Neo's Sad Grow Log

Awesome. Good luck. That’s a lot of pieces :stuck_out_tongue:


That is why I could only do 1000. I am down to 500 now :eye: :eyeglasses: :eye:

:green_heart: :seedling:


Some random grow pics plus a few dog pics thrown in for good measure :stuck_out_tongue:

Managed to somehow get a trellis on one side of the grow. Next few days I’ll get the other one up. Turned the lights up to max. Still using veg nutes for another week or 2 for stretch and then going to switch to flower.

Ended up being unlucky with the black triangle f2s. I think out of 8 seeds I got 1 female. Luckily the caramel candy kush f2s gave me around 6 and they outgrew the rest of the strains in the room so a few of them are now taking up the room that was left on the black triangle tray.


Blastoff :rocket:
Your dog looks at home in the snow


Some random pics of the chaos lol. Orange tinged as usual, not a fan of this cell phone auto function for grow room pics. Have 2 of my fans randomly sitting on top of 2 of my lights on the heat sinks. Once there’s no plants in there going to mount some of them to the ceiling to point down and hopefully get even more too for better airflow.

Plants are week 2 or so. As of today I just switched them to flowering nutes. I was messing around on hydrobuddy recently trying to figure out how to use it (I still can’t). I wrote in my PPM levels for everything and chose what salts I was using and it figured out another way for me to get to very similar levels using less of my most expensive input (growclean) and more of some of the cheaper ones so I’m going to try running it like that. The only difference is the S is slightly higher but I’ve never had issues from it being high. I also like that you can input the details of your water and it takes into account whatever might be dissolved in that too.

So last flowering run I was using:
1.67g/gal grow clean
3.84g/gal purecal
2.4g/gal mag sulfate
2.51g/gal potassium sulfate
0.3g/gal calcium chloride
0.2g/gal chelated micros (plant prod)

Which was:

Hydrobuddy gave me a different way to do it (which I just switched to) which was:

Growclean 0.733
Purecal 4.2
Mag sulfate 2.25
Potassium sulfate 3
(No calcium chloride was used for this one, I also lowered the micros down to 0.15 from 0.2)

Ca-209 (slightly higher because of 9.4ppm of Ca in my tap water that wasn’t accounted for above)
S-251 (S was used as the “degree of freedom” in the program so that’s what changed the most)

A little bit extra S I don’t think is gonna hurt anything and reducing my growclean usage by quite a bit is gonna save me a decent amount over time I think. The growclean is around 3x the cost of potassium sulfate.

I did a 3 point calibration on the pH meter for the first time in months and it was still on point and very accurate. I wouldn’t have even bothered calibrating it had I not already poured out the 3 pH buffer solutions. Definitely going to stick with Apera for pH meters and this one has been out performing my Bluelab combo meter that’s much more expensive (with the leap probe).



What’s the big tall one there all looking happy and healthy.


Pretty sure they’re the dead whabbits from San. I just went on seedheaven to post the link here and had a hard time resisting the new seeds put up by Khalifa really had to stop myself from spending hundreds of dollars but I think I made it lol. There’s a supposed 80s durban that is almost already sold out but I think I’m just gonna have to suck it up and not get it lol. I don’t think I’d ever have enough seeds even with 100k to spend :stuck_out_tongue:

I have 4 females of the dead whabbits, 2 are smaller and 2 are taller ones.


smaller ones are the cheetos-leaners,
taller ones = carcass skunk-leaners :wink:

funk intensity and impression should be equal on both


Awesome. Excited for when the smells start coming in :drooling_face: First cheese cross I’ve ever grown. I can see what you mean about them being easy growers. Although you never know with me there’s still plenty of time for me mess things up :stuck_out_tongue:

This is my first grow where I started the seeds while the previous run was still flowering. I definitely have to do this all the time now. More runs per year/ more variety is good with me lol. I’ll be starting my next grow in 3 or so weeks. Not sure of what yet though.

Btw this chemnesia is good shit lol. Me and a few friends have smoked some over the past while and it fucks everyone up pretty much. And I bet I still pulled it early at 10 weeks lol. Can imagine it’s capable of even more. I didn’t do it justice pics wise but def a worthwhile grow.


Plants are around week 3. Checked runoff recently and the pH is climbing too high like last grow so when I refilled my res I didn’t even bother putting the pH up solution and left my nutrient solution way low at 4.5 ish pH. I checked the runoff today and it still hasn’t dropped yet. Still getting 6.9 or so. Going to keep giving it the low pH solution until I see some change. I might also consider feeding them with more runoff or more often for a bit. My guess is it’s either from salt buildup or the plants are taking up certain anions more than cations. Hopefully will see some pH drop in the runoff in a few days. Plants are still looking decent so far though. Seem to have caught it much earlier than last grow where I didn’t notice until almost the end.

Only a couple more weeks until I pop 4 more packs for next grow. Exciting :stuck_out_tongue:

Group shot

Mostly caramel candy kush f2 and one black triangle f2


Dead whabbits. I actually had 5 females not 4. Wasn’t paying attention I guess

Random phone macro pics of everything (notice the colour isn’t as fucked on this setting compared to auto lol)


in case you kept a clone from the chemnesia, then
please share it to all your friends (here and offline).
i’d like as many as possible to be able to enjoy this.

i (also) gave @GCC.Bud some of the F1-seed, so he can
make F2 and share those out here and wherever he wants.


let’s hope many people can enjoy the real deal amnesia
(esko’s cut) combined with my own chem-seedline called
“alchemy” (b-cuz it is “all-chemmy” :grin:)


No luck on the reveg (I tried 3 plants), I’m still shit at that. Maybe I need to try taking a few clones of everything once I know they’re females though. There’s been a few things over the past year that I’d want to make a cross with or f2 so I can revisit them again sometime. I’m actually going to set up a 4x5 tent upstairs soon to possibly make crosses or make f2s of stuff. Or just to keep mothers, who knows.

Next time I think I’ll try putting the plants in 18/6 schedule instead of being a lazy ass and doing 24/0 because I don’t want to set a timer haha. Trust me though after I figure out how to reveg properly with better success there’s gonna be San cuts selected by me all over Canada :man_dancing: :cowboy_hat_face: :metal:


week 4.5 ish (saturday is week 5)

Alright so I did something dumb af that could have cost me my entire grow about a week or so ago. I was having issues with the pH of my runoff being higher than I want it to be (as high as 6.9) so I figured I’d have to feed them a lower pH than my input to try and get it back down a bit. The salts I’m using bring the pH of my nutrient solution down even lower than I can feed so I add some home made pH up (sodium hydroxide and water) to the res to bring it to 5.8-6 normally. In order to hopefully save time and counteract the runoff being too high quicker I figure I wouldn’t even bother with adding the pH up for awhile. I didn’t add it for about a week and just fed them as is and one night I noticed some bananas on one of the sawa plants. Then a second one so just as I was thinking of seeing if there were issues with this strain. When I saw a small lower branch full of bananas on a single dead whabbits plant that is when I realized I fucked up somehow and majorly stressed the plants (not that I don’t all the time but this time major). I go to measure the pH of my res and the pH was 3.5 :crazy_face: :joy: Fried the shit out of my plants. That pH was in between acid rain and orange juice haha. I didn’t realize it was THAT low until it was already too late. They got that treatment for over a week :stuck_out_tongue: Neogitus the plant murderer :skull_and_crossbones:

I pulled tons of nanners off the sawa and am just hoping for the best at this point. I took the one lower branch of the dead whabbits that had a single tiny bud with them and so far so good after 1.5 weeks. Nothing else. I even smoked the 0.3 gram week 3 bud of the dead whabbits and it not only tasted good but it got me high somehow in the volcano lol.

Caramel candy kush f2 from @SportFarmer
Nice fruity/candy type smells currently on most of em although I have only really smelled a few of em that I can easily reach. These are a parent to the magic caramels I grew last grow and some of em are definitely reminding me of it in some ways. I remember having some really skinny wispy looking tall plants that took off and got huge around week 6. Can’t wait to see it again. Prob take em longer than the 10 weeks I chopped the mc at too. Not sure if any of these got seeded or it’s just that swollen bud structure but I’ll find out in a bit. Hopefully not.

Sawa from hyp3rids
These ones got hit by far the hardest from my herm banana stupidity. 2 plants specifically. I’m not really too surprised considering the genetics but I still can’t believe I did something so dumb :stuck_out_tongue: least I learned something though. I actually got a picture of a fan leaf bud with a banana coming out of it which I’ve never seen before so that was kinda cool lol. I think at the very minimum the 2 plants pollinated part of themselves. Might still see some nanners in the pics of these ones too. I pulled a ton off but not all of em so I’m just letting it ride out. Worst case if I get a fully seeded crop I’ll just make bubble hash out of the entire thing.

Some of em remind me of the smell of sans nyc sour I grew a few years back. Really orange forward citrus with some other citrus in the background (5 alive ish) some others smell what I can only describe as “hashy” currently but I can see some fuel being stacked onto them in the coming weeks. We will see I guess.

Dead whabbits from @santero

These seem very fast flowering I wouldn’t be surprised if at least some of them were done week 8 from flip with how much they’ve been swelling already. I can see what you mean @santero about that rotten meat smell with the sweet candy. It’s actually really damn good smelling (the shorter ones) so far and still only part way there.

My lone female from the 8 pack of black triangle f2s from the seed run here that @Craigson15 did.
Pretty og smelling so far. Might post these in the bodhi or budshot thread too. I grew out some g13 hp awhile ago and they were very short plants/ slow veg so I’m assuming this plant is at least somewhat an og leaner. It’s pretty greasy.


Hey Neo, I just caught up, sorry to read about the PH hiccup. The plants still look lovely! I’ve been using the citrus acid PH down, to adjust between refills to the resy.
I got out my San grips, to see what I can start next, myself. Just need more coffee first.
Chemnesia? I got to go looking for that.
Take care neo!!


That one sounds and looks amazing I know I don’t have that one I already looked lol

Neo bro don’t beat yourself up about it damn bro I screw shit up all the time
I say it’s because we grow some great weed stoners moments are wonderful aren’t they lol

I killed 30 seedlings 3 weeks old because a transplanted them into hot super soil why because I never labeled the bins and mixed them up while I smoked something vicious
Lol :joy:


^^^^ THIS, please … that’s is such an honor, bro !
i’d love as many people as possible to enjoy what you enjoyed.
my plants and seeds are for everyone !! :slight_smile:


Not as exciting as budshots (yet) but I figured I’d post some info on what I just put into paper towels for my next grow. My current one is at week 6 atm. Hopefully the extra week or 2 I waited compared to last time will make a difference on how crowded the veg tent was last time.

Killer Grapes (grape stomper bx x killer queen) and Queen B (93 bubba x killer queen) both from @santero . San do you have any info on that old bubba or any of those strains for that matter? It’s a shame all the info you posted over the years on your stuff is pretty much gone. Need to write a book about all your strains haha. Or I need to write the descriptions down. I’ve been wanting to grow the Killer Grapes ever since @webeblzr described it something like having a grape smell so potent/rank that he almost wanted to throw up :stuck_out_tongue: Now that sounds like something I’d love :crazy_face:

The other 2 are Midnight Delight (midnight fire x fofana) and Limefire Skunk (fire og x lime soda skunk) I can’t remember what the Midnight Fire is but I asked so hopefully will get a reply at some point. I asked about the lime soda skunk but it was apparently kept under wraps but whoever made it, at least at the time. We’ll see if it still is.

Edit: midnight fire is originally from Norstar and it’s fire og x purple mayhem. The lime soda skunk genetics have never made public which is kinda a shame.

Hopefully they pop lol they’ve been in the freezer for years. I did just get a 10/10 on some Black Afghani a few weeks ago though.

Here’s a copy and paste of the description of these 2 from JBC where I got them from

Midnight delight:

““MD is a combination of heavy banana stench and Exotic OG funk! She works great for night time meds with a giggly side effect. Expect an 8 to 9 week flowering delight with a scarce 7 week pheno with medium to heavy yield. She will do great outdoors and has some Amazing speckled purpling throughout her flowers.””

Limefire Skunk :

““This gal puts out rock hard dense flowers with skunky lime notes. Great yield and very little trim is sure to make her a fav!””

Not much info for that one but the hunt is fun anyways.


About 3 days away from week 7. Plants starting to look nice and I’m stressing myself out cuz I know all these thick big buds are gonna start molding on me. Finally almost where I want to be quality wise after tons of trial and error stress but I hope I can eventually figure the mold out. I’m honestly thinking it has something to do with root pressure. Would be nice to have an extra 1-1.5 lb per grow of the nicest buds instead of having to only keep the smaller ones :frowning:

Caramel Candy kush f2 @SportFarmer
Have a few chunky phenos and some more satty braided looking ones. Fruity smell atm. They’re all frosty af. One or 2 of em have those long stalk trichs that make the bud from far away look like it’s covered in white. These are one of the parents of the magic caramels I grew last grow and I can def see some similarities.

Black triangle f2 @Craigson15

I’m a dumbass and was saying I only got 1 female but I actually got 2. One of them was just buried under some much taller cck plants :stuck_out_tongue: so one pheno is a super dense OG fuely smelling spear and the other one is much smaller and not getting much light and seems like it’s g13 dom. Has a spicy marshmallow like smell going on to it. Both of em are greasy af. I’m guessing I’m gonna lose most of that og pheno to mold too which is a shame. Some of the nicest looking kush buds I’ve grown so far. The og one reeks.

Sawa hyp3rids

I honesty shit the bed with these ones. 2 of the plants hermed really bad on me due to extreme stress from my watering them with super acidic solution for a week. The 2 front plants that go affected the most seemed like they might have pollinated themselves but doesn’t seem like the other plants in the room got affected much if at all which is a damn relief. Half of them smell very strong orange cleaner/5 alive ish and the others have a smell I’d describe as hashy (kinda like g13hp in a way actually)

Dead whabbits @santero
To my eye these are starting to look sexy af but the buds are so dense that I’m trying to not keep my hopes up and expect less of this cuz I’ll likely lose a bunch. One of the short phenos actually just fell over under its own weight and It’s too far back to reach so I’m basically fucked for that one haha. The fattest (slightly short one ) has that rank meaty smell with the super sweet candy background and it’s addictive. The other ones have different variations of that + some fuel. Fuck these are gonna taste good when it’s time to smoke. I’m still kinda hoping these will be done at week 8-9 instead of longer but we’ll see. I really hope my eyes are playing tricks on me or in the next week I’m gonna lose the main cola to mold.


I saw you were growing these too. You’ll probably like em. If I don’t lose all of it to mold remind me to send you a bit so you can smoke one of your weed cigars full of some of this stuff to get a preview :stuck_out_tongue:


Great grow!! Definitely my style!



If mine come out as nice as yours I’m sure I’ll love them. I have 2 females, had to cut 4 males :sleepy:

Those Black Triangle F2s are nice, was that the pack just labeled TK from the fall box? :thinking: I thought those were an open pollination with Golden Triangle and Black Triangle. Either way looks great bro :+1::grinning: