Neo's Sad Grow Log

Tahoe sour sounds killer! Last weed that made me giggle was some Tahoe og. Can’t wait to see these grow.


I have never seen cheetos anything. Strawberry chocolate sounds delicious.

:green_heart: :seedling:


@webeblzr I’ll def have to put that on my to grow list then sounds amazing. I like nasty/strong weed smells :nerd_face:

@Papalag Haha, yes you do. Can’t go wrong with any of it. My grows are pretty much 75-100% of Sangear. Although his stuff on seedheaven these days is popular af and some of it sells out insanely quickly. I haven’t really been disappointed in any of the strains I grew unless it was something that my growing did to fuck it up/ruin some of the potential.

@MidwestMover I haven’t had giggle weed in a long time. Probably my favourite kind of high along with just the general happy type. I tend to laugh in inappropriate situations. There’s been many times where I’ve been baked af leaving a friends house and am walking down the street trying not to laugh my ass off when a bunch of people are around so they don’t think I’m insane :laughing: Makes it that much harder to resist I always try and crack a stupid smile when no one is looking and then hold on for dear life when I’m near people lol.

@G-paS That’s the issue I have most of the time is which one to pick. They all sound dank and the majority of the crosses are right up my alley when it comes to the parents used. Not to mention super cheap and affordable for a home grower like me who doesn’t make money off their grows (or anything for that matter haha). It’s given me most of my growing experience being able to pop multiple packs and not destroy my wallet. I usually pop 4 packs per grow so I stay away from the 100+ packs of seeds generally as I find it crazy to basically spend 400+ USD on just seeds for one grow that I maybe (or very likely) will fuck up in some way :joy: Not that I don’t own some expensive packs or window shop for em / daydream about having an unlimited seed budget though :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Bunch of close ups. Hoping these will be done in 2-3 weeks from now. This Saturday will be week 7 ish since flip. I smoked a tester bottom nug from the berry nice fume from a week ago and it actually got me pretty high so I’m guessing (hoping?) the window is coming up soon. I feel like in my previous grows the weed wasn’t quite as a strong as it could be and I wonder if that could be from pulling too late or possibly early. Anyone feel free to weigh in what the trichs look like :stuck_out_tongue: I am pretty shit at gauging it seems haha. I’ll probably take more close ups in a week or so and take even more so I possibly end up with some that aren’t blurry. It’s hard to get a clear pic when the plants are moving, I can see shit from squinting and I’m using a cheapo 15x or 20x clip on lens and a cell phone for the camera. I have one of those usb microscopes but I honestly don’t really like it. The picture is grainy af and it’s basically impossible to get a clear pic at the really high magnifications. Get maybe one every 20 pics I try.


Week 7 from flip

I ended up diluting my reservoir like crazy for one res fill to hopefully get the runoff EC lower. It seemed to work. I used like 5% nutrient solution and 95% water for a few days. Got my runoff EC much lower and then dropped my feed EC down lower after I refilled it (1.25 strength down from 1.5) I’ll probably lower it to full strength after this res is done. It seems to have stopped the speed at which the plants had been crashing and burning so I have a bit more faith that they can go another couple weeks without shit hitting the fan. I am still paranoid about botrytis though especially with the berry nice plants who are just flopped everywhere on each other and really dense.

I cut a couple more scraggly bottom nugs. One from the lemon trip and another small piece from the berry nice fume. Hopefully I’ll be able to smoke some in a few days after a quick dry. I will have more than 2 joints this time too which kinda sucked.

lemon trip

chupacabra v2

berry nice fume


Still haven’t finished trimming. I swear I’ll eventually finish and finally post the pics but for now here’s some random hash making pics from yesterday after running a bunch of trim. I just mix the 160,120,90,73,45,25 together. I’m still learning and eventually Will separate the better quality but for now I don’t mind. Still haven’t figured out an ideal ice to water ratio or how much trim to put in 32 gal bucket.

I’m Gonna start taking off my fan leaves before hanging my plants at harvest for now on because a ton of that shit ended up in my trim so I’m sure I’ll get better yields with less material without em.

Still one more batch to do so for now the rest is in the freezer waiting. Once that one is done I’ll sieve it all and put it in freezer for a month or more until it’s dry. Was gonna do it today but after doing it all day yesterday feel like I Just kayaked 5km.

Only washed the material once 2x is too much effort for me. I mixed the fuck out of each batch for 30 mins or so with a whirlpool going the whole time pretty much.


Looks like a very nice haul. Well played.

For me the best solution has been to collect 159u-45u in one go. I find the 160 is a bit green and the 25 adds bulk.

If you do it this way your yield will suffer but your quality will improve. No right no wrong way to do it. It’s just how I do it.

That looks like a lot of ice. Not that that’s bad. I use much less and sort of do it by eye. I also use an IR temp gun to make sure I’m cold enough.

Cheers and all the best.


What temp range do you normally look for?

After filling the bucket I let it sit for like half an hour because I was paranoid of too much green. Luckily I got next to nothing. Last run I got way more I feel because I just started mixing away when it was still too dry. A lot of the ice melts into the water during that time makes it much easier to mix too than at first. I use around 5 bags of ice for 32 gal but don’t really count :stuck_out_tongue: That pic is when it’s not full with water yet/ hasn’t sat or melted for 30 mins. Quite a lot of it ends up melting. When I mix it it gets a whirlpool going my twig arms wouldn’t be able to do that with all that ice :crazy_face:

Right now I’m going somewhat for yield over having too high a quality :stuck_out_tongue: I want to make another block of hash that I can handle at room temp. It seems that my highest quality is the 90,70 and maybe 45 (and usually highest yielding) but I don’t really have anything proper to smoke some hash that will melt if I light it.

I’m also getting through trim from 3 maybe 4 grows ago so I’m just mixing it all in one go. I do plan on eventually separating the nicer stickier stuff but for now I’m looking for another qp (or more if I’m lucky) block of hash. I’m also cheap af and haven’t bought any more pressing screens :sweat_smile: I need to get on that. It’s also easier to sieve and dry it all on one tray in the freezer.

Man would a freeze dryer ever be nice. I’m also debating not trimming whats left in my room and running it for hash but I’ll probably at least trim some of it. Seems like a bit of a waste even though I do get hash in the end.


It sure is a lot of work. You went big with those brute trash cans. I assume your using the 20 gallon bags too? Yeah lot of work. Still easier than trimming. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


32 gal bags I think I might have gotten overkill but I’ll know for next time if I ever replace em to just mix in a 32 gal and pour through a 20 maybe :stuck_out_tongue: I got the rosin evolution bags from the states when they were on sale for 420 or boxing day or something to make up for the insane shipping costs from USA to Canada.

Don’t temp me I am super lazy and it would be nice to get rid of that room in like 1/4 the time :joy:

It took me 50+ hours to trim the 3.5 or so lbs I’ve done so far. I kinda wanna see how much I would get in total but at the same time trimming really sucks. And I’m not really slow at all I just try to not damage the buds if I can help it or mess up their shape. I only got 1g of kief from trimming all that from my trim tray haha.


I generally make hash from 2/3 of my harvest. Still haven’t trimmed the 1/3 I dried and jarred.


Yeah man I hear you.

I find 45 is the best compromise for my needs. I also don’t want it to be too sticky. My definition of hash is very narrow. I find the 73/90 to be very high quality but a bitch to work with. So I don’t :rofl:

Re: ice temp I figure as long as I’m below freezing it’s good. You do a much bigger run than me so it’s hard to compare apples to apples.

I soak my buds/trim for as much as 2 hours to make sure it’s all rehydrated. Bigger buds can take awhile to soak it all in. I’ll pull one out, rip it up, and still find dry in the middle.


Definitely some nice looking hash you made and a lot by the looks of the pictures.


Just as an example of texture/goo/workability here is my just made 45u. It’s been sitting a couple of days.

It’s a little sticky to the touch but I can rip off little pieces no problem.

It has also collapsed out of a sphere under its own weight which I take as a very good sign



Looks dank. Wish I didn’t have to wait so long for mine to dry 🥲


Thanks man.

(I was ripping off pieces during the whole drying process)

Hash waits for no man!


Gonna try and get through these plants one post at a time. I might edit more info in later. I Stressed the fuck out of my plants like usual so I had bananas on quite a few of em :stuck_out_tongue: Still consider this my best grow so far though. Shitty pics don’t do em justice.

Berry nice fume 1. Very berry, sour and slightly floral.


Bro the quality of the bud looks excellent

Great job


Berry nice fume 2

Berry candy slightly sour


BNF 3. Good mix of the other 2. berry candy, slightly sour, slightly floral and a bit of something tropical. Pineapple maybe.


Choc trip x lemon thai (lemon trip)

Not the biggest lookers but this strain gets me fucked up so far. Tangy lemon/ lime rubber.