Nefrella's 420 FastBuds Collective

I’m making seeds bwuahahahaha and plan to share :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: @Chieftain


They are growing so lush. FB gear looking real cool. I’m exciting just watching this.


Thanks @MrToast I was wondering whether or not it was able to it pollinated itself. It dose make sense that you might want to use pollinat another plant. Another thing that took me a little bit to wrap my head around was that if you use the colloidal silver and herm out your plant to make seeds you don’t pass that herm trait to the the offspring. Unless it was already in the genetics of the plant. I used to think that after you pollinat your plant you use the silver to make feminized seeds. Is that right? Is anything I said wrong? I’m just trying to get a fuller under standarding.


Yes, you can certainly created S1’s by self pollenating Auto’s…I just find that you get fewer seeds on that one plant you are trying to self as many of the pistils will have dried and turned brown by the time the pollen is created…It’s all about timing…

As for the trait…it is not passed on when creating seeds when using “sprays” as the pollen sacks are created due to the impact of ethylene production…There is lots of info online on this.

Additionally, as mentioned by Reiko, Auto’s should have their canopy managed by Low stressed training…essentially moving branches to allow more sunlight in to lower leaves (pony-tailing works well)…Most Autos don’t respond well to topping…You wannthem tomgrownhard and fast while in the vegging phase or your harvest may be seriously impacted

Good luck…


yes the FB folks are putting out fire and as I have been trying since summer started to pick up some more Mephisto gear no luck yet any suggestions on a good seedbank in the US for FB anyway plants are looking great

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@cannabliss only place I’ve been able to source them has been through

So far so good :v::peace_symbol::call_me_hand:


Thank you I havent used them yet but I have heard good things I’m going to check it out for sure


More bending and tucking with fan leaves.

![20201213_150831|666x500, 50%]


Nice work :+1:



They really are looking good very healthy and happy

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watching your grows, especially the hempy action. you have me considering some buckets in the near future.

you also, have some excellent looking plants, appreciate all the sharing.


Awesome grow!

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How big is your tent? Is it the 2x2/1x2?

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Veg tent one size is 1x4 other size is 4x4

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Nicccce! So you have room to play! I smoked some of my fast buds zkittles with almost a year of curing last night… deadly smoke!

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Nice!!! I’m excited to grow them all out, lol…I have so many to try

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Seed makers, no balls yet…baby is growing fairly decent.

The other two glue autos that are running in the flower tent…


Looking great I just got my first fem pollen today I have I thought I failed with the CS again but it just took a looooong time I can’t wait to see what the STS does can’t wait to see more!


They’re looking good. If that CS works well I might grab some myself.

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I’m hoping it works. I’ve reversed plants previously, but never waited until it started showing pre-bloom before spraying. Hopefully it’ll be awesome!