Nefrella's Mephisto & Night 🦉

@chronix there are SO many auto growers who say never transplant autos like they’re reading it out of the Bible. I personally have had great success both ways but being honest I have had a slightly higher number of underperforming plants from autos I up-potted. That’s not to say those plants weren’t already destined to be duds it might have just been coincidence.

If done at the right time and done gently most times autos don’t seem to miss a beat.


I think this is what I need to do. When I started autos I transplanted all of them then at some point this method started failing. Whatever I did to prevent this really threw me for a loop. It’s awesome you have it figured out @nefrella sucks when plants just makes you upset.

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My whole last run was autos, and for me the plants did not grow after the roots hit the walls in my solo cups. They all grew very small and stayed small even after up potting. Luckily I did 2 from the beginning in 3 gallon pots, and they grew to normal sizes. If I do another auto run in the future, I will starting all in the 3 gallon bags


I’m not sure if I’ve just been very fortunate or what because when I take these little guys out at day 15 growing in a soilless medium it’s just exposed roots you have to be very careful with them.

I have also gotten to the point where if by day 15 they’re not robust and healthy they go right in the trash. Auto flowers are very expensive compared to photos.

Intriguing lovely niche plants that I will throw now in my veg location in the living room because I’ve shut down all tents except for my one main flower and the veg lights in the living room just too costly at this point.

I truly understand what you’re getting at @Natea and it can be very frustrating.

I gave up on auto flowers for well almost 2 years before I even went back from the devastation and the learning curve that I experienced it was just so defeating.

It gets better but even then I still kill plants lol


I completely agree and that’s why it took me almost 2 years to even get back into growing fully after the autoflower devastation it was just very upsetting and defeating. But hopefully it will get better @420noob !

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I will definitely keep it in mind @SubzeroIceKold ! For now I am running clones and autos only I had my fill of pollen with my Soma run oh my goodness.

So. Much. Pollen. :rofl::joy::flushed::blush:


I’ll send you some auto clones! :wink:


Hehe, that my friend would be epic! If they didn’t have such a short lifespan it would probably work @LoveDaAutos

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I need to water and transplant, but still tired from the 6 hour marathon trimming last night and garage cleaning and tent setup this morning. (I have work in my condo unit that the landlord is going to have people in and out at some point so I’m grateful that I have my tent in the garage I can put all my veg plants into because I really don’t want them seeing what I have going on here lol)

4amxTD cross


Tooth decay x WW

Surprised that these came out at a little over an ounce each.

Those containers are yogurt containers, likely less than 2L. These were really easy ones to grow. Is that good? I really have no metric for what’s acceptable for a harvest from this size.


I’m not much on autos, but that bush looks tasty.


For 2L containers, they sure produced for you.


Glad to know that’s a decent yield thanks @Tejas anymore I have zero clue and just take the win as “yay! It survived!!” :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:


Not bad! Those plants look great in the pic.


Those are beautiful and fat budded plants. 28 grams in a 1/2 gal pot with an auto I’d have to say you killed it!


Good morning @nefrella and all the rest!


Good morning @MoBilly !! :heart::grin::+1: Hope you have a wonderful day & weekend!!

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Next project will be reversing a Mephisto Wedding.

Crossing with:
X Ripley OG - Ripley’s Wedding - ILL#74
X Fantasmo Express - Wedding Train - ILL#71
X Sour Crack - Wedding Chappelle - ILL#83
X Chemdogging - Chemical Romance - ILL#79
X Mephisto Wedding - Mephisto Wedding

These are all Mephisto known Illuminato crosses, I just refuse to pay $40/pack at this point. 10/10 germinated for seed makers, will use 5 of them, other 5 will be for regular plants.

MW pollen maker day 22 sts spray starts today for 7 days then every 5 days for the next 3 weeks or until pollen sacks appear.

The gorilla glue is doing good day 8, will transplant in a week.


The treasure appears to be well guarded


Well it’s been a little over a month since update.

We are now on day 55 for pollen producing plants and day 35 for the seed making plants.

The she-males are just starting to produce pollen I see a lot of self-pollination going on so I may keep them to the end as well just to get some S1 Mephisto Wedding, we’ll see!

Overall they’re looking great and I found my feeding schedule finally. 50% nutrients for the most part with The added flowering boosters as shown in my schedule. I’m confident that anybody can take this feeding schedule and do a hempy and reproduce it exactly like I have and have market success with the autoflowers and photos. I hand water everything and with every grow I remind myself why I stopped doing a certain thing (this one it is the quantity of plants lol).

The solos are a daily feeding adventure and I knew that going in flowering them into such small pots but they’re doing great.

Hopefully I will see a lot more pollen explosion in the coming weeks but if not I’m fairly confident that I will have a decent amount of seeds even if they just naturally pollinate themselves. The one was definitely more open to reversing (short one) versus the other. If you want a simple easy method just by the spray that I have shown in the picture from 20-20 Mendocino it works great.