Neo's Sad Grow Log


You have some beautiful buds, I’ve grown a grape pie with similar dread lock buds .
You’ll be sampling some great smoke soon.


Thanks. It’s been a long wait but soon I’ll finally get to enjoy some. One of those Sawa plants (one of the braided ones) has the most intense orange/pinesol I’ve ever smelled on weed. I can’t wait to try it. Their description of the high sounds good too. Prob the reason why I bought the pack.

Copy and paste from their description:

Her effect is EVERYTHING we look for a plant, upbeat and positive, guaranteed to put a smile on your face, with a wonderful full body buzz that make you tingle from head to toe. We hope you love her as much was we do.

One of those dead whabbits phenos looks super nice to me (the last one pictured) I quick dried and smoked some at week 8 in the volcano hybrid and it got me high as fuck so I imagine at week 10 or 10.5 they’re gonna be even stronger. @santero another awesome creation you’ve made.


Ended up getting my 100lb of rice rulls today. Going to try using this as media for my next grow. When I transplant them. Sand gets wet af and the rice hulls barely get wet. I was going to try on a smaller scale but fuck it lol. The bag of sand and the bag of rice hulls pictured both weigh 50lb. The rice hulls are a bit compressed. Cost me around 115 cad for them. I couldn’t find it anywhere locally besides a brewery supply store. Had to special order it.

Gonna start out using half sand and half rice hulls by volume (like the article says) and see how that works out. If it either doesn’t hold enough water or holds too much I’ll tweak the ratio a bit.


Shitty pics but decided to take down the dead whabbits and 2 of the sawa.


Plants are at week 11 now. Thinking about pulling the rest down sometime this week. Most of them seem like they’re done to me. What do you guys think? I feel like 1 or 2 plants could go a bit longer but the rest of them might be finished. My plants are looking like shit and have insanely crispy leaves and don’t really want that to move to the buds. I think I might have burned the shit out of them with sodium lol. Didn’t realize how much I was adding :P. 17 ish ppm just from my tap water + using sodium hypochlorite + sodium hydroxide as pH up I think brought the ppms too high. This was basically for the entire grow too. The only plant in the room that seems to be able to take it has been one of the black triangles.

Will be switching to potassium hydroxide next grow for pH up and I won’t be using any bleach in my res anymore.

Would you guys harvest now or wait another week?


Looks like u could wait another week or two feeding them half strength nutes or even plain water the last 4-5days before harvest…
Just my 2 cents…:v:t4::herb:


Hi Neo
Great pics my brother

I like mine with a slight touch of amber

For me I’d let them be a bit longer and I’d be checking daily at this point

Amazing colors my friend

I bet the smell is amazing


@Papalag @iceman Not what I wanted to hear but appreciate the advice :rofl:

It sucks how the site majorly downsizes the pics it’s hard to get a good look lol. Here’s a few closer up ones. Hopefully not too blurry.

I’ll let them ride another week then check again. Maybe by the time they’re cut down my other plants will be ready to trim and I will have extra room for the rest lol. Other plants have been hanging for about 6 days so far so hoping by next weekend they’re dry enough. I’m hanging them whole this time so hopefully I don’t fuck myself over letting em dry too slow and let some mold spread lol. I def feel like I’ll lose less this time but only will know when it’s time to trim.

@Papalag They smell pretty dank. The black triangle are prob my favourite. One is a very hash smelling one like almost marshmallow like and the other one is like lemon / sweet pine/ gas like an og. The caramel candy kush have like a pineapple/mango/ mild kush thing going on. Not the loudest smell but it tastes good (I had a tester weeks ago). The sawa some of them are candy/hash like and a few are really strong orange. I’ll get much better smells descriptions when I’m trimming them. I cut down a scraggly branch of one of the sawa awhile ago and have been smoking some of it in the volcano to try out and holy shit does it ever get me high.


Mate, these pics show something else…:joy:
Again it’s all about ur feeling brother…
Anytime seems a good time from now…:v:t4::herb:

My mind blew reading that description…:exploding_head:


Bro they sound wonderful

Now these pics are much better

I would say your at the beginning of the window
And I see that there are much more cloudy trichomes and a few amber
I would do a quick dry on a small bud and sample it
But looks good to me

These last pictures open very well
Now I need black triangle lol
The candy Kush is that from dynasty


Ya the caramel candy kush is from dynasty. These f2s were made and selected by @SportFarmer . He gave me 2 different versions. One that’s taller (these ones) and some more that are more squat which I haven’t popped yet. I’m guessing those ones will have more bubba characteristics vs the ms universe. edit: I think one of these might be a parent to those insanely frosty magic caramels I grew last grow too but not positive (also made by sportfarmer)

I heard the black triangle were heavy hitters so I had to try some myself. Only got 2 females (out of around 8 f2) so wont be sharing as much with friends :rofl:. I’ll try to take some good pics before I cut em down. I actually have a f1 bodhi pack also. Maybe I’ll reproduce em someday. If I do I’ll have a few packs with your name on em. I’m actually in the middle of doing a repro of black afghani atm (my first time trying to make seeds so who knows how it will go). Once I get more confidence I’ll prob be doing repros of stuff at least once a year if not twice.

I cut a branch off one of the sawa plants (scraggly bottom) and have been smoking it past few days in the volcano hybrid and it gets me really baked so I think I’m on the road to having stronger weed than last time. I never stressed about mold this run and harvested early like most grows. I still have some but it seems much less than usual.

I tried some of the dead whabbits at week 8 around 3 weeks ago also it was good too but needed more time (I cut them at week 10) I gave a nug to a buddy to try too and he said it was good. The smell on some of them in insane lol so fuely. I love em :stuck_out_tongue:


I have maybe 8 seeds of the original anesthesia and a pack of joti afghans if I only get one plant I’ll pair it up to the joti afghans hopefully I’ll get one of each

The seeds are what 10 years at least


Hey neo, now that my SAWA’s are cured up a bit, I know I’ll be trying more of their work!
Maybe not the MOST potent weed I’ve grown out, but the buzz, is pure head candy, and very tasty.
Yeah man, seed choosing time for me also, as I had few weiners show up in flower the other night, THANFULY I always hedge my seed bets, with extra’s.
The ones I worried over, the UBC Chemo x M-39’s are fine so far, but I still fret over them for another 2 weeks or so. But damn sturdy plants so far, from a $15.00 gripe of beans.
Take care man!!


Decided to chop the rest of the grow around Thursday. They were around 12 weeks since flip. Another week and a half or so until tons of trimming. I got an insane amount of mold from the last plants so hoping these ones aren’t as bad (I’ve checked the inside of some chunky nugs and haven’t seen much) so I don’t think these ones will be hit as hard.

I moved my next grow into their final 2 gal pots. They’re looking rough as always because I neglected them a bit. When they were in solo cups I let them dry out multiple times because hand watering daily became a pain in the ass. I put the other 2 sheet lights up in the tent. Now to clean the flower room asap and then move all these plants there. Last grow they stayed in the tent for too long because I was drying half my grow in the flower room which I am not doing anymore (made a little hanging area a few weeks ago). I even moved the pro guard from the grow room to the drying area just in case it helps.
Nest grow is :
Lime fire skunk (fire og x lime soda sunk) from pistil positive
Midnight delight (midnight fire x fofana) also pistil positive
Queen b (bubba kush x killer queen ) from @santero
killer grapes (bright moments x killer queen) also from san

I am finally trying the rice hulls/sand media. Hopefully I don’t kill my plants haha. Got the last 4 bags of sand a few days ago. Mixed it all 2 nights ago. Damn it took so much effort to do that / fill 35+ pots. Hopefully being able to use again will help with that annoyance :stuck_out_tongue: All of this only used not much more than half of one of the bags of rice. If it works decent I will get some cubic yards of sand for much cheaper than it was at home depot.

@Papalag Hopefully you can do a repro of those old whazzup seeds at some point :stuck_out_tongue: or someone else. I never was able to get those ones but I do have a pack of the kronocaine.

@webeblzr Hopefully mine turn out half as good as that sounds. The effect they described in the strain info was pretty much why I originally got it. A lot of their stuff interests me but the rate they release new shit I’d be homeless before I bought em all haha. I’m glad seedheaven has select ones for cheaper. I might have to try this sawa again sometime since I majorly fucked mine up. I wanted to try the wolfman but it is a bit too pricey for my blood unless I get better at growing first haha. I still have an insane amount of seeds but can never have enough.


Yeah we are all the same if I don’t control myself oh man I’d be broke lol

If my repo goes well there’s a pack with your name on it

Ps the soil mix sounds solid it will work just fine
I know you’ll make it work out


All this talk of sawa I rolled a pinner and it’s got a nice head high. Wonder how my 12 week ones will be vs the 10 week one I’m smoking now.


Love the pics neo!! I kind of wish I had pushed out my sawa natty a week or so more. I do love it, as it consistently provides a warm upbeat, very calming type of buzz for us.
Not all weed does that for us. I guess that is my reason, I constantly search out unusual traits, or , that turned to addiction, in seed seeking.
I also have some seeds in mine as well, just old dude bitch up.


A few random pics. 7 males and 3 females of black afghani/kandahar black I’m attempting to make some more seeds of. I got a really tiny ass female that’s buried under all the rest so who knows how it will work out. It’s my first time trying to make seeds. I have this tent upstairs it’s like 4x5.2 ft or something like that (secret jardin lodge 160) I have a 400w Led in there for the whole thing. Def under sized but I don’t mind for this application.

Some pics of a tiny black triangle plant I was trimming last night. I thought it looked nice. Have been smoking some and it’s really tasty in a joint and gives a pretty nice high. Smell and taste is like lemon/pinesol/spicy/marshmallow ish. Sucks I only got 1.5z from an entire plant :stuck_out_tongue:


Really nice looking males you’ve got there. One of them looks like a big cola of pollen sacks…:blush:
I’m interested to learn how you’re planning on collecting pollen. I’ve been looking around for methods and isolating them seems good to collect and prevent cross pollination. I believe you have the males and females together?


Some more random pics. I was trimming a cck plant 2 days ago and I’ve never seen so much sap/guttation on any bud lol. Def need to work on keeping my root pressure in check I guess. I took a few pics because it kinda looks cool. When I was trimming there was more too but my hands were too sticky so I didn’t bother taking any more pics. I’ve had a suspicion for a long time that this sap is a possible reason for the constant mold inside buds but only one of many. This plant didn’t have any though.

Trimmed half another cck plant today and decided to keep my scissor/ finger hash because for once there wasn’t a bunch of hair in it :stuck_out_tongue: It’s pretty good. Not melty or anything but has a nice taste and head high. The bud it’s from kinda has a gummy pineapple smell.

@iceman I plan on doing an open pollination for these but since I have so many males I’m gonna try collecting pollen from one or 2 of them for possible future use for making a cross or something. I’ve never done it before though. I think I might try cutting a branch off one of them and then cutting off the pollen sacks above a kitchen strainer and collect it on some kind of paper under it. Might try to dilute it with heat treated flour (raw flour can have e coli) depending on how much I get/ how lazy I am haha.