Neo's Sad Grow Log

More random pics/update.

Was having some issues with plants not looking well the past while especially the clones (they still don’t look nice) I didn’t know what was going on although it looked like over watering. First I checked on a nutrient calculator the ppms of that I was using at the time which was 3g Jack’s and 2g calcium nitrate. The numbers seemed pretty low so I looked up the nutrients I’m trying to DIY and tried to get mine as close to possible as they were. I still have a 25lb bag of Jack’s that I want to up, at least for veg before I start using the other stuff I just got though so I could only get so close. Most numbers are similar except the mg is kind of high (why I stopped using mag sulfate with Jack’s since the new forumula has way more Mg). I was still having issues with the plants looking saggy with crinkled leaves and began to think more about the over watering. I took the absolute worst looking of the clones (so bad I might toss a few) and when I looked at the roots they appeared under developed, pretty brown and only took up the very bottom of the pot. That pretty much in my mind told me that I was over watering them and drowning them basically. I cut back hard on the feedings (from twice a day to like once every 2 days) and there seems to be some new rooting happening although they still look like shit I think they’re on the mend. I have 2 clones in coco and they look the least battered because they seem to hold on to less water. I need to stop being so aggressive with the moisture and let them dry out a bit before watering. Luckily the seedlings seem to have not taken quite a big hit and seem to be recovering/ look relatively healthy now. I haven’t fed em in I think 3 days now so it’s less hurt for them and less work for me for now which is a win win :stuck_out_tongue:

(the pic of plant with root system all the way up to top of the cup is one of the ones in coco)

(edit : the other 2 cup root pics are both in pro mix, one is showing the older growth and another is showing the newer white growth that happened after I backed off the moisture. This is the worst of all the rough looking clones)

Was finally able to fix one of my lights that crapped out on me which I was pretty happy about. Now I don’t have to worry about not having enough lighting for the full room anymore. And me accomplishing anything electronics related is a big deal because I’m so brain dead with it. Just have to literally dust it off and it’s good to go I think.

I got those 2 gal grow bags in the mail to try out for this grow (bigger containers than my last previous grows) but the plants aren’t ready for em quite yet.

And finally I ended up trying a few packs of these ocb ultimate papers from amazon and they might be a new favourite. They’re insanely thin and burn really well and you can taste the weed nicely too. I already have a 50 pack box of elements and a 50 pack box of ocb regulars but I might have to get a 50 pack of these now too and I’ll be good to roll joints for a century after that.


Another update. Plants seem to be growing pretty fast. I transplanted them all to the 2 gal grow bags yesterday and then fed them. Happy it only took 1 bale of pro mix to fill all of them. They probably won’t be thirsty for awhile now. I also labelled all the plants with the pink tags :stuck_out_tongue: Each strain is on it’s own table and all the lights are now on (at minimum still). I Also sprinkled a bit of silicon dioxide into the soil before feeding them. I might put in a bit of gypsum later but not sure yet.

I had a little trouble taking the mac daddies out of the cups and might have slightly ripped a few of them but hoping they keep on trucking. Don’t see any major issues yet so that’s a good thing. I kept 5 of the secret sauce clones for now. No pics of them they’re still ugly but seem to be improving :stuck_out_tongue: A few of them look like they might be stress auto flowering. I’m gonna keep them around for a bit to see what happens or if I can get a quick smell preview in before topping haha. They smelled pretty strong in veg so hoping that’s a good sign. With what the parents are I bet they’re gonna reek.

Pic 1 is all of them 2 days ago still in solo cups
pic 2 is the magic caramels
pic 3 is chemnesia
pic 4 is the mac daddy


They are really looking good Neo!!
One of the best things I’ve bought this past year was the Aqua trays, with the F&D fittings, They have made my grow life work FAR easier.
So many great uses for those well made trays!!
All the best to you Neo!!


Always did like your set up

All your plants look great :+1:


They do seem to be growing fast! Solid growth the past week.

I’m really glad to see you back from hiatus :joy: It really was a sad grow log while you were gone, but now it’s happy again! :grinning::rofl:

Sometimes you need a break to think over everything, and come back better than ever.


Thanks for the kind words everyone. Sometimes I go into silent mode it seems :stuck_out_tongue: Sometimes I don’t talk enough and other times I won’t shut up. Happens in phases haha

Pic 1 current environment
pic 2 mac x gdp
pic 3 is the secret sauce clones
pic 4 is the magic caramels
pic 5 is chemnesia
pic 6 is a good boy :rofl:



:green_heart: :seedling:


Garden Guard doggieo


Things still trucking along. Have some taco-ing and twisting of some top growth. I think I let them dry out too much and the salts might have gotten really concentrated or something. I fed them with a good runoff today I will monitor them next time. The runoff was 0.5 EC higher than the input but that could be because they had some buildup from drying out. If it continues to be high next feed I will back off the nutes a bit. They seemed to improve a bit the last time I fed them but it continued again after they dried out more. I also slightly raised the lights on some of the trays.

I also somewhat lollipopped them today so it’s easier to hand water. Most of them are getting pretty big but the mac daddy are short as fuck still. I’m guessing these take after the gdp side in that way.

mac daddy

secret sauce

magic caramels


group shot chemnesia and magic caramels

group shot secret sauce and mac daddy



Think I’m gonna have to start flowering asap even though the mac daddies are tiny and could use more veg time. The rest of em are pretty big. I’m hoping the mac daddies stretch but judging by how they’ve been growing I’m guessing they’re gonna be short stocky plants. I will probably just have to deal with a tray with really small plants :stuck_out_tongue:

The plants look like they have a weird yellow tinge but they actually don’t it’s just the light and the cell phone for some reason.

The chemnesia are the biggest so far with the magic caramels close second. Crazy how they caught up to and then passed the height of the clones who had a much earlier start. I have one massive chemnesia that’s bigger than all the rest. Hoping it’s a male otherwise I might be in trouble haha.

come play with me

mac daddy

secret sauce

magic caramels


group shot of chemnesia and magic caramels

group shot of mac daddy and secret sauce


False advertising, nothing sad at all in this grow log :wink:

Just some deeeecent plants & a rad dog!


f chemnesia and magic caramels. What’s the gene pool

Who’s genetics bro they got me interested

Looks great as always


The chemnesia is from @santero it’s amnesia haze x alchemy. The mac daddy (mac x grandaddy purp) and secret sauce (triangle kush/choc diesel x stardawg/sour d are also made by him. Hope I got that mostly right lol can’t remember if it was a mac v2 or something.

The magic caramels are from @SportFarmer they are b witched bx3 x caramel candy kush


ow yeah, the mac daddy will stay short i fear, haha :crazy_face:
the gdp took away the (medium) stretch from the mac.


mac daddy
= mac f2 pheno #6 x gdp f2 male

= amnesia haze, 1st cupwinner clone x alchemy male
alchemy → (chem4/chemdbx2) X (chem91/chemdbx2)

special sauce (aka. extra gravy)
= my chocolate kush (tk x choco d) X chewie male (stardawg/sour d)


Thanks I thought they were SAN’s


Haha whoops don’t know why I’ve been calling it secret sauce instead of special sauce :stuck_out_tongue:


Time for an update. I flipped the light schedule around 9 days ago. I continued with the veg nutes for that time and just switched to flowering stuff today. I am giving them:

2g/gal grow clean, 5g/gal purecal, 2.8g/gal epsom, 1g/gal potassium sulfate, 0.3g/gal calcium chloride and 0.2g/gal plant prod chelated micronutrients. Based off my crap calculations which could be off, I’m at:

This actually brings my pH down to lower than I want it (around 5.1) unlike mostly everything I’ve used up until this point so I had to use the last tiny bit of pH up I had left to bring it up higher. I’m going to buy some potassium hydroxide somewhere and make my own asap.

I took out a bunch of males during this time also so the remaining plants have much more room now which is nice. I also turned the lights up but not as high as they were (overdriven) last time. The heat seems much more manageable now and I’ll see how much light they’re getting at the canopy when they stop stretching. There might be a few more males to take out but they are mostly taken out now.

I also set up my auto irrigation system but of course one of the ports on one of my four 12 port manifolds is broken. I need to either somehow get a new one and set it up soon which isn’t likely or I’ll just have to hand water that one tray the whole time which I’ll likely do, even though it’s gonna be annoying. Sucks because I just ordered a bunch of parts so I could re connect 2 of the emitters which came off, one being part of the actual manifold being broken and one fitting back in fine.

Only big thing left to do is to put up the trellis but I’m going to see how everything stretches out before. A lot of these plants are shorter than I’d usually flip them so I hope they can at least pop above it (the mac daddies def won’t) but I could possibly set up a lower one for those if they even need one at all.

So far I’m really liking these 2 gal grow bags. I have noticed significantly less algae (pretty much non existent) on my trays and in my soil than my previous few grows with the non woven nursery bags. Probably a bit in part from me not aggressively feeding them but I think mostly because of the bags. They were super easy for me to take a knife and cut them open and toss my male roots into my backyard and throw the bags in the garbage since the roots don’t stick to them like they do fabric. I just chopped the males down chopped all the leaves off, threw them all in my backyard and put the stems in my garage to dry and hopefully I’ll be able to burn them sometime. I Still have tons saved up from previous grows though. One of the downsides of living in the burbs lol can’t have open fires.

trippy leaf formation I noticed today on one of the mac daddies

group shot


magic caramels

Secre…I mean special sauce :stuck_out_tongue:

mac daddy

mac doggy

special sauce cool looking leaves


Start a small compost tub and dispose of them that way .


oh hoo hoo, the leafs are a tk-trait that inherits from her *promising *
altho, if they lean to chem or diesel or the choco, that’s is also a win, lol.
that’s why i called it “special sauce”, i liked all her different expressions.
(like a great condiment that can be used for any dish, lol.)

weird looking leaf on the mac daddy ueh lol
keep an eye on those, bro. you are the second person i know that grow them.
semi-testing stage at this point, same as the chemnesia. those you are totally
poineering, haha. i am nervous about the al"chem"y-male i used. stay vigilant.


I like being a pioneer haha. I think I’ve grown tons of things from you with chem or diesel in them over the years so I’m used to keeping an eye out although a lot of hermies might be my shitty growing also :stuck_out_tongue: I’m excited to try all of them but the special sauce especially because of the parents used and also because I kept the plant alive basically for a year before actually flowering them out. These were seeds that were popped for my previous grow. They were too short at the time to flower so I just kept them barely alive in a tent for a long time and eventually took clones off the 3 females I got and hoped for the best. Since I started them earlier than my current seeds I popped they actually got to a decent size with the extra veg time which is nice.

Some of the chemnesia look like they might be beasts too. I have never smoked amnesia haze just amnesia so I don’t know what it’s like but as far as I know it used to be or still is very popular out in Netherlands so must be for good reason. The amnesia I grew (hypro freebies) years ago had a crazy smell like bubblegum, lemon, lime, hazey and some chemical acetone like smell as far as I remember. Was really dank lol.

Although the mac daddies are small af I have high hopes for them lol. Since they’re all tiny I’m hoping they inherit a lot from the gdp side. Even though a mix of both parents will prob be nice I’m really hoping for a few gdp leaners. I haven’t had any in a long time but I remember it having a really nice grape candy type smell and being a pretty good body high.

I think next grow I’m going to pop some of those cheese crosses next.

Do you mean the leaves or the stems or both? I keep the stems separate because after putting some stems outside and having them not break down in multiple years I just started stockpiling them since yard isn’t that big and I end up with tons of stems :stuck_out_tongue: I do have a small barrel rotating compost thing but I haven’t used it in years because I never seemed to have enough “brown material” vs kitchen scraps or green material so flies were a big issue for me. I might have to try it again sometime though. I’ve been trying to fix my backyard soil for years by tossing plant leaves on it and hoping they eventually break down ( I get multiple garbage bags a year of weed leaves). The soil is very clay heavy dense af and other than weeds, plants have a hard time growing on it. I am prob gonna throw a big ass bag of gypsum on it at some point too because it apparently helps break up super dense (possibly Mg heavy) soils. I live where the ancient Champlain sea used to be so there’s very heavy clay deposits in this whole area.

Holy fook @santero just smoked a nice J of the strawberry razz and got me talking like a mofo/writing a book here lmao very tasty too.

@Oldtimerunderground That reminds me I was supposed to send you a package awhile ago but never did :frowning: I was waiting for that house stuff to be figured out but then never did after. Can’t wait to see how yours turn out and really curious about those meridians and the buddha’s sister/ cocoa kush ones. I’ll be sure to walk down to smoke some with you. It will only take 152 hours :stuck_out_tongue: