Nefrella's Mephisto & Night 🦉

Also just like @Gaz29 said about the damp towels is a good one I’ve used before and have it in a bowl or small pan of water and put in front of the fan or just in the corner will definitely help but I agree as well that I have to battle low humidity and I know from my family in Pennsylvania that grow are always using dehumidifiers so I would gladly take the dryer air any day! But I’d try to see if what Gaz29’s input helps never thought about the soda can thanks for the tips and trick hope it helps u out @nefrella ! The Doc


Glad I planted 2 of the SMC. Not sure what happened here, but the dead looking runt is outta here. Day 14.


I am at a loss at this point except getting the temperature under control. I’ve got a 4" out and a 6" , I may have to get another 6" and rework it this weekend. Perhaps I’ll just run as is for a few days to evaluate first, just frustrated with the rh. The bucket of water with a fan blowing lightly across in that area, doesn’t seem to move the dial. It may just be that it is what it is and I’ll get 40% rh and adjust my expectations. It just seems so odd to not see something making a difference one way or another. It’s stagnating at/around that level.

So, the SMC pollen plant CS started tonight. That plant is 15 days old. Looks pretty good. Got three SMC germinating in the dvd :dvd: case because I’m sick of waiting to see if a seed is going to germinate. Guess I’ll be learning how to plant them carefully into the rooter pods :joy::rofl::grimacing:

It’s just frustrating to go from growing really great stuff to hitting a huge learning curve with these autos. Just odd. LOL, good thing I’ve got seeds to keep killing (not really so much, haha, it’s devastating, im crying inside :woozy_face:). Hehe

I’ll survive but any insight to my first world cry baby problems would be helpful.

I did have 1 win this week! I cut my little one gallon gorilla glue Fast Buds down and put in the drying hamper thing. So tiny, but frosty. Made me smile and all wasn’t lost.
I abused those plants and still she was a class act. :green_heart::christmas_tree:


I have been running around 42% throughout my whole grow and I don’t try to overwhelm myself with the numbers but I know that it’s hard when you are used to it being higher but I can only think of trying out a small humidifier and I have a small one by my phototron and here’s my (Double Grape x 3 Bears OG)x CDLC Day 43

the one thing that makes a difference for me is if possible bring the temperature down 2 to 4 degrees and that’ll bring your humidity up some but hopefully someone else can be more helpful but if you’re able to try to push through and I know that you’ll be just fine


Are you sure the unit is calibrated properly?


Good point @Tejas maybe try resetting it or remove the batteries but see what I mean lol I don’t think of the basics


I find the Inkbird ITH-10 are very accurate for temperature and humidity.


I was wondering that exactly, so I got another thermometer and they are close enough to be accurate.


If mine look half as good as yours, I’ll be thrilled with 42% :green_heart:


Leave both of those on for the night and see if you get some difference because it doesn’t seem like a lot but 42 and 45 are a little off and I just think it’s also from the plants not being as big yet but I’m just trying to think n am just starting to overthink so I don’t have any special tricks but I was getting frustrated with mine and then after the second to third week is when my Auto’s seem to take off so that’s what I’d see, won’t hurt but I’m going bonkers knowing that you are too! But I think it’ll be fine but don’t quote me LoL


Good morning @nefrella just checking in to see if you have gotten any updates on your humidity level and whether or not it went up some but also I wanted to say WOW… if you need anything don’t hesitate to reach out to the Community but I hope you have a wonderful day


@DrGonzo13 looked this morning and the rh was around 42% at 6 am. Both thermometers were close enough that it’s not the units that are faulty.

I’m not going to continue worrying about it for much longer, it is what it is. Wintertime in Northern California. Dry air. I’ll just adjust my expectations and keep going. It’s consumed waaaaaaay to much of my time these past few days, and I’m done LOL.

I did plant a couple tomato plants before work today HAHA

Wishing I was back in Hawaii


My grow space has a 42% humidity level and is 62°F. I close my tent and turn off the air exhaust so the humidity and temp rises. and let my sensor turn on the fan if humidity gets above 65. I have a buddy who does the same but his spot is hotter, he cut hole in a piece of 6" ducting that he places over his ballast so that he can remove the ballast heat without removing the moisture from his tent.


Things ive “re-learned” since I started growing again in the last 2 months:

*I love // hate rooter pods
*I find RH frustrating - I think with soil maybe it’ll be easier to control? We shall see…
*Soil - so much easier than hydro (for me that is)
*Pre-soaking soil - don’t do it. Compacts the dirt too much and makes it stay too wet, too long. Maybe for a plant going outside it would be a good plan.
*I will supplement my psychosis with tomato plants

So 3/3 SMC seeds were cracked, so into the dirt direct they went. The 3 bears og (top corner left) seems to be on track, in spite of my abuse :woman_facepalming::woozy_face::heart:

The other ladies (Soma’s Lavendar & MWH og 2020) needed new shoes soooooo bad, so they got new shoes. Hopefully they’ll bounce back from the abuse.

First RH above 45 in days…stay tuned.


Glad you got some rise in you’re rh and having that many pots in there will definitely bump it up for you great job and now back on track for the grow show! Great job @nefrella


And just like that - tents are getting shut down.

I have the few that are in the flower tent, and the tomatoes, they’ll be moving into the house under my little grow lights. They’ll have to finish out that way, they’re almost done anyway. I shouldn’t be shocked, except my jaw is on the floor. California - who can afford to live here? Not many for not much longer.

I’ll keep the tent I have packed at the moment, but I’m going to have to dial it way back and start to learn and grow outdoors in the spring this next year. I may even dismantle it and just bring it indoors - easier to control the temps that way, and I have a big ole empty space in my bedroom…well, glad we talked that thru. Will keep you posted. I hate moving tents, but the equipment needs reconfigured anyway. Perhaps I will get one of those switches that can monitor the humity and temp and turns stuff on and off? Is that what those Inkbird things do @Tejas ? Trying to maximize this, for too long I guess I’ve been very wasteful with energy (oops).

Truly, this is a blessing in disguise. I need to work on my actual growing skills rather than grow cruddy stuff at maximum volume.

Wow. Just wow.


I’m very sorry to see that bill and in Colorado they have been trying to target people who are growing without a commercial license or just not legal period by looking at electric bills and it’s the only way they can get a reason to come check out what’s causing the big upswing in electrical consumption and I just think it’s ridiculous though so hopefully it won’t be to bad but I like the way you are thinking because I have been fighting that urge to get a lot more room for more plants but I’ll take quality over quantity every time but that’s imo so I just wish I knew more about the automated controller and I know that from anywhere u can use Bluetooth to turn things on n off and know what the conditions are inside the tent so it’d be worth looking into but I’ll tell you that I only saw a few but they’re $$$$ but it might just be worth it so I hope you have a great day


Yep - 100%. Quality over quantity. I just have to adjust my expectations. And everything in California and Colorado is exhorbanent I think, but getting that way more every day every where.

I was just thinking, well I’ll move the tent into my bedroom, where I can maximize my helicopter parenting even more LOL. Not to mention the 60 sq. ft. I’ll get back in the garage where I can organize better.

As to the controller, I’m sure someone else will chime in. I’m fairly certain that’s how they work, but not 100% sure either, which is why OG is AWESOME! Someone always knows!


That’s what I was just about to say is that you’re in the right place to get input and feedback on just about anything gotta love the OG Community and I just got a 6 inches of snow last night and I wasn’t ready for that this morning and I love it when Pike’s Peak gets snowcapped it is just a beautiful site and I wish my stupid camera wasn’t messed up but it got 4 degrees colder than normal last night so that’s what a pro to having an ink bird it would’ve kicked my heater on so definitely gonna be keeping an eye on what you decide to do TTY soon and I still can’t get my jaw off the floor really sorry to see a bill that’s just not cool and it’s getting so expensive in the Colorado Springs area but what can you do but bust out the MacGyver skills LoL

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Ah yes, MacGyver - that’s a good show to hit the re-runs for the weekend! Snow, I miss snow somedays, not most days lol.