Neo's Sad Grow Log

I just cut the stalks and stems into 1 inch pieces and throw into my dirt pile. They take a while to break down but I’m sure if you compost them they’d be gone quicker .


Some random unorganized pics. Almost at the exciting time. Not much for smells so far (barely any trichs to see) but the special sauce has a “background kushy smell” so far I know will develop into something much more pungent later. The chemnesia has some citrus smell so far but not much yet. Just some generic smells so far on the other 2. It’s too early still since they will all likely change/ add more smells but still trying to get any peek I can.


That canopy looks awesome :grinning:
I can see the difference from all the work you put in, plants look really great man.


Took a few pics of that mac daddy plant with the weird leaf from last time. Noticed it has buds starting to form out of some of the leaves. I’ve seen bud leaves online but never in any of my grows. That leaf growing out of a leaf I don’t think I’ve never seen before though pretty trippy :woozy_face:


The pup is watching your garden awe


Tried to take a bunch of pics at some different angles for once. Can barely see shit in there so lot of pics are blurry :stuck_out_tongue: Lights just reflect off phone screen. Gotta figure out a way to get rid of that white balance when I take pics they are not yellow looking like that.

Mac daddy

special sauce/ group shot

magic caramels



Take the pic when the lights off and use a flashlight.


Took some slightly better pics. A few with lights out and messed with the white balance on the cam that seemed to help. Next time I’ll probably put it slightly higher.


Looks much better got some pink happening on a few of those buds.


i bet thats the mac daddies showing colors (?), ha :slight_smile:


I hope/think so, that’s maybe a good sign I’ll get some gdp plants :stuck_out_tongue: The smell that’s developing so far kinda reminds me of fruit punch but better. Hard to put finger on.


Some more unorganized pics. Plants are at day 30 ish by now. I’ll try to take more and label them in a couple of days. Plants were looking pretty nice when I went in the room today with praying leaves. I snapped the cola of one of the chemnesia plants that was close to a light. I was too lazy to raise the light / didn’t wanna give the lowers even less light so snapped it to one side hoping that it would grow sideways. Might have fucked it up will have to see in the next few days I guess. Kinda wishing I would have just raised the light haha.

The super tall plant is one of the magic caramels guessing that one’s gonna go for quite awhile. At least one of the special sauce plants are starting to smell super rank lol I like it. Like kush + rubber on fire haha.


Nice healthy plants and your buds are starting to stack. Looking good from here.


Tried to take some better pics of all the kinds but it’s hard when I can’t see shit because the lights are reflecting off my phone and it’s all black.

Was in the grow room tonight taking fan leaves off the chemnesia and magic caramels trays. I was going to do the mac daddy and special sauce also but I got too annoyed with getting super sticky so I will do it in a day or 2 to save myself the annoyance. Got a full garbage bag just from the 2 trays. Those leaves that don’t just pop off and make a cheesestring type thing on the stem drive me a bit crazy lol. I try to use the scissors but it’s way too slow compared to my hands but damn do I ever get my hands and arms sticky.

Mac daddy

Special sauce

Magic caramels



Just put the 4 packs for the next grow in some paper towel. I might be too early but we’ll see lol. Hoping to save some downtime in between grows and have the new ones at least somewhat ready when the current ones come down.

Dead whabbits from @santero which is cheese/onycd v3 x cheese/ sour d ibl (hope I got that right haha)

f2s of dynasty’s caramel candy kush from @SportFarmer
Black triangle f2s from @Craigson15
Sawa from hyp3rids

Was liking the 3d printed packaging the black triangle came in and also the fancy hyp3rids package.


Some more aimless camera shots. Plants are all around day 40 ish by now. I spent a ton of hours plucking a bunch of fan leaves off of all the trays. First night I did the chemnesia and the magic caramels. The second night I did the mac daddy and special sauce. I had the dumb idea to take off the irrigation lines and move them out of the trays to make picking them off easier. It worked alright for the mac daddy but when I moved the special sauce they were insanely floppy stemmed and basically on the ground. I guess they were holding each other up from being over packed. I tried to put a lower trellis on but it was too low and I made shit worse and got really pissed and cut it down. I put them up the best i could tonight but it’s still a depressing sight. The buds were looking and smelling soo nice.

For fun I quick dried a small nug of both the chemnesia and the special sauce and surprisingly at less than 40 days when I cut them they both got me really high in the volcano. They both tasted great too. If I don’t mess shit up this is probably going to be my best run yet.

Mac daddy. Super fruity candy like sour fruit punch with some grape or something. Hard to put finger on but smells awesome.

Special sauce. Kushy/fuely/burnt rubber/lime

Magic caramels Grapey/cedar or something so far

chemnesia. sour lemon/bubblegum/woody/hazy. One pheno has a more lemon pinesol like smell

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Bunch of bud pics/dog hair. I noticed the plants seemed to be going downhill/ slowing down growth for a bit so decided to measure the runoff for the first time in over a month. Guess I need to do it much more often because the EC was 10 and the pH was like 2.4 :rofl: :rofl: I gave them half a res of very low ec solution like 0.2 or so and brought the runoff way back down. I’m honestly surprised they don’t look even worse considering the rough conditions they must have been in. I’m sure I’ve done some damage though. I’m gonna feed them with more runoff from now on and pay more attention/measure more. Next grow I’m honestly not going to take off fan leaves as aggressive as I have this time. I feel like it caused me issues including my floppy special sauce and stunted growth. I’ll still clean up the bottom branches and the odd fan leaves though.

All of the 40 or so seeds that I recently popped besides one are now above soil in a tent. One of the black triangles grew a tail and then just didn’t come above the soil. Might have had some kinda fungus on it.

Mac daddy

Loving the smells on these ones. Small compact plants. One of them is pretty scraggly looking (prob from the mac) but it’s still super frosty and smells nice. Who knows, maybe it will fill in a bit. I’m around day 42 since flip. Some are starting to colour up too. One of them really reminds me of the look of gdp which I was hoping for.

Special sauce

I think my rough handling might have screwed some of these up a bit. The first few pictured IMO are pretty rough looking. The resin has seemed to stop being super sticky lately too. Maybe they just stalled and will pick up again. They still reek but not as much as before.

Magic caramels

Liking the variation on these. The really tall one (over 6.5ft) is really starting to fill in now after a slow start. I bet it’s going to be a beast in the end. Hoping it doesn’t mold on me but it prob will knowing my luck / past grows. Some of em are starting to get some colour.


I have a feeling if I can hold on / not fuck these up that they’re going to be some real hitters in here. Really liking the look of the insanely frosty pheno. Can’t wait to try some. There’s one pheno way in the back that’s more indica looking and I bet it’s going to be first to finish but I can’t even reach it to get a loupe in there so it’s gonna be a pain in the ass to harvest :stuck_out_tongue:


Day 57 week 8 since flip. New plants coming along alright considering my laziness with them.

I found a big chemnesia bud with botrytis on it about 5 days ago but instead of stressing and just harvesting the whole room early I’m just gonna let them go this time. So far I haven’t noticed any more. I prob will find more but not gonna sacrifice quality this time. I think the plants are still hurting but compared to last grow they would have looked worse off by now so I see that as an improvement :stuck_out_tongue:

Veg plants for next grow

Mac daddy small but smells delicious

Special sauce @saxo I think I saw that one of your friends grew this awhile back. How did you like it? Any idea how long they decided to take them? Mine smell kushy/fuel/burnt rubber.

Magic caramels. These are pretty photogenic buds. One of my buddies actually just got a 500 piece puzzle made with one of my older pics I sent him for him and his girlfriend :stuck_out_tongue:

Chemnesia most are lemon/citrus heavy with background of woody/hazy bubblegum but the more indica looking one is pretty heavy on the bubblegum with little to no lemon/citrus. The really foxtail one is starting to smell like a mix of the former 2 plus a bit of kushy/chem smell. Hope I don’t lose any more. Lots of big dense nugs that I’d rather keep :stuck_out_tongue:


Some great looking buds there increase your air flow to slow the spread .


Thanks. Yeah I need some more fans I think. I had these on a price watch list on amazon and when I got the email saying that they went below my price watch I went to buy them and hour later (they were like 45 bucks instead of 90) the sale was already claimed and I was super disappointed. Planning on eventually getting 2 of these and putting at opposite ends of room and pointing at the ceiling to hopefully circulate the air decently. I think they’re over 1000cfm so they should be good.

I have like 7 of these in the grow room currently 2ea on the wall on opposite corners of the room and 3 on the floor. I think i could use a couple more on both the floor and the wall but prob will go for the bigger ones first. Hoping they go on sale around boxing day haha.