Nefrella's Mephisto & Night 🦉

In my experience, the kratky is a great passive system. Knowing now what I know, will be great for lettuce and green veggies etc.

There just wasn’t the ability to push the nutrients like you can in an active system.

I tried the hydro, and for me in Nor-Cal, gets too hot in the summer, so I bagged that, and tried hempy.

You have a substantive growing medium, a blank canvas to feed or destroy on demand ( hahaha, You’ve SEEN the devastation in my thread, so you know what I mean).

Soil, in my experience is much more of a challenge, as I have little to no control of the soil, bacterias etc (quantitative control over micro-nutrients, right, speaking on a very molecular level) and I chose the hempy learning curve, in lieu of soil.

Hempy style, as much as it’s annoying for some folks works really well for us adhd, add, ocd type, as it’s a constant system. Hydro just didn’t do it for me (maybe now that my tents are indoor…haha, nope). And the explosive growth in a hempy (cannabis OR vegetables) I was sold.

So, @LedZeppelin that’s my journey from the past few years. Whenever I get a wild hair to change my methods now - I force a mental evaluation of "will it really be better in the end?

Many means to the same end - this lane has been very kind to me (hehe, pun intended). :heart::dove::latin_cross: