Neo's Sad Grow Log

I like this style they move a ton of air . image


Looks like some explosive bud growth the past 2 weeks! Hand Grenades!! :bomb: :star_struck:


Heya @neogitus ,they all look damn goood.
my buddy took his 3 SpecialSauce down at 9-9,5weeks,afaik.
the smell is quite similiar to yours…kushy,slightly sourish-lime and a bit spruce/forrest in the back,maybe fuely…no burned rubber so far. i realy like the taste and stone of it…great stuff!
enjoy these yummy lookin nuggs,bro


Losing the big sexy nugs to botrytis. Had to cut a few monsters off very disappointing. 2 of the chemnesia and 2 gdp have such dense big colas so I thought it was gonna happen at some point.

These are what I’ve cut off and tossed so far. Shame one of those gdp was starting to purple a lot more. They’ll all be around week 10 by this weekend so the time to chop is near I’m guessing

Then took a bunch of tester nugs to quick dry and try to smoke. I ordered a loupe last night then soon after rediscovered that my phone has a small macro lens and after using it a bit I cancelled the order for the loupe. i find zooming into the pic seeem to show the trichs better than with my main camera and a clip on phone 15x macro lens.

Trichs plus dog hair lol


Sorry to hear about the bud rot

Always happens with the best buds


Yeah it’s a shame. One day I’ll be able to keep one of my entire grows including all the big massive buds :stuck_out_tongue: Most grows I get it and lose all my massive nugs and when I notice it I stress and cut them early. This time I am letting them keep going because I want to take em at the proper time so they’re more potent. I’m keeping an eye out for more and removing and tossing the nugs.

I plan on getting more fans for better airlow, a dxb mini, a uvc sanitizer thing to put in the ducting. Money’s always tight so prob still be awhile yet so I’m guessing more moldy tops in my future :frowning: I really hope my 6 inch fan/exhaust isn’t too little air movement because I don’t think I could fit a 8 inch fan plus there’s already a hole drilled through my house to the outside for it so I hope I can keep it where it is for a long time lol.


Ever since I first got bud rot I inspect every thing when I see there getting fat

I even found bud rot in my last grow ( sans nyc sour)
One or two buds that where jarred and packed away

I freaked and went through all the jarred buds
I hope I didn’t smoke any but it happens

They look amazing bro you always do a great job
But shit happens lol

The strawberry razzmatazz I’m growing is beautiful and a beast she’s in week 4 maybe and buds have great structure ! She is sticky and stinky

? Do you remember how long she took to finish ?


I think 9-10 ish weeks. That sucks about the NYC sour. Prob bound to happen with nugs that massive though eh lol. I think that strain must have been some of the biggest buds I’ve ever grown.

I still have some of the strawberry razz it’s nice smoke and the smell is really good. It seems to have gotten slightly more complex over the months too. It hasn’t lost any smell really either. I gave some to my secret santa this year I wonder how they think it compares to the stuff that I bought :stuck_out_tongue: I wanna say it’s like creamy berry candy / tropical or something. I had one pheno that was even more berry but I smoked it/gave it away.

Some quick lazy pics:


Bro I hope mine turns out just like yours did beautiful work my friend


Thanks.Can’t wait to see how yours turn out. It’s got a real nice smell. I’m actually going to vac seal and throw some in the freezer. I’m probably chopping my current grow sometime today. Excited but also nervous about all the mold I’ll find when I start trimming in a week or 2 :stuck_out_tongue: Oh well though I think this one is the nicest grow yet so progress at least.

Finally ordered a driver for one of my broken lights also (was out of stock in Canada for like 5 months+) so Hopefully I’ll be able to get that light back up and running in the flower room and move the replacement back to veg duties. I’ll have an extra 4x4 of space to use so might be able to try revegging some of my fav phenos from this grow. Or a small flower tent :stuck_out_tongue: we’ll see.

Happy Holidays to everyone who comes in here. I’m still feasting on leftovers haha.

:santa: :santa: :santa: :santa: :santa: :santa: :santa: :santa: :santa: :santa: :santa: :santa: :santa:


Been stuck trimming for the past few weeks. Trying to take it easy compared to what I normally do trimming 12 hours a day. I have a humidifier now so any time I feel like the weed is drying out too much I set the humidity to around 65 and they seem to absorb a bit of moisture/don’t dry into dust and lose smell. Sometimes I’ll do 5 hours a day other times I’ll do 2 with the odd break not doing anything some days. It’s been a lot easier on the hands/neck/back sitting in a fucked up position for extended amounts of times and is much less stressful. Might have to build a dry room though since they were all hung throughout the basement/ grow room and made the room unavail for awhile.

I started my next grow early and had them vegging in a 4x8 tent but since the drying plants were hanging they were late going in the room and suffered the consequences for it. They got too packed and some of them got buried by others and are now way too small to be with the other ones (only 3 so not end of world) because they didn’t get enough light. I have those ones still chilling in the tent. Not sure what I’ll do with em.

I might try my hand at revegging some of my previous plants and taking clones if I can. Will see how I feel. All the newer plants are now in their final 2 gal containers and have much more space. I haven’t separated the males yet but I imagine it’s almost about time I’ll be seeing some pre flowers. I don’t imagine them having to go longer than 3 weeks to a month before I flip them already which is pretty exciting as usually by this time I haven’t even come close to starting. Should be more efficient this way. I fixed one of my broken lights and attached the new driver so everything is back to semi normal. All my rack style lights in the room and the baking sheet ones are in the veg room again. I got some cheapo led from a buddy so I have an extra 4x4 space worth of light that I’m not sure what I’ll do with yet but I’m sure I’ll figure something out.

Right now for veg I’m feeding them:
4g/gal calcium nitrate (yara)
4g/gal magnesium sulfate
1g/gal monopotassium phosphate (MKP)
2g/gal potassium sulfate
0.2g/gal chelated micronutrient mix (plant prod)

pH ends up around 5.9. Temp is at 75-78 and RH in the low to mid 70s atm.

A few pics of some buds that I was trimming for now. When I’m done trimming I’m going to go through each pheno 1 post at a time trying to describe them as best I can with tons of pics. I just want to finish this long process before I start doing it. And of course a random dog pic :stuck_out_tongue:

The plants pictured are 1 pheno of magic caramels and 2 phenos of the mac daddy. The plants I currently have in veg are


Caramel candy kush f2 from @SportFarmer

Black triangle f2 from @Craigson15

and last but not least dead whabbits from @santero (cuz what is a neogitus grow without at least some (or a bunch of sangear haha))


Alright gonna finally try to start posting my phenos from the recent grow. Pics don’t really do them justice though. After I trimmed them I kinda just stuffed them into bags. I think I made the outside trichs stick to the bag and the bud looks more dull than it was when I was trimming (pretty much everything was looking frosty af) Next grow I might use more bags less packed and also dry the bud slightly more.

Chemneisa pheno 1

Smells like some really sour lemon with some lime and a touch of woody/hazy bubblegum in the background but barely.


First pheno was posted on 420 good timing lol.

Chemnesia pheno 2. Hard to put a finger on this smell but I think it’s my fav out of all of them. It’s sweet/sour candy/gum +urinal cake ish/cheesy background. When it’s ground up it’s got that sweet candy/gum smell more


Chemnesia pheno 3
this one is mostly bubblegum smelling with some of that lifesavers ish candy smell that the one above had.


Love the descriptions, keep em comin! :grinning:
Some beautiful buddage bro :+1: looks like quality smoke :triumph:

:thinking: Made me think, not many women probably know what that smells like…unless they happen to work in that industry (cleaning/janitorial)
I wonder what kind of smells women know that the average dude likely doesn’t.


Chemnesia pheno 4
this one smells similar to pheno 1 with the lemon lime woody/haziness with a touch of gum. The sour citrus gets pretty strong when ground up (just like pheno 1). This one wasn’t crushed as much as number 1 so looks wise doesn’t look as beat up at least.

@Oldtimerunderground Thanks. Figured I’d finally stop being a lazy ass and get everything posted. I just flipped my light schedule to flower as of today not even a week after finishing trimming so I’m well ahead of last time :stuck_out_tongue: I’m a bit disappointed about making some of the nugs uglier than they were but I’ll be more careful next time.

Yeah the smell is hard to describe I don’t even know if I’m describing the weed properly it’s one of those complex smells that’s real hard to put a finger on lol. If I was rich I’d hire a perfumer to tell me exactly wtf I’m smelling. Would be cool if bigger companies did that instead of listing random terpenes and percentages that basically mean shit all to me :stuck_out_tongue: Not sure what smells women would be more familiar with, maybe some floral ones but that might be a bit too obvious haha.


Special sauce 1
kind of smells like stale sour grape candy and fuel. When ground up reeks like fuel. This kind of reminds me of the snow throwers I grew awhile back smell wise. I’m guessing some influence from the chewie. The weird thing is that as this stuff gets older it will lose most of the fuel and the smell changes to more cherry like from that weird/ hard to describe grape.


Special sauce 2

This one is my favourite smell wise from the special sauce. Rich smell, roasted coffee beans, rubber, fuel and sweet pine/woody/kushy in the background


Special sauce 3

Smell is kinda similar to number 1 with that stale grape and something citrus, plus fuel. This one has more citrus and a bit less “stale grape” Than the first one



Magic caramels 1
grape/berry/tootsie roll ish. Smell gets stronger/ a bit more sour when ground up.