Nefrella's Mephisto & Night šŸ¦‰

My buddy, Yoda, was 21 pounds. And lived to the ripe old age of 23. I still miss him everyday and itā€™s been like 10 years.


Yeah, thatā€™s the only downside to their little furry lives. But, Iā€™ll always go down that road, as will you Iā€™m sure @BigMike55 , canā€™t help but love them :heart_eyes_cat:


I have another one. Her name is Dusty.
Meanest little shit in the Universe.
I can be sitting there patting her. Minding my own business. All of a sudden she will turn around, bite the hell out of me, enuff to draw blood, and take off running. She probably knows if I catch her im-a add some blue to that black ass.


I just donā€™t know whatā€™s up with these Ripley OGā€™s - best I can figure is the small container. Will have to check them tonight to see if I need to up their watering or something. Just a general blah feel, leaves are not smooth, but rather like a rough top surface? If that makes sense, and only on a couple, so odd.


Yeah, sounds very similar to my brown tabby, sheā€™s a little ā€œstirrer of the potā€ for sure. Really freaks me out when Iā€™m petting her as Iā€™m falling asleep then BAM bite bite, once, she got knocked off the bed, just from how bad she startled me. Lol, needleless to say, Iā€™ve learned the signs for ā€œimpending biteā€ and I stop. :laughing:


Are those autos?
If not, I would put them in bigger pots and let them spread their legs a bit. Put some mykos around the root zone. But thatā€™s just me.
I donā€™t do autos so I donā€™t know about those.


Theyā€™re autos and I think Iā€™m seriously underwatering them. And yes, Iā€™ll be adding some recharge to see what/if thatā€™ll help, but I think container size is really the hinderance. @BigMike55

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Is it too late for your autos to be repotted? Weā€™re these pots to be their final home?

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Those were the final home, and honestly for the fact theyā€™re only 26 days old I have no issue killing them lol. I have no desire to up-pot them, so they may just be another experiment showing me the results that I knew in the back of my mind (that those were simply too small) but I just had to try the milk cartons. Seems odd though, as I see some people that can grow a tree in a 6 oz solo, so Iā€™m truly at a loss. :laughing: :laughing:

But - Iā€™m still going to try the hempy style in the plastic containers that I previously had the kratky experiment in HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. TIL - that Iā€™m stubborn AND stubborn.


I didnā€™t think they looked so bad honestly. Like I said I runregs. Usually in the seedling stage, when my fan leaves go past the edge of the cup/carton, I start looking for something to up pot into. But that time the roots will have gotten big enuff to start circling the planter.


Maybe I pick my favorites and up- pot them. They will (if they survive) afterall have probabaly another 60 days in those shoes, ughā€¦

Or, do I cut my loss of $50 on the power bill and move on. man, these first world problems be killin me lol.


When I was doing Meph, etc autos my plants averaged around 24" tall, yielded an average of 75-90g, and were grown start to finish in 4x4x4" rockwool cubes.

So donā€™t give up based on the size of your containers, you just need to get your fertigation schedule worked out, which generally just means a lot more frequent watering/feedings as the root mass takes up most of your available medium space. Good luck!


Ok then, that gives me hope! Iā€™ll dial in the feeding and see whatā€™s up. Thanks @Tripl3fastaction


Heck no. Donā€™t trash your grow now. You already have time and money in it.
I really donā€™t think you problem is the size of the pot. I was just saying what I normally do and what my roots look like if I wait too long.
And really they donā€™t look bad to my eye. You should continue these. Adjust your nutrients a bit. Remember that if/when you make adjustments, you need to give your plants time to respond. Most changes you make wonā€™t show up on your plant for a couple days.


Tripl3fastaction & you are correct, I just confirmed theyā€™re only 2 days from last fed (big plants are every third day feed)and almost bone dry. Poor things, Iā€™ve been starving them to death, treating them like a big plant. :woman_facepalming:


Alright, cleaned up and fed. Which is ironic they were starving, in this house we all fluffy hahaahahaha. Poor Ripley baby :black_heart:



You can treat them like a big plant, just dont treat them like they are in a big pot !:grin:


Hahaaha, LEGIT @Tripl3fastaction :joy::rofl::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

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hey nefrella - I would have to agree and say the pot is pretty small, and the way the roots work on autos it is very likely that has affected them, with my autos I put them directly in to 18 litre pots from the start, that seems to give me the best results with them - no potting up or anything, just let them spread there roots and go.

Have to say, I do love the smoke from Ripleys OG - a real stonker it is :raised_hands:

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Yes, this is very accurate, that and I wasnā€™t watering/feeding enough. Thus was an experiment in seeing if I could use the smaller containers and what it would be like. Now, I just need to finish them out - around 7 more weeks :rofl::joy::crazy_face::roll_eyes::clown_face: thanks @Zaaboot

Iā€™ve learned that I wonā€™t use these small of containers again, I like the 3 day rotation for feeding waaaaaaay too much :joy::rofl::heart: