Nefrella's Mephisto & Night šŸ¦‰

Yup! Things come into focus when the electricity bill comes inā€¦ I had a few of them this summer like thatā€¦ 645$,784$,577$. Even though the bills are high it still only cost me $2000.00 to grow $3800 of cannabis that I would have to buy if I was not growing. You still come out ahead. Your not going to stop smoking which is the drive to grow to begin with.



Exactly - It just puts really into perspective how badly my grow has been going anyway. Never expect to grow it for free, but my word! LOL, Iā€™ll just have to get better at growing :slight_smile:


Note that Bluetooth is only good for a distance of about 30 feet or so. To really access and control remotely (from anywhere with an internet connection) I would recommend the WIFI version of the controller.


Thanks @MrWizard Iā€™ll have to look into it, appreciate the input!


Another note, If you still have a good distant between your wireless router in your house, like I am with my grow house (about 100ft then through brick) , your old wireless router might not be too weak to connect too. If you upgrade your router get something like a linksys mesh router where you can put signal boosting nodes. Like three of them come with the router. Works like a champ!


I am with you thoughā€¦ I am setting up a greenhouse over the winter to grow out doors (in octos) in during the summer. Iā€™ll do a inside grow spring and fall. I am trying myself to offset some of the cost during the hottest months and not chase the weather dragon during that time.

If I am going to grow outdoors I am not going to waste my time having water rain down on the plants and creating a number of issues. So the first year what I would spend on electricity will pay for the greenhouse.



So Iā€™ll need (2) units right, one for temp and one for humidity? do they have an integrated unit for that? I wonder if Iā€™ll need the temp one, the tent is always around 86 degrees anyway, so the fans are constantly on.

LOL, thanks for the link, guess I shouldā€™ve seen that first.


Has anyone used this for a soil amendment? Is it any good? I hear it also helps with PH lockoutā€¦


Iā€™ve used it a few times. Itā€™s a decent microbial product with humics and molasses. I prefer Fish Brew for my microbes better.


Is it something I should even worry about at this point? Iā€™m going to start using the FFOF nutes I have, but was curious @ReikoX

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I use TPS1 for octo grows and I used it with a outside ground grow this year. It has everything cannabis needs to grow from veg to bloom. It has microā€™s in itā€¦ I used no other fert other than what may have been in the ground and got 11oz off it and it was chopped early.

I like TPS1 because I donā€™t have to be a soil chemist and play the guessing game. I also like it because if you add up all the fert products and other snake oil stuff we try out while growing it is cheaper to get it all in one product.



They sell small sample packs. Pick some up and give them a try.


This is true! thanks


The ITH-10 is an accurate temp and humidity gauge. For controlling both, you will need something like this, Inkbird Temperature & Humidity 2-in-1 Controller w/ 2 Probes ITC-608T ā€“ INKBIRD.


And now - we learn all about living and amended soil. Soooo much learning all at once, autos and soil recycling. Glad I have those other ladies that are photos because I have a feeling with the learning Iā€™m doing right now they might turn out ok :crazy_face::joy::rofl::joy::rofl:

They all got a layer of the soil amendments and a good dose of water, regardless of need - Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll work it out. Hopefully. Lol.


8 days old, dome hats are off! The 2x2 tent is so much easier to control trol the RH lolā€¦and itā€™s also in the house which makes it soooo much easier in general.

Iā€™ve gutted all the photo periods (sooo guilty). I figure with the cost for ALL these autos dangit Iā€™m going to start growing them out.

We shall see! Wish me luck. So far, Iā€™ve managed to accomplish nothing, but I hope to change that :heart::woman_shrugging::rofl::joy::woozy_face:

Edit- and then, I realized that Iā€™ll be moving that tent into the living room where my herbs are at and making this even easier.


Your going to love the Skywalker cdlc its got some vigor


That looks amazing! Iā€™m going to grow those two out in a couple of McDonaldā€™s large soda cups :rofl: :joy:

Out of room for any more pots ā€¦ Or am I - I think when I relocate the tent Iā€™m going to take the side shelf out and just go a straight 4x3 footprint and add a couple more plants. Not sure yet, as I do like having that shelf for seedlings and germinating seeds, so it may just stay as is.

Learning to slowwwwwwww downnnnnnnn and focus on trying to grow these. I always forget itā€™s a hobby, not a job.