Nefrella's Mephisto & Night 🦉

Heya, how many strains did you reverse multiples or just the Meph Wedding?


@LoveDaAutos . So hopefully I’ll have some beans to send off to you soon! :grin::grin::grin:


I need to hire whoever you use to come up with some strain names for me. Mine are always blah blah x blah blah.

I love those crosses …Chemical Romance is priceless.


Oh those names are not mine those are Mephisto originals.

I just took what they had already crossed and I took the base plants and I’ve made my own cross for the illuminatos because I’m not paying $40 for five seeds there is just no way @LoveDaAutos


You do know that Mephisto is like Kentucky Fried Chicken right? I’m not sure they disclose the exact parentage, they have that secret recipe.


Oh for sure. I’m to the point now where I don’t even know if I’m going to separate the seeds when I grab them out of the plants.

I don’t do anything except make oil anymore so for me it is so insignificant what strain it is what flavor it is cuz it’s going into MCT oil :rofl::joy:

Obviously I’ll keep them separated for trading purposes but you get what I’m saying


Hey, any one of those crosses could turn out to be dynamite, @nefrella for sure you need to shuck them one at a time and keep the seeds separated. At least those first 5 on the list cause I’d like to try them.


Not sure about recently since the site is down currently, but they used to be extremely open about all of their process


Hello @nefrella nice to see your grows again! oh ya and you as

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Hehe, good morning @420noob :grin::heart::+1:

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Good morning @nefrella . Sweet update :+1:t3:
Everything looks amazing!


Clever use of coat hangers! To keep the tent from sucking in I imagine. My buddy just got his first tent. Vivosun I think, and it came with a set of high cfm bars. They’re angled and actually push the walls out like that. First successful run under his belt and jarred. 1 single mephisto double grape :grapes: keeps telling me how happy he is with the bud.


From seed Pollen donors day 71, seed moms day 52.

Confirmed pollination on the Mephisto Wedding, that lady is a fast one. Seed is size of about 1.5 pinheads, so we have a ways to go. Should have some S1 of the Mephisto Wedding too if it works out.


So @nefrella are you making seeds in plants being grown in solo cups?

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impressive how large they become those tiny cups! Looks decent to make seeds or just to have a taste of some strain. mmmmh’ mmhhh’ nods

Purty garden, Nef. Looks like you will be having nice dreams, shortly.