Neo's Sad Grow Log

Now ya got me confused :stuck_out_tongue: . As far as I remember he made an open pollination with them both but then later on a year or 2 later there was separate runs for the black triangle and the golden triangle. I think that’s what was given out but I could be mistaken. The things were labelled both GT and BT so I at least assumed they were that instead of being some random name of them both mixed together. I am a stoner though my memory sometimes is not the most reliable haha. May your plants have less mold than mine always do haha.

Cutting males is depressing af lol. I had mostly males on the black/golden/ whatever the fuck triangle :joy:

I finally just splurged on a teros 12 moisture sensor hopefully on my next grow I’ll be able to collect some more data and take my growing to the next level. I’ve wanted one for 2 years but they’re pricey af so it took awhile lol. I ordered it from blooms grow tech was the last one in stock too so now they’re sold out (only place I know that sells it in Canada) Should be here in 2 weeks can’t wait to play with it. Even without all those fancy graphs I think being able to spot check my shit and see the pore water ec/ volumetric water content will help me a lot to determine when the fuck I should feed and how much.

I’m actually gonna try out some new soil that I read about too. It seems interesting to me lol. It’s like half rice hulls and half river sand. I’m a bit worried about the weight but we’ll see. I just had to order 100lb of rice hulls from some brewer supply place they said they’d have it at the end of the month. I’m gonna try small scale first with some bags of sand I got from home depot but if it ends up working out I’m gonna get a few cubic yards dumped on my driveway and basically make a big pile in my garage and use and I need it.


I know of several peeps that add rice husks in there mix but I’ve never seen this mix before
Thanks for the info

Also neo your grow rocks bro :clap::clap::clap:


Hey Neo, yes San’s Killer Grape is the most grapey terpene I ever experienced. I’ve grown out the gage green (waste of time and money) offering of their intense grape BULLSHIT.
I grew out Caps, Mac Stomper, that was potent, and some what grape, but a fart in the wind compared to Sans. She was a monster of stench, grape stench, some of that did cure down a bit. A year later, when I finished the last buds of that plant, her scent, would have a room of people, looking around like wee prairie dogs, noses up, l scanning the room for the cause of that grape smell.
Rice Hulls? Thanks for the tip!!
I will check that out. I messed with sand once, just once. I found it to be a nuisance to use myself.
BUT I would mate rice hulls to coco husks.
I LOVE coco husks!!
Cheap and in never wears down. Regular coco coir was fine, until I found husks. Some are put off with the need to hydrate it, and I love that, as every time I go to the grow shop, they are never out of husks. Ever. And, for us old as dirt fucks, it is super light weight!!
love your work neo!!


If that’s not an endorsement I don’t know what is :stuck_out_tongue: Appreciate the kind words. I can’t wait to smoke the killer grapes or even smell it around week 6 and later of flower haha

I’m using pro mix HP right now but pre lockdowns and all that I was actually buying Coco chip based grow bags and I was really liking them. Unfortunately the one store that was selling them in smaller amounts (less than a pallet) went out of business or just decided to close down. I emailed the company that makes the stuff (v grove/millenium soils) and they wouldn’t sell me even a couple hundred bucks worth, was only large scale.

Since then I haven’t been able to find any “affordable” coir so I just switched back to pro mix HP (peat moss is cheap af in Canada). This sand/rice hulls interests me because it’s apparently chemically inert. The pH of peat moss on it’s own is very low so they add lime to it to buffer the pH but I honestly think with my growstyle this is more of an issue than it is help. Apparently it can mess with nutrients when they are above a certain EC (which I am).

I’ve already ordered 100lb of rice hulls (apparently over 14 cubic feet of media) from a brew store and when it comes in at around the end of the month I am going to test the media small scale first and if I like what I see I’ll start using it instead of pro mix. I could order a couple of cubic yards of sand this spring/summer and not have to think about buying media for a long time. I am worried about the weight of the sand though not being able to be supported by my flood trays since they seem flimsy. I like the idea of being able to tweak the hulls to sand ratio.

That science in hydroponics website is a pretty good resource for growing info. Same guy who made hydrobuddy program.


Hey neo, I’ve seen folks using rice hulls, in some YouTubes, I watch, mostly Asian vegetable grows really. Those folks know how to do cheap very very well.
I know I should be spending hours on cannabis pod casts, but I do not.
Now I do watch Dan’s videos (hydrobuddy) when I first saw Cap invited him to BB, as a knowledge fountain, I started looking at his stuff.
What a brilliant mind! I’m the opposite, tiny mind, big ideas! LOL!
I laid a few skids worth of flagstone this past fall, and was using a combo of 00 sand, then, very course sand, few bags of 1/4" fine , and some 1/2" fine stones. I bought extra bags from the quarry, as it was a small job. so I got plenty of these materials on hand…time to play!!
WOW man, I’ll be getting stoned for REAL!
SAND? I tried a cloning method once that claimed sand would aid in rooting. I did not find that claim, however, maybe I bailed to soon?
Rice hulls, sand, h’mm mind blow, I love it, got to understand this.
Big Thanks for sharing this idea!!
All the best to ya neo!!


(edit)Week 8 ish(accidentally wrote 7 again) . I have been finding mold on the super dense buds so I imagine I’m going to lose tons this grow which is depressing af since a lot of stuff is actually looking and smelling nice to me.

I changed a few things so hopefully I get some kind of relief next grow. I am tired of losing all my nicest buds :stuck_out_tongue:

I got 2 big fans to put on the floor pointed at the ceiling for airflow. So the smaller ones that were on the floor are blowing under the canopy now. Gonna try to make a lower trellis too to open up the plants more next grow.

I got a teros 12 moisture sensor to learn more what is going on in my rootzone moisture and EC wise. I’m excited to try it next run. ( I just got the sensor and the zsc thing so I’ll only be able to spot check for now, no graphs but eventually I will upgrade to that when I can)

and finally I got a pro guard dxb mini that will hopefully slowly but surely reduce the spore load in my house. I’m hoping with this plus all the other things in combination (moisture sensor, more fans, dxb mini and merv 15 filter for furnace) I’ll eventually start to have harvests with minimal mold and get to keep my sexiest nugs. Shit is taking some of the fun out of growing lol.

Black triangle f2

Caramel candy kush f2


Dead whabbits


Some great looking buds.


WOW Neo, loading up on the big science stuff!! I know I would if I could sell any of my stuff. I do barter, and technically it is still an exchange of good and services, so, I’d probably still feel the wrath of LEO, if found out.
SAWA~ I’ve just started digging into that sealed up and stashed away bag. Mine, is not very fragrant, does have some very very nice vanilla, a speck of floral, but wife loves her, as it’s a silky smooth smoke, and beautiful blissful buzz. I’ll try more of their offerings, once I go through this years offerings.
Thanks for the rice hull tip, I’ve really been reading up, and want to include some in my mix.
Great buds man!!


Thanks @ShiskaberrySavior and @webeblzr

The sawa I have going right now has quite a bit of variation with the most common pheno being that really dense one that has a “hashy” smell. There’s some that are orange and one that is the strongest orange forward citrus I’ve ever smelled on weed (of course it’s satty looking and scraggly atm, likely will go longer than the rest) I’m excited to actually try smoking it though as the description of the buzz is partly what made me interested in buying it in the first place. If only I didn’t majorly hermie 2 of the plants lol. Oh well, I have a volcano hybrid so if I have to pick out some seeds to smoke some shit it’s not the end of the world for me (as long as it’s 2 plants and not more haha)

Honestly a lot of their stuff interests me but the price point for it is higher than what I normally pay for stuff these days. Thankfully the packs that are on seedheaven are cheaper than on the main site.
I wanted to try the wolfman f2 but I really need to start digging through what I already have. Sometimes seed makers have so much avail that I want that I just get none because I can’t be spending thousands on seeds haha. If I started buying a few packs here and there it would never end. Hopefully someone f2s some of those heirlooms they’re releasing at some point.

I’m still waiting on a call from that brew store for when they have my 100lb of rice hulls. They said the end of the month so hoping in a week or so. I hope I can eventually find a source for it that is more readily available/cheaper like from some kind of agricultural store but so far my online search turned up nothing.

I can’t wait until the moisture sensor and teros come in the mail in a week or 2. I don’t think I’ll be able to do much with the current grow but the next one is going to be exciting. Start measuring how things happen in my rootzone. I wouldn’t be surprised if I wasn’t feeding often enough. But we will see :stuck_out_tongue: I’m also really hoping that dxb mini helps with the mold situation. Would be awesome to be able to keep 90+ percent of a grow instead of throwing out pounds.

One of my dead whabbits plants awhile ago flopped over and basically fell on the ground because of the weight. It was slightly too short to be held up by the trellis and was too far back on the tray for me to be able to mess with it and stand it back up so I just ended up yanking it out and hanging it whole. The main cola had some mold so I tossed it of course :frowning: I quick dried the rest and have been smoking some for a day or 2 and it’s pretty nice so far (harvested at week 7). I’m prob gonna let them go all the way to 10 before taking them down. 2 more weeks. I’ll check the sawa again then too and take them if need be. I think the caramel candy kush (some at least) and the black triangle might both go beyond 10.


Barely three years of reads in ~three days, thanks for the ride it was pretty nice to follow.

But, your grow log have triggered in me a powerful and infinite hate for this useless damned sh1t born in the guts of hell :

Mechanical trimmers : Well, with what you’re pulling out from your crop i can’t imagine dealing alone with this trim jail. If ever it can help psychologically : i will always choose to smoke the hand trimmed buds, first.

Reveg : 24/0 and N full throttle is the way to restart near everything, even the stubborn ones. I don’t have any trick in mind for the 18/6. The zero night is really something important in the process, to optimize the time needed i mean.

Your lights : I don’t really remember where i’ve lost the datas, but I can’t figure out what’s above the plants after an half K of posts ^^ Sorry for that, if don’t mind to refresh my brain i will greatly appreciate.

GGG Grapestomper : I’ve personally appreciated this strain for different reasons, but on the “grape department” it’s 100% only in the name.

all the best


Appreciate the love, yeah I saw that I got like a billion likes in the past few days lol Hopefully you’ve noticed my weed getting less shitty as time goes on :stuck_out_tongue:

The trimming is rough by hand but I def agree that hand trimmed bud is nicer/ what I’d go for first. It takes me anywhere from 60-100 hours to trim each grow. I think I’ll be cutting some things down in 2 or so weeks too so I better enjoy life before that starts haha.

Interesting info on the reveg I’ll have to try that. It makes sense because I’ve seen if you keep N too high during flower the plant will keep growing new leaves and will take longer to finish. I haven’t had any success revegging anything yet but I’ve also been kind of half assed about it.

The lights are some solstrip racks

I have a total of 8 with 2 going on each 4x4 area.

I’ve heard from multiple people now that grape stomper has little to no grape which is weird because apparently the killer queen cross is grapey af (grapestromper bx x killer queen). I’m not sure what it was bx to but if it was urkel that might be where it’s coming from.


Best bet i think for this hybrid (i don’t know it) is that the Killer Queen have catalyzed the grape potential. It’s not so uncommon.

If i resume well for the lights : that’s 720W per 4x4 @ 1475 PPFD/ 3.1 µmol (barely the metric stats) with Samsung 301B. Helpful thanks.

I’ve another question actually, it’s about your RH. Mostly after the rounds with the big dense bud (NYCD hybrid from memory). You’re not in pure hydro, the pics of your probes don’t show insane rates … it’s a known challenge or still under investigation ?

1 Like

I don’t run my lights at max as they produce way too much heat, I don’t think I’ve ever measured them getting the advertised ppfd from 12 inches either. I run them a little bit dimmed from max ( I don’t run co2). Maybe 800-900 ppfd or something. I haven’t measured in awhile though (apogee mq 500)

If you’re talking about the mold issues I keep dealing with it’s still a work in progress. I’ve had multiple suspicions for awhile but now I am finally upgrading my grow/ equipment so I can hopefully find the answer and not worry about losing all my nicest buds / be able to flower things longer without harvesting earlier and losing potency because of it.

I don’t remember what my EC was during my previous grows but I know it was much lower than it was now (I think like 1.8-2 ish then?) I’m running 3-3.5 EC now and I have seen better results quality wise and also my early to mid flower deficiencies are happening way later or not at all. I wouldn’t be surprised if I could run even higher.

So my suspicions so far have been

  • not enough airflow causing microclimates where the humidity or temp is much higher / lower than the rest of the room . Hopefully the 2 big floor fans I got pointing up will help things.

  • temps getting too low at lights off for the rh I’m running and moisture condensing on the leaves and other surfaces. Sometimes the temp gets as low as 67f which is a huge difference from the lights on. Also concrete floor during winter prob gets pretty cold and might also be an issue. I’m not sure how I’m going to sufficiently warm the room at lights out, especially during winter. I refuse to use electric heating due to how much it costs. I’ve been trying to blast my home furnace during the day (lights off) and it somewhat works but it still doesn’t heat it well enough since the furnace is only on sometimes and the exhaust fan is usually on for humidity.

  • my feeding practices might be causing guttation. If that happens when the buds start to form and get dense I can imagine it being an issue with causing mold. It always starts from the inside first and only really start noticing it at week 7 and later. Hopefully the data I’ll now be able to collect when I get my teros 12 will shed some light on what is going on in the root zone (pore water ec and volumetric water concent) It should allow me to start knowing when and how much to feed instead of just dumping a fuck load of solution once per day :stuck_out_tongue:

  • my environment not being stable enough to keep my vpd on point causing calcium transport via transpiration to slow down or stop all together. Ca is apparently very important for plant cell wall integrity/ plant health so I imagine if something is wrong then the plants might have easier defenses to break for the spores to germinate

  • I prob also just have a high spore load in my house all together since I’ve had multiple moldy crops and am constantly opening and closing my back door all year to let the dog out. I’m hoping that dxb mini thing I ordered helps out with that plus the merv 15 furnace filter.

I’ve already pulled a bunch of massive nugs off my current grow due to this bs but I feel like it is spreading much slower than usual, maybe due to higher night temps? I’m hoping a combination of me trying to fix all these “suspicions” helps majorly reduce this issue. I’m running out of ideas haha.

Edit: forgot to mention I’m growing in pro mix hp (peat based) with salts


Here we say “strike the iron while it is still hot”, i don’t known if it make sense in English. But thank you for your exhaustive shares while i’m still fresh in the reading of you diary. I’m very interested by your equation, it’s all-in-one to learn for me.

RH strangeness

The specific posts that were highlighting this problematic as a limiting factor for me was nov/dec 22. Just after the round with nutes/light maxed.

Nothing to have with a NYCD strain in fact, i don’t know why i’ve said that. It was the Caramel/Chemnesia/Mac round. It was like getting good horses to whip and forced to stop just before the finish line. These beasts was on the go to make a fantastic show, i can’t even imagine the feeling.

You’re often whipping yourself but what is constant on the whole diary is your reactivity.

And at first glance, my mind put in front of my face old memories from friends. They was fighting against the same battles but in full NFT or Aero with massive SOG : same EC funk (because evaporation for them), piloting “on the limit” one HPS600/sqm (heat + drastically increased transpiration of the most generous strains + walls condensation + density of plants), and the RH swing bonus. But nothing like that in your space ^^ But my friends were growing in south EU, they only saw snow in movies.

So it’s why i’m asking directly, it’s exotic for me. Considering what you’re pulling out from this space, i’m equally interested to known lol Take my comments as they are, i hope at least one will not be useless and a bit inspiring.

Airflow : In another life, i was facing a similar problematic but for seed’s production. The kind to use fully loaded females in dense setup. The flowers produce a lot of oil, it help a lot with mold but at one point you’re always wanting more until you reach the shit wall. And problems are coming ^^

I was forced to totally control the temps to be rock-stable with less than 1°c margin, that’s the deal with STS fems units to output something expensive. Or you pay the bills from your pockets ^^. But the RH was a problem because my need to push. Like i’ve saw here, i’ve put an army of industrial fans (the inox ones). And it don’t have fixed the problem, it was getting worse. All good on the probes, but insane RH inside the plants. I had just drastically increased their transpiration. Twos months wasted, lesson learnt. Some seeds was cracking directly in the flower ^^

After this pathetic failure I’ve also read everything i was able to read on thermodynamics and I’ve never regretted it. Even for a stupid single tent, today. Most of us don’t imagine the bad turbulences we are creating with negative pressure, fans and heat/rh. Like micro tropical tornado never renewed providing a lot of worries (mostly spores, but not only).

Temps : 66°F-68°F (20-21°c) was always my sweet spot for the kaya. Not only because STS habits, also for the chemotype’s expressions. And I’ve always done my best to keep it rockstable night and day, no change and no variation. Add on top of it, that I’ve a panic attack when i’m not kissing a 30%-40% swing. All these datas that are a bit exotic considering most of grow bible have a reason : i’ve kept from the STS madness the habit of using ~1Kw/sqm of neons (in open spaces). On a regular basis i make some test to stay in touch, and even with a double CMH this madness work heavenly with strains the more prone to don’t even finish in hash (majority of lines including Big Bud and Critical Mass inside, GDP is one by example). In the past i was watching my probes, now the transpiration rate of the plants is my true nightmare.

Your temps being not dramatic without active heating (for me) and if your floor is insulated, the drivers of your army of panels (lol) can be enough to maintain 12 hours a decent temp. I don’t known how to play smartly with intake/outake in your case, computed controls are not my thing also. I was just using a cheap regulator (not hashing) with black marker points of my tests.

A while ago, i was using the ballast of 600 HPS for that (passive heating) and i was already the guy wanting the max, even with ridiculous gains. So the magnetic ballast were all mounted right after the bulb to minimize distances. When the night was coming, a timer was activating a little RVK blowing warm air below. But for that, you need low RH or it’s risky business if you blow “vapor” or “active condensation”. Airsocks can help for that by the way.

Concrete floor : it have to be your very first priority imho ^^ Not only because the porosity. I’ve used with great success epoxy resin in these cases. It’s very fast, you can do it alone, it’s cheap, very effiscient to insulate and to make it hermetic. Just make twos layers of a good primer on cement, cross band. Don’t spend money on UV protection, it’s useless with all types of lamps and don’t change anything. On releases, you have less stuff in the air on 60 sqm than a single IKEA little “drawer” furniture.

Feeding : You’re just blowing my mind to make your own like that, every component. I’m at a light year from it. But hell yes, when your drain say stop and that the plants say “come on, unleash the hell”. I can understand the feeling with this density of light.

VPD : I think that you have already understood that these grids are not my cup of tea ^^ But hell yes, rock-stable conditions always pay well in return. Transpiration mentioned hehe Can’t be objective, it’s my nightmare even when everything run heavenly. I’m the frightened guy planting bamboo stick in my buds like “hellraiser movie” when i see a single microscopic drop.

Peat : You’re just an heretic. Someday you will find the light. I will prey for you.

Thanks for your time, and sorry by advance if my exchange is too off road. I’m genuinely interested to see how it can turn like you have already in mind since the begin of the diary. I read between the lines ^^


the killer queen i used was quite incrossed and showed almost only g13 traits.
those males were definetly not the source for anythig sweet or grapefruit in
the killer grapes. it is the mother: bright moments pheno #9, selected by coxnox.

about those KQ-males:
the c99 was almost eaten up in the selection-process that created the KQ ibl
that i used … the plants showed no stretch, were completely indica and had
sturdy branching with double serrated leafs = the cindy was almost eliminated.

(imho) g13 never really was big on the taste side and her potential for
strong effect and big yields is what people really appreciated about her.
the KQ ibl was commercially valuable, but i wanted it to taste better …

the bright moments clone i used for killer grapes REEKS of grapefruit.
the killer queen honestly had not much to do with it. it just brought uniformity
and bigger yields to the cross. the trichomes, most of the smell and overall
appearance comes indeed from the mother.

maybe you had bad experience with GGG grapestuff,
it is possible, cuz the joseph male does eat up the mom sometimes.

the grape stomper (clone only) i grew in the past also was really smelly
and had an acrid, sweet grapefruit smell and taste but had less sturdy
braches compared to the bx, so i never cared to use her for seeds.

maybe you just had bad luck so far, it can happen.
i don’t doubt it, because that joseph male can indeed overpower the mothers he
gets put to sometimes … some phenos of f.e. cherry puff did not show any cherry
at all, cuz joseph painted over her with his (imo) “original diesel”-kind of smell and
taste … other phenos were dead on cherry. seems to be a lottery with this dude (?)

anyhoo, let’s just wait and see what comes out for neo …
i’m pretty sure he will find a nice stinky grapefruit-lady :wink:


your posts remind me of a valued friend. we treated each other as equals
but since his mentor died, he sadly had nobody to help him stay humble.
it is very refreshing to read someone with a similar way of thought :slight_smile:
good vibes your way, brother.


While we on the subject here’s the current grow now. Off to a rough start as usual but I’ll fix em temporarily at some point before messing them up again :stuck_out_tongue: I ended up getting quite a bit of damping off when the seeds had tails and then were put in soil. I lost like 5-6 seedlings. Most of them were the midnight delight which is a shame. Hopefully I still get a female or 2. I have never really had issues with damping off which is weird. I might give all my seeds h202 solution from now on to be safe. I also had a bit of fungus gnats so that’s also a possibility (I know they tend to not damage/barely damage fully grown plants but the larvae can fuck with young plants I think)

@santero Good info as always. I could read a book about all your strain descriptions haha. Weird to be called grapestromper and smell like grapefruit and not grape IMO haha. I wonder if that’s why a few people I’ve seen online to grow em/talk about em said no to little grape (the ggg grape stomper from seed not the bright moments or clone). I wonder if the clone is better than some of what can be found in the seed packs, no idea.

There’s this Canadian strain called chemo/ubc chemo. I wonder if it is in any way related to the g13. It’s also not much in the smell department but very potent. I personally believe the origin story for it is bullshit lol but it’s pretty decent smoke other than the fairly bland smell and taste. If the killer grapes ends up being really strong smelling grapefruit that makes me excited.

I’m also growing the queen b with the bubba kush and killer queen. Do you have any info about that bubba? I vaguely remember the description on SH being 93 or so bubba. I never write the strain descriptions down in my seed list just the genetics so a lot of stuff got lost now :frowning:

Alright @Fuel I read your message late last night and was too stoned/tired/lazy at the time to reply so I will try to now :stuck_out_tongue:

As far as the airflow in the room. It’s still a work in progress and money is always the limiting factor for me to upgrade my grow. It took me like 2 years to finally get this dxb mini and teros 12 haha. Def have to keep in mind about the increased transpiration when there’s more air flowing around the leaf surface. I can def see mold spreading faster in a room with a bunch of airflow too.

I grow in high humidity to keep vpd on point/ keep the stomata open and to somewhat limit transpiration and run higher EC. If my humidity was lower I would be probably running a lower EC level due to increased water uptake . Apparently if your RH gets too low the stomata will close to try to conserve water too (not good if they are already in low RH and need to transpire to release some heat. That’s why this grow shit is so confusing to me since almost anything you change will change how your plant reacts. It’s really interesting but it can also be stressful lol.

When I was building grow room (by me I mean buddies dad since I can’t build shit lol) I wanted to do epoxy but I didn’t have much info on it. At the time it seemed very expensive, not sure if it was the kind I was looking at or what but I decided not to do it at the time. I might eventually do it though because having no moisture come through the floor would be nice. I bet the temperature difference between the cold floor and the rest of the room is no good too, I’m sure heat is being transferred from everything else to the floor. I wouldn’t be surprised if the leaf surface temp of the plants during lights off was well below the air temp. Hmm maybe I’ll measure it.

If I wasn’t also exhausting my room based on humidity as well as temp I think my furnace and my intake almost touching a heat register on the ceiling, I think the temp at night would actually stay relatively high. The issue is that if the RH gets above my set point then the exhaust fan kicks on and I lose some of the temp along with it so I need something a little more constant vs just on or off. I’ve been running my house at 25-26c sometimes but being hot af for grow to be kinda warm seems pointless haha.

About the feeding salts. It’s mostly because I’m a cheap bastard and it is much cheaper to buy the 50lb bags and mix myself. I was buying jacks but the store I was using at the time with the best price closed down during the whole corona thing. It is also useful for being able to tweak everything too though of course. When I was buying jacks it was around 82 dollars canadian for a 25lb bag. Now it’s over 150. It took me awhile to find somewhere to buy the stuff. I actually had to get a friend to drive me 4 hours round trip to visit a plant prod store in quebec.

I was growing in coco also before corona but the store I was buying it from also ended up closing down. Everywhere else has small bags for very expensive which sucks. I was using these 2 gal open top bags that would just have to be re hydrated. It was still more expensive than peat but the price was much more reasonable. I emailed the company that supplies it and they basically said unless I buy a pallet or more / have an account with them they wouldn’t sell to me. A huge bale of pro mix hp here is about 35 canadian. Hard to pass up when the same amount of coco would be 4-5+x more expensive. I have some new stuff I’m going to be trying soon though. I hope it works for my setup so I can stop using the HP (peat moss, lime, wetting agent, perlite, myco of some sort)


Guys you make my day, so good to talk grow and real in the laid back way and to get stuffed with plenty of infos on the fly.


Thanks for you kind words. I’m hoping that your friend will wipe the fear of this lose in focusing on something positive. Let’s talk tue also. This game is a washing machine with sharp stones inside the drum and we are not all made to be in front of the battleground. It’s my case, and my chances was to understand it pretty early. I’ve big respect for guys like you that are lasting in the game in their own projects.

So with the “making of”, i retire my hypothesis on the catalyze of the Killer Queen on the fly ^^ Even if the G13 is for me the perfect example of a catalyzor sap. Barely “meh” as it, stellar in hybrids.

For the GGG Grapestomper, like say neogitus i’m just one of the gang that don’t understand the “grape” in the name with this release, up to the F3. Maybe it’s just a question of initial release/batch, and why they have done the BM and the OG version. I don’t known, i’ve never tested these ones.
Mine was coming straight from GGG, but i was not disappointed at all don’t get me wrong. My baddest experience with it was when I’ve lost this line in trying to reproduce it outdoor. If i was still in my previous cycle, i will rush every single pack i can buy to have fun again with it.


Sorry for the wall ^^ And thank you very much for yours, i get pretty much more the equation now.

For epoxy floor, as far as i can guess for your grow space you can be good for less than 200 bucks (but i don’t know the prices of the stuff in your zone). If i was around i will help in person, I’ve made a fews now and i known how to go cheap both in products and also in the application. And you have far enough treats to feed the beast in blunts for twos days of work ^^

Grow spaces don’t need to be thick like clinic or gymnasium. The big leverage is to rightly prepare your cement, you have to surface it heavenly with rotary sander / diamond disk. From early in morning to late at night, one day of work for the whole.

The most shitty part is the “grinding” of the floor, it have to be quite soft and leveled everywhere or you will eat too much resin. And it’s pretty messy. You have to protect your air exchange stuff and remove everything else. For the primer one time everything is clean as hell, the twos pass can be done in three hours with RVK on and full throttle. Never use fans for resin. Drying overnight like that. The double layer of primer is very important to go cheap, it act also as a “leveler”.

After that it’s only tricky when you use the minimum amount. The resin is auto-leveling but you have to stir it with large squeegees to save bucks. I’ve been lean as far that 2mm thick for grow space on cement and it’s enough sturdy to last for ages.

It’s overkill for you (the process and amount) but these guys work well, to give an idea :

Damn we are all in the same boat with coco it’s crazy. Same here, i’ve stopped because the supply.


No budshots atm but I thought I would share this anyways. So I got my pro guard dxb mini and set it up and also my teros 12 moisture spot checker things and I already learned a few things I would have never guessed about my grow in 1 day (If I’m not a dumbass and set it up properly haha)

My media EC is very low. I’d been measuring my runoff here and there but it was clearly not accurate as it was saying it was way higher (like 4.5). I’m guessing due to my flooding the plant to runoff I was measuring the stuff that washed out of the media and not what was actually still there. Now I’m going to feed them in really small shot sizes with no runoff to get the moisture where I want it and try to stack the EC much higher. Woohoo get to save even more on fertilizer lol. The plants must be depleting some ions before the water is even gone (the ec lowers instead of raising when the moisture reduces)

My media (pro mix HP) even though advertised as being high porosity/ having tons of perlite still holds onto a lot of water. I flooded them last night just to see what full capacity was and it’s around 70%. If I end up getting some more bales I’ll probably have to add even more aeration to it.

I will for the next week try to get the EC higher and not fully saturate the media to 70 percent at all. Gonna start with 60 and aim for a 20% dryback before another small shot and see what happens. I’m still new to all this stuff and learn better by doing vs having to read something 100x to finally start to understand :stuck_out_tongue:


Very interesting!!


Week 10. Leaves are all crispy af atm and fucked so luckily I’m almost at the finish line for most of the stuff lol.

Just put a bunch of clothesline up and some wall frame with 2x4 so I can hang tons of eye hooks on the wall. Going to eventually make an area specifically for drying so it’s not all in the way. Also don’t want to have to hang some stuff in the flower room when my veg tent plants get too big like last time.

Caramel candy kush f2 @SportFarmer

Black triangle f2 maybe lol

Sawa hyp3rids plus some hair

Dead whabbits @santero prob pulling em this week.