Neo's Sad Grow Log

1500.00 plus the trip to get it couple 3 hundred for fuel . I’m guessing it’s 10 grand or more new to replace it .


Do you lose a lot of trichrome using one? I would imagine the barrel would be really sticky when you get done.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Well you’re super lucky :stuck_out_tongue: I just checked kijiji no luck. I’d be willing to go to Toronto for that kinda deal.

If you weren’t like 30+ hours from me I’d be taking my harvests to you haha.

@potpotpot Yeah those bowls scare me. I’m still really picky about trimming I don’t see those cheaper ones doing a good job. Plus I had one of those mushroom cuts in the 90s as a kid so no bowls for me please :joy: Just sucks that everything marketed to the weed industry is insanely overpriced. Hell I could get a 60qt stand mixer for cheaper than some of these things cost :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: @G-paS I can imagine some of them being like that. Some of them I was looking at have some kind of non stick coating but I can still see it at least partially damaging the outside trichs. I use a pair of scissors with a coating on them and even those get gummed up after awhile.

I am pretty particular with trimming. Partly why it usually takes me so damn long (I stopped counting 50 hours after 3.5 or so lb) but I feel like it’s worth it with how many intact trichs I’m still left with. It is a horrible job for one person though. After trimming 4-4.5lb I was left with 0.8 grams of kief from my trim tray so I’m guessing I’m super gentle. One leaf at a time using just the tip of the scissors mostly. I like keeping the natural shape of the bud and not having stuff that is unnaturally round.


Yeah, I trim my weed with like, a hammer haha. I basically just pull the fans off and the non sugary part of the leaves get rudely chopped. So I’m the opposite end of the spectrum as to why I wouldn’t buy a bowl trimmer. And I’m never really trimming more than an ounce or two. The thought of carefully trimming lbs makes my hands hurt sympatheticly for you.


I don’t believe so I’ve done a lot with the t4 twister and haven’t really noticed much loss . A trick I’ve learnt is increase the angle of the trimmer to speed the time they spend tumbling through to the other end. Basically raise the entry end a couple inches forcing them to run through quicker.

Biggest thing is setting the blade angle correct so not to give them buzz cut appearance. Your shake /trim collection makes excellent hash / edible materials so your not really loosing much in the end anyways.


Beautiful bud pics… looks like many good times ahead!! Enjoy!


Shit load of hash pics. I ended up finally getting through the rest of my trim / buds from this grow/ previous grow.

I ended up trying a few things and now I’m pretty much settled on the last method since it came out with by far the best quality although the yield was pretty shit for most.

First run was by hand but vigorous. The second run was with a pain mixer and a drill. Way too much green shit from that one so I wont be doing that again. Third run I didn’t have a paddle so I used a thin plastic cutting board with a handle on it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: It worked surprisingly well. I alternated between twisting it both ways and kind of back and forth “rowing” motion. The yield didn’t seem like much (around 32g) but the quality is much better than any other run I’ve done so far. It’s melty. I also used all my scraggly buds and trim together from my last grow too. That could be partly it too. I washed everything once besides the last run I did 3x to try to get every last bit out.

I’ve been too impatient for the freezer dry so I’ve just been leaving it out for 5 days to week after sieving it.



Forgot a few melt shots of the final batch.


My eyes nearly popped out when I saw the big slab :star_struck: looks delicious :drooling_face:


Bro what size microns do you strain through

Do you use bubble bags ?

Wish I was your neighbor I’d be stopping over , that’s some nice hash


@Oldtimerunderground Got around a qp from that one :stuck_out_tongue: much less from the shitty green one though. The melty one is by far the best (also used material from my best grow so far) but the qp one is still nice (trim scraggly buds from older grows).

@Papalag If only all us growers were neighbours eh? Life would be a lot stonier. I do the 8 bag 32 gal set from rosin evolution Bubble Wash Bags - 32 Gallon - 8 Bag Kit | Rosin Evolution They have smaller and larger ones too.

I wash with just ice and weed/ trim and then pour it into another bin with the 220 on it. Then I pour all that through another bin with the 190,160,120,90,73,45 and 25. I throw out the 190 and 160 and then mix the other bags together. I def need to eventually streamline the process but I don’t really yield too much yet so still figuring things out.


Ok I have 220 160 ( I toss out) 120, 73, 25

Now you mix all together ?

Cool I’ve kept them separate but I prefer not

1 Like

If we toss out 160 can you eliminate all the other bags but 25 ?

Like just use 25 it’ll be the same ?

I’m sure you could use the 220, 160 (and toss) and then just the 25 to catch the rest if you’re mixing em up like I am. Although I have 1 more bag to filter out possible contaminants with the 190.


FWIW, I just do 220,160,45. Toss the 220, keep the 160 for food grade and press the rest. The 25 micron bag is too much work. :rofl:


great job, neo :+1: that hash looks sehr,sehr lecker…enjoy!


Been a pretty long hiatus lol. I’m finally going to be back up and running soon. Just put my next strains in paper towel last night. This grow is going to be:

amnesia haze x alchemy
mac x gdp
choc kush (tk x choc diesel x chewie) these 3 are from @santero of course.

the 4th one is magic caramels (bewitched bx3 #3 x caramel candy kush from @SportFarmer

I’ve had the choc kush ones alive and neglected since November of last year :stuck_out_tongue: I finally took some cuttings off the 3 giant plants I had and put them in some pro mix. No cloning solution or anything but they all took. Last time I tried to grow these they were too short to be in my flower room so I figure a head start on the other 3 kinds might be a good thing. I tossed out the massive neglected ones once I saw roots. They’re hanging out under a pos 30 ish watt blurple amazon led for now.

I finally ended up going to the store in Laval (plant prod) and getting a bunch of bulk nutrient salts (had planned on doing this for quite awhile, went this Monday). Was a decent 4 hour round trip. Got some poutine and ice cream on the way back haha. I got 4.4lb chelated micronutrient mix, 55lb purecal calcium nitrate, 55lb calcium chloride, 55lb haifa grow clean (in place of MKP), 55lb mag sulfate, 55lb potassium sulfate and 55lb calcium sulfate (gypsum) which I might try mixing a bit into the media itself. I’m going to use the rest of the Jack’s I have (1 full bag) for veg but for flower I’m gonna be mixing salts. Gonna end up being cheaper this way too which is nice.

One thing I am changing is that I’m going to be using 2 gallon grow bags this time. I like the non woven nursery bags but they’re a pain in the ass to find and don’t make any much bigger than a gallon.

Just finished cleaning my irrigation lines/ trays with diluted sulfuric acid (for biofilm) and then bleach solution. I still have to clean the walls and vacuum up some plant material but I’m making pretty good progress finally and am almost ready to go. By the time the plants pop they’ll have hopefully have a nice clean home to start their life.

and 2 random shitty pics lol. A pile of nutes and some clones. The ones in purple land are the choc kush. They are only under this light temporarily.

Hope to have some more pics as soon as these seeds pop and the babies are in their new home.


Great line up brother


you are the first to (openly) check on my own “chemnesia”-type :wink:
let’s hope the chem in there behaves well, haha. never grew any
of the lines with that dad yet. please keep an eye out, nebrogitus.


the chocolate kush x chewie i called “choco kushdawg” at the time, lol.
(yeah, i know = super-original :laughing:) in the end i called it “special sauce”.


Right on, brother! :raised_hands::sunglasses: The lineup sounds like good times ahead! Always feels good to be back in the garden after an extended break period. I’m so glad you’re diving in on the super vigorous Magic Caramels. It’s some ultra premium smoke and some phenos are just out of this world. You will not be disappointed, but get ready for some seriously beastly plants.

I wish you much the success, brother! I’ll be following along cheering you on from the sidelines! It’s gonna be a jungle in there! :grin::ok_hand: