Neo's Sad Grow Log

With small pots and lots of perlite , root space in pot is drastically reduced , lot easier to root bound as perlite takin up valuable root space in already small pot
If you nail your watering down ,perlite is not really needed especially if bottom feeding as plenty of air exchange in top
Half of pot
If feeding from the top tho and no perlite then you must bring your watering a game or risk drowning them


@minitiger @Terpsnpurps My buddy was calling it seaweed and then when he smoked it I had to give him some to take home :joy:


Yup looks only go so far hahaha… also I have to agree w @ifish he makes a great point


Which promix u using? Hp ?


HP yeah. I kinda wanna try the hp cc that a gardening center around here sells but it’s only during the outdoor garden season so might not be avail again for another year by the time I go to get some more. Usually buy the bales of HP. I would probably use slightly larger pots but I really like these non woven nursery pots because I can just toss them when I’m done. Saves tons of time not having to rip plants out of the reg fabric pots because they get super stuck and are hard to pull out. I haven’t been able to find a larger size. I do still want to keep it small though to get more drybacks but can’t track it atm.

Life will be a lot easier when I can track the drybacks. Might be another grow or 2 until I can though.

I think I had some issues with the lime raising the pH too much during the grow at some point too. My pH runoff was pretty high for awhile I had to make the input much lower than what I started at to stabilize it too. I started the input at around pH 5.9-6. The runoff got to be like 6.7 or so at it’s worst but after lowering the input to around 5.5 it eventually went back to somewhat normal.


I know that promix hp cc is totally crappy in comparison… it has coco coir chunk in it… totally ruins it’s porosity…among other things like calmag probs


I would not at all recommend promix hp cc… I literally just moved from that to straight hp… that hp cc choked my plants out like like ufc fighter :flushed: :triumph:


Possibly adding too much soil in the cups? Too tight?

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These are the pots I flower in currently. I can’t find any bigger ones but wouldn’t want to go too much bigger than this. I used to use 5 gal pots first chunk coir then back to pro mix HP. They took too long to dry out. Probably had more of a buffer for shit hitting the fan though. Sometimes I seem to make shit too difficult on myself :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I’m trying to to learn off of some people that are growing in small pots, measuring pwec and drybacks and just giving small shots of nutes multiple times per day. Have seem some pretty impressive results although all the people who are doing this have a teros 12 and I don’t yet.


Yeah I know nothing of the pwec really… I’ve been watching @eskobar and he knows his shit … he does all the pore water e c and all that… maybe bend his ear he may be able to help


That teros 12 looks awesome!!


“Y’all got any of that loose brown stuff that smells like piss? I’ll take it haha :+1:” yeah, me too.

But yeah, @neogitus, i would be proud to have grown these buds, and doubt I’ve harvested 5 lbs total, in my whole life haha :+1:

Edit: I changed one word, because it seemed pretty yucky in hindsight. Substance is the same though :+1:


amazing, bro … enjoy these nugs !!
they look really tasty and i like the descriptions you give from them.

hit me up, mang … i got even more beans for you.
the cheetos f2’s and crosses are ready :wink:


Thanks mawn. At this rate I’m gonna have seeds for my next 10 grows :rofl: Thanks for always being generous with your gear :man_dancing: :man_dancing:


Took a couple quick picks of the hash after taking it out of freezer and sieving it through an even finer screen to hopefully help it dry better. Took forever. Then back into the freezer. Gonna be a long wait. It smelled so good. Pretty much a mix of every pheno from my last few grows.

I’m also working on de stemming what’s left in my grow room atm. A lot of fan leaves coming down with it unfortunately but I have more than I thought I did so I’m gonna have some decently nice material to make even more hash at some point :stuck_out_tongue: Lots of buds with some bs leaf mixed in. I might try and separate what I can or I might just toss it all in. Will take some pics of that when I’m done. I’m trying to keep the more scraggly buds together in one bag and the bigger buds in another but not sure how that’s gonna go.

Would be nice to have a trim machine but they’re so damn expensive. I’d have an extra 1.5-2lb of bud to smoke :stuck_out_tongue:


They actually pay for themselves if you consider all the stuff that you don’t want to hand trim getting put in the hash/ edible pile . On top of trimming your whole room in hours instead of days or weeks .


I want one! Lol


Got my new trimmer tonight


Super jealous. How much that run you like 5-7k? :stuck_out_tongue:

I was looking at a few the other day but they’re all way outside my price range. Could pretty much set up another grow room for as much as some of them cost including LED lights.

Guess it’s scissor trimming for me for the foreseeable future haha. I still need so much shit for my grow that I can’t afford :stuck_out_tongue:

I want this:

and this :

and possibly eventually this :

I feel like trimmers are extremely overpriced like a lot of products marketed towards weed are. They assume that it will pay for itself in one harvest but I don’t live in the states or sell my weed so it’s a little different. Weed is cheap as fuck in Canada and is only getting cheaper. A trimmer worth 6-10lb of weed is a little steep even for me :stuck_out_tongue:

I do hate trimming like a mofo though. When I was allowing my stuff to get even drier I was able to use that canna brush thing and it saved a ton of time but I don’t really like my weed getting to the point where it’s super bone dry like that so who knows. I guess I’ll just have to “hire” a few friends next run and pay them in ounces/ make hash until I figure out a better way to trim a harvest.


Bowl trimmer have a much lower entry point. Might get a repetitive motion injury cranking the thing all day though.
Here a link if you don’t mind helping Jeff get his moon base set up.
Grain of salt though, as I’ve never used one. Might suck. :man_shrugging: