much to say it’s gorilla glue! Beautiful plants they’re going well can’t wait till this is over lol!! :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::heart::heart::heart:

Week 3 and week 1 flower


@nefrella you disappear more then Harry Houdini back in his heyday. That’s a beautiful photo right there.


Haha, legit. I’ve been on the fence documenting anything, these are the first photos in the last month I’ve taken lol. I figure why am I doing the fed’s leg work for them :rofl::joy: