Neo's Sad Grow Log

Place the pot of the male horizontally on a table, the trunk above nothing. Use a big plastic bag for food (no pest treatment like trash bag) or a big “craft bag for shopping” to wrap the entire plant with it. Shake vigorously the plant trough the bag. Place it again under light. Repeat until you have enough.


I like that !
I keep my males small so this is a great idea


Been awhile since an update. Been playing tons of zelda since the 1st even though I suck at it lol.

Grow has been up and down as usual. Plants have been looking rough lately. I can’t seem to get my soil above 35% moisture. I suspect it could be because the flow rate of my irrigation lines is too much (3.3gph) so I ordered some 0.5gph emitters last night as well as a replacement for my broken manifold. I put this off for so long thinking I’d have to cut into the pvc and re prime+ glue it together but I only need to replace teflon tape since it’s a screw connection so I am happy about that.
This is the manifold top thing :

And the emitters:

I’m hoping with the reduced flow I wont have as many issues with channeling (water running straight through pot instead of absorbing)

I also got rid of my male kandahar black / black afghani males. I ended up cutting them off and putting them in a big costco yard waste paper bag and shaking the fuck out of it with it closed for awhile. I ended up with tons of male flowers and I sieved that with a kitchen strainer in batches until I was left with a pile of pollen + some plant material. I strained it through a finer screen and ended up with even less green but still some. I let it dry for 4-5 days in a room upstairs with lower humidity. Today I diluted it with some heat treated flour so now I have even more. Really with I wouldn’t have thrown away the tons of pcr containers that I’ve received seeds in. Would be perfect to store some with.

The 3 females that are left seem to have been pollinated successfully so that’s kinda exciting. This is my first time purposely making seeds.

I finished trimming most of my previous grow but have been too lazy to start taking pics and writing all the details about it but I’ll get around to it soon enough. Have been enjoying some of them for weeks now.
Edit: also forgot to mention have been dealing with a bad fungus gnat problem but thankfully have seemed to have put a dent in them so far. Have a bug zapper going 24/7 down there and used up the rest of my sticky traps


… and so it begins, hehehe.

it is truly addicting to make seeds
(and throw them around) :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :partying_face: :sunglasses: :yum: :heart_eyes:


Same comment : welcome in this fascinating hobby. Time to make a fully adapted strain to your needs and constraints hehe

Sorry for gnats, i hate these fckers. Here we have a kind of mutated version with vineyards, they can eat 60% of roots in a 2 gal pots within 3 days. They are my nightmare, the local “breed” is resistant to everything, they sip BT like tea. I touch wood, elevated floor of the plants (~11 inches) do the job for now.


Hey Neo, all the best to ya with seed making!!
I’ve been buying these small camper sized dish washing pans, that my 3 gallon pots fit into, with out taking up as much space as the over sized saucers I used for so long.
Between them, filling them, instead of watering from the top, has me almost gnat free in my 3 flower areas.
I also recently started to leave myself about 3-4 inch layer , from top of pot, to the medium, to apply a layer of hydrated Coco Husks. I’m NOT yelling success as we all know they just keep trying to get a foot hold.
WOW, a bolt of thought lightening just dazed me hard like bro!
Damn Neo, you just gave me a stunning idea, as I read about your drippers…DAMN, why did I not see this sooner.
I’m going to go make some alternations to one of my 10 g pots!
Fuckin A, I got a few bags of various drippers!! Sorry , excited old guy syndrome. it’s been, right there in front of me!
Have a blast pollenating Neo, LOL!!


Gonna post some or all of my last grow now. Some of em are ugly af but gotta post them too.

Gonna be one post at a time again.

Sawa 1. I fucked these up (and most the rest of the sawa) but they still have a nice creamy orange pinesol like smell.


Sawa 2 hard to describe. Pungent sweet floral berry with some citrus or something


Sawa 3. Kinda a mix of the first 2. More on the citrus/ orange side but has some floral Sweet berry in the back


Wow gorgeous buds as usual my friend



Sawa 4. Burnt this one but really liking the smell. Citrus minty with a pinesol floral background. tastes really good in a joint


Cck f2. Pineapple gummy bears


Cck f2 2. pineapple with a bit of wood


they all look great! enjoy


Cck f2 3
Woody pineapple, grape, kinda has a bit of that Tootsie roll smell that the magic Caramels from last grow had (cck is a parent of mc)


Cck f2 4. I was lazy with this one and only trimmed some with a brush cuz it was pretty sraggly.

Pineapple and a touch of browned butter or caramel. Was really surprised to open the bag and get that since at first it didn’t have it. Guess it came out while curing


Black triangle. Lemon pinesol spicy marshmallow type smell. This was the small plant that was buried under another. Tastes really good.


Black triangle f2 second plant of 2. Reminds me of a nice og. Lemon pinesol bit of gas plus some more complexity I can’t put my finger on. Chunkiest buds I’ve had so far that didn’t mold on me. Almost none on entire plant.


Dead whabbits 1

Rose, fuel, maybe some citrus/ berry in back


Dead whabbits 2. This shit fuckin reeeeks. Pungent jet fuel, sharp body odour like smell, candy and floral in the back.