Neo's Sad Grow Log

Thinning the herd a bit. Noticed 2 male pre flowers already starting to drop, whoops. Both 88g13hp. The runt is one of the wolfpacks. They seem to be loving the high humidity. Most of them recovered pretty fast.


Few pics of the grow. Noticed condensation on the leaves of some plants again wish I knew what was causing it. I have a suspicion that this is how I keep getting botrytis on my big buds later on down the road.
I have no intake fan and the exhaust fan by itself seems to be not enough. It can exhaust humidity alright (not what I want during veg) but the heat from my led lights even on minimum seem to heat the room up too much (to 90f) and during flower I can’t really keep up unless I leave the door open. Really need to figure out the airflow thing. Right now it’s between having a high enough RH or having it be too hot, it’s been difficult to keep them both in the range I want. Maybe I need fans mounted on the wall pointing at the lights to cool them down? During flower they get hot as fuck to the point I can’t even touch them.

And pics of the grow currently. They all seem to have recovered alright from being neglected. The tray with the least plants is the 88g13hp f2s. They showed male pre flowers very early so I ended up tossing a few of them already. Kinda wish all plants were like that, would save a bunch of effort in not having to feed males that I’m gonna eventually kill. Hoping for more pre flowers soon enough. Took forever last time in the solo cups and I’m already starting to run out of room.


Looking great neogitus! Just got caught up. Last harvest looked great, looking forward to see the 88g13hp in full flower, thinking I will be running that next :grin:


Hi plants look great as usual

I would add a intake fan fresh air helps as well as a clip on fan for circulation


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I agree deal with the humidity now before it’s too late

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Thanks @Sasquatch and @Papalag

I have like 8 of those honeywell room circulator fans but they were on the floor the whole grow last time. I’d like to put them on the wall somewhere but I want to drill as little holes as possible in that fibreglass/pvc paneling on the wall. Seems a bit excessive for something that weighs less than 1 kg :stuck_out_tongue: Especially if I have to move them somewhere else when I realize I didn’t place them right.

@ShiskaberrySavior I definitely need an intake fan. That will involve cutting a 4 or 6 inch hole somewhere in the wall. I’m guessing my intake should be on the opposite side of the room as the exhaust? Sucks because I actually want my humidity to be 70-75% in veg. If it wasn’t for the heat from the lights even on minimum I wouldn’t ever really have to open the door to get fresh air in. When I run the exhaust the humidity shoots down pretty quick but the heat not so much, guessing because I need more incoming fresh air and a passive intake isn’t enough. I want the opposite of that haha, keep the humidity exhaust some of the heat. Too poor to buy a fan atm and I still need a carbon filter too ffs growing is so expensive :stuck_out_tongue:

Should I somehow be pointing a few fans directly at the top of the 8 lights? They get really hot and heat up the room like crazy. Fans going all one direction? or all directions?

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The intake should be low to the ground and opposite the exhaust.[quote=“neogitus, post:187, topic:37669”]
Should I somehow be pointing a few fans directly at the top of the 8

I have a clip on fan in one tent pointing directly on my lights
In the main tent I have it mounted hi up as well

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I’d suggest if you can turn the lights down some should drop the heat issue down . Even if you for now cut the hole and let some fresh air in the plants will like it . This summers been a bitch for heat my veg room runs 84/86 f that’s with a 10 inch extraction and only fresh air after it cools in the evenings . No point in sucking hot fresh outside air into a already hot room.

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My lights are already turned as low as they go (50% I think) that’s why I’m confused. I have 8 solstrip racks and they’re warm to barely hot when on minimum and when I put them on max/overdrive they’re so hot if I touch the driver for too long I’d burn myself. I turned the voltage down on all them a bit last night but doesn’t seem to do much.

I’ll drill a hole in the wall asap, I’m glad I have ac running during the summer so the air in the 2 surrounding rooms is much colder than inside the grow. Honestly if I have the choice to buy either a carbon filter and an intake fan I’ll probably go with the intake. My neighbours can deal with some dank smell for a bit haha. Just sucks the humidity will likely drop below where I want it just to cool the heat the lights put out

Last grow I left the door open a bit the whole time to try and deal with the heat but it seems like the hole might have been to big to get any kind of respectable airflow going. I was gonna get the exact same can fan max pro 6 but I’m thinking about trying one of those ac infinity ones that I can set a humidity/temp for it to turn off if it’s not needed. I heard they can be loud though.


I have a similar issue ,I vent air from the house to the garage
It keeps it Warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer

My room in the garage with the light on in the summer can get hot


Been smoking the fuck outta my snow thrower and sanfune from last grow. This is my first run that I’m not somewhat disappointed about. It could def have been better but at least the flower compares to what I’ve been used to smoking/buying for years.

(pictured is a sour pheno of the snow thrower, reeks like a mofo)

Haven’t updated in awhile. Was having a few issues. First I bought 2 different kinds of emitters for the auto irrigation thing (my original setup can only do 5 gal pots, I’m in about 1.5gal now) and the first one no water came out and made the manifolds leak. I bought another bunch with a higher flow 6.6gph and water shot out of these but it still leaked out the manifold. My temporary fix for that has been to just cut off the emitters all together and use the bare tubing held in place with some stakes. It seems to be working now but I’d like to eventually get some proper emitters if I can even figure out what will work. With them cut off the pressure went from 50+psi pissing out water to 20psi just flowing out.

One of my led cords also melted and I don’t know why. I replaced it with some older lights and am going to get a few cords in a few weeks but right now money is tight so I’m gonna have to make do with an older set of lights with slightly less coverage.

Drilled a 6 inch hole through the wall on the other side of the grow from the exhaust for a passive intake and it seems to already be working well with cooling down the room better than last run. I plan to eventually get a fan to make it an active intake but already have tons of stuff on my to buy list. Still haven’t gotten that carbon filter I need.

I just flipped the plants like 2 days ago. They haven’t been in the best health because of the hand watering but I couldn’t wait any longer the blavender glue (tall ones) are getting huge compared to the rest and I don’t want it to grow into the ceiling :stuck_out_tongue: I still haven’t separated all the males so thankfully this jungle will thin a bit in the next week or so.


I do the same I have a 6 in in-line fan drawing air from the house to my all 3 tents it definitely works !!

Those buds look amazing bro


Hey bro :grinning:

Sorry to hear about some of the issues you’ve been having. Did you end up getting some emitters? Hope that when you get a new led cord it stays good for you. Nice that you got some good airflow and cooled things down, pretty crazy how something as simple as a hole in the wall can make such a difference.

You teased me enough with the Snow Thrower :joy:

Can’t let you have all the fun


Sending happy grow vibes for your sad grow log :grin:


Haha always something sad happening with my grow. Doesn’t help that I’m a stubborn mofo.

Nice finally got the snow throwers. I’m glad I have a second pack but I like it so much I honestly want another 1 or 2 extras just in case. I was gonna buy one more on seedheaven but they were out of stock. Haven’t used hemp depot yet but I will eventually. I just snagged a few packs of the lemon thai repro that got put up recently on seedheaven. It sold out super quick but just got restocked a few days ago. Couple things on sale too but I should relax on the seed buying (I like to tell myself that sometimes :stuck_out_tongue: ) I’ve been smoking the shit outta my snow thrower still if you like sour d you’ll like this stuff.

Still haven’t ordered the cords but I will eventually. Probably next grow.

I just spent a really long time defoliating and taking some of the lower branches off all of my plants. Took me a few hours last night and a few hours tonight and it really sucked but glad it’s over. Shit was getting way too packed and as far as I can see no more males. Took off like 20lbs of plant material in 3 super packed garbage bags. I cut way more of the bottom branches than I normally do because last grow it was kind of a waste of time in the end anyways. Going to try and get more light down where I can.

Got a trellis up for one side of my grow too. I had it tangled in plants at first so I had to take all the plants out and then install it and then put them back in. I snapped quite a few branches on the blavender glue (super tall ones) but I’m sure they’ll be alright in the end. I’ve done worse and been surprised so we’ll see I guess.

I got emitters twice. The first ones didn’t work so I got one with a higher flow rate that’s similar to the sprayers that came with my system and water came out but it still leaked from the manifolds like the first one. I cut off all the emitters and am holding the bare tube in place with stakes. It’s ghetto but it works and I don’t wanna go through the stress of buying more things for them to not work.

My god do they ever look ugly as fuck now. A week or 2 hopefully they’ll look better again.


i have to say i am ttly diggin on your sheet pan lights!!!
if i was a one of those pans id be pretty happy hangin out with your lovelies instead of being in the oven or chilling in the walk-in!


Hopefully they’ll produce some good sheet :stuck_out_tongue:


first blavender glue
second wolf pack
third g13hp
fourth deadband looking a little barren


1 deadband
2 wolfpack @minitiger was it you who was curious what these look like?
3 blavender glue
4 88g13hp


Lookin good bro :sunglasses:


They are all looking lovely :heart_eyes: