Nefrella's Mephisto & Night 🦉

Was moist enough after a few hours, helmet removed, keeping the high tech water bottle bottom on for a couple days. (<-- No you’re not crazy lady…just admit it…)

Thx again @ReikoX :v::call_me_hand:


:helicopter::helicopter: parent lolol


Grabbing a branch to get lit on in the back row for your grow show.

Looks good, little seedling looks so alone… I hope you talk to it and give it lots of encouragement.


Don’t know how I almost missed this. I have my bucket pulled up and will be following along :slight_smile:


Is there a story to go with the owl pic?


Didn’t she mean a mix of these? Bird and humans?

I’d go for the bird!


Of course there is my friend, our night owl is a screech, ever night around 11pm, she fly’s in front of the motion lights and gets the bugs fly around, then she swoops in and gobbles them up like a buffet. Her nest is being well guarded and I think she has or is going to have an egg, she sings softly on the branch outside her nest after a feast as I sit in the garden and hit the vapor while watching the stars.


That is very cool :sunglasses:


Autos grow to size according to how much space their root zone has, that’s why a lot of auto growers plant seeds directly into their final pots. The tap root shoots downward until it can’t go any further and then says, “That’s all the space that I have to grow”. So you want to make sure that taproot doesn’t hit the bottom of a Solo cup before you get it transplanted into its 7 gallon home. At least that’s how it was explained to me when I was complaining about my first auto yielding 7 grams😂 Since then the couple I’ve ran have gotten much larger in size


but do you extract part of the tap root before transplanting? Bonsai teachings show something like that… My auto is pretty small and it made me wonder how to do better in the future. Thanks.

Bwuahahaha- of course! While I’m out there, I smoke a j, and let them all know that ill be seeing them soon :crazy_face:


get your cats into the gig as well! They’ll be game to sniffing them… lol

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Oh the orange cat loves hanging out at the tents :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Right, I had always heard that too so I started mine in 7 gallon pots of organic soil, still only got just over an ounce. They just do not grow fast enough for me in soil to be even close to 2ft or larger. Not sure what’s wrong with my soil or my watering but the slowness is there across them all. I’d need coco or hydro to get a big auto. The DWC was my own mistake but still managed to get over an ounce so I don’t consider it a loss. My buddy does 7 gallon fabrics of coco and can get big autos that put out 4-6+oz no problem.

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I’m in! I had some 3 bears a while back but I lost them somehow :confused:

Still yet to grow an auto. I think I’ll grab one next time I purchase seeds and try it out.


I’m curious about dwc and autos. Ever since my hempy experience, I’m wondering how difficult it really would be to grow a big auto in dwc style.

Edit : i could always do a hempy, lord knows those things perform amazing, but want the wicked growth and less effort = dwc…


I’ve been pondering on the same thing but in smaller buckets.


if you have the means go for it, we’ll learn from you later, lol!


Fixed that for ya! :slight_smile:

I think you’d love growing in an Octopot. That’s what I use for all my autos. I start the seed in a Solo cup with the same soil mix, then transfer into the 6 gallon ‘column’ of soil that sits atop the Octopot’s reservoir before it becomes root bound (around two weeks). From there you just add water/nutes to the rez once a week or so. I average 4oz per Mephisto auto, with the smallest producing 3oz and largest over 5oz.


Do you use soil or soil-less? @BarefootAndBlazed