Nefrella's Mephisto & Night 🦉


Nice lil variety :metal: Love it! I definitely have to try that Ripley’s now! Any updates on the sour crack project @nefrella ?


I got some Ripley’s as well because of this thread and what @nefrella has said about it! Nice grow


@BuckeyeBeanz The Sour crack is just growing in the living room till its dead. With selfing, the longer you let them grow the better.

Super crunchy, probably let it go another few weeks, I can still see green :joy::rofl::crazy_face::skull:


Is this for autos to actually get the seeds to mature?


Exactly for that, seed maturity.

I check daily to see if there are any at the top to see if I have any seeds popping out (naturally will finish faster).

Nothing as of yet, but we are only at 64 days since “start” of pollination. I anticipate in the next week or so I’m going to start seeing the top cola seeds start emerging. Bottom of plant, couple more weeks, or until its super doa.


So is the plant material any good for hash or concentrate/tintures or is it just to far cooked?

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Have you pulled any seeds to check yet?


Plant matter will be thrown away, it’s been sprayed with sts, can’t use it I don’t think.


A couple a few weeks ago, they were starting to brown up. Going to check

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They’re an 80/20 perlite/vermiculite hempy


Oh, we most definitely have seeds. This is from a bud near the top, about the size of half a dime…we have a ton of seeds, best estimate minimum 3 weeks for top part of plant


Is that a “Happy Frog” joke? :nerd_face: :joy_cat: :diving_mask:


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Can you add me to the list nufrella. And if you want I can send you some fem auto seeds in a couple of months. I have
24 carat X 3bog X double grape
Forum stomper
Citrus stomper
Fog dog and
24 carat X mango smile just in the seeding stage

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Hahaha, nah it’s just one of my silly frogs @cannabissequoia

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Added you to the list @Billybob ! Thank you for your generous offer, I’ll definitely keep it in mind. Wow, thank you!


For a small bud it was packed with seeds.


Yes, jiffy pellets and I just put them direct into the medium @LedZeppelin

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In my experience, the kratky is a great passive system. Knowing now what I know, will be great for lettuce and green veggies etc.

There just wasn’t the ability to push the nutrients like you can in an active system.

I tried the hydro, and for me in Nor-Cal, gets too hot in the summer, so I bagged that, and tried hempy.

You have a substantive growing medium, a blank canvas to feed or destroy on demand ( hahaha, You’ve SEEN the devastation in my thread, so you know what I mean).

Soil, in my experience is much more of a challenge, as I have little to no control of the soil, bacterias etc (quantitative control over micro-nutrients, right, speaking on a very molecular level) and I chose the hempy learning curve, in lieu of soil.

Hempy style, as much as it’s annoying for some folks works really well for us adhd, add, ocd type, as it’s a constant system. Hydro just didn’t do it for me (maybe now that my tents are indoor…haha, nope). And the explosive growth in a hempy (cannabis OR vegetables) I was sold.

So, @LedZeppelin that’s my journey from the past few years. Whenever I get a wild hair to change my methods now - I force a mental evaluation of "will it really be better in the end?

Many means to the same end - this lane has been very kind to me (hehe, pun intended). :heart::dove::latin_cross: