Neo's Sad Grow Log

Dead whabbits 3

Smells like rose candy. I’ve gotten a rose smelling plants from the deadband f2s i did awhile ago. Guess there’s rose expressions from diesel or something.



Last but not least dead whabbits 4. Has a bit of all them. Meaty, floral, berry and fuel


Thanks to @santero for the awesome seeds and usual for the dead whabbits and @SportFarmer for the cck f2.

My current grow atm. I got all that irrigation stuff set up and the flow rate is pretty damn low so I’m probably gonna unplug some of the lines so I can have 2 emitters per plant instead of one.

After getting them I still couldn’t get above 35 percent moisture so I was stressing out but got a good reply from Daniel Fernandez on another forum (guy who made hydrobuddy and wrote the blog post that got me interested in the rice hulls sand mixture)

I will copy and paste the message from there :

******I see you might have some confusion about VWC, I’ll try to clear it up. So the amount of water that sand retains per volume is actually quite low, so a reading of 35% is normal. However it holds to it very strongly, at high tension, which is why the media remains wet even after time has passed and why it gives you the feeling of being very wet despite the low reading. Something being “wet” doesn’t mean it is at high VWC, it just means it is holding onto water quite strongly. The amount of space taken by the water in the media is much lower than it is in rockwool or coco, since the volumetric water retention of sand is low.

Using volumetric water content sensors, you will need to go much much lower than you normally would before the plant wilts. You are likely to have to dryback to 2-5% before that happens. So you need to consider that you’re no longer going to be watering to 70 and drying back to 30, you’re going to be watering to 30-35% and drying back to 5-10%. That is a lower volume of water, so this means that watering frequency needs to be increased as the plant grows roots in it.

You do not need to drench it, using 2, 0.3gal/hour emitters per 2 gallons pot should be more than enough. You should irrigate it with a similar frequency as you would rockwool. Track it with your sensors as you normally would, but account for the fact that field capacity is around 30-35%, not 70%, and that the media allows for deeper loss of water in the sensor reading (because the rice hulls dry quite fast while the sand remains wet). Do not try to get more than 35%, the media just doesn’t do that, it just has lower field capacity.

60% rice hulls and 40% sand has given great results to my clients who have tried this. The quality coming from this media is definitely something. Note that the rice hulls also provide you with a free Si supplementation through the entire grow, so you can avoid using any soluble Si supplement if you wish.********

The media seems to be going decent so far. I had a really rough midnight delight plant (the one on the ground) that seems like it’s actually star outgrowing its crappiness (I almost chucked it it looked so bad awhile ago) I’m going to have to lift it up/straighten it out somehow though.

Holy fuck do I ever need to clean my dusty fans lol.


they all look great to smoke, bro :slight_smile:
i love the triangle, never tried the black triangle yet, but your description is njom.
i think i have f2’s somewhere in my stash (doc_d?)

those rose-terps could indeed come from the diesel :thinking:
i made a phantom cookies x sour diesel back in 2016 that
had some rose-phenos too, those were not from the PC.


Should check em out it’s pretty nice. I haven’t grown much with triangle yet this was my first but I can see why so many people like it. If I had the cash I’d prob wanna try the s1s too from csi I heard really good things about those.

BTW I forgot to mention, I dunno if you read the most recent pm but my package finally made it after a long trip. The clone was mold af cuz it was months later but at least the seeds got here haha. And then before I even had a chance to pop some sour cindys I check my mailbox to find another package so thanks so much for that. It’s honestly cool that it even made it tbh.

Prob gonna pop the ghost og x lemon thai and shiva dawg for next grow. I grew your tahoe og x m39 awhile back and liked it. Plus m39 gives me nostalgia since it used to be everywhere here, although it was shitty commercial bud. Maybe some sin deez or some sour cindy also. I need an aircraft hanger for all the seeds I wanna pop lol.


Been awhile since an update. Not even sure when I flipped them lol maybe 2 or so weeks ago.

I fed the veg nutes too late into stretch I think so I got some clawing on the top leaves but I backed off the calcium nitrate so they should recover. My runoff pH is a little bit high but I’m trying to correct it by feeding less often with more runoff. It seems to be working but it’s slow. I regret using purecal instead of yara calcium nitrate for veg lol. The yara has a bit of ammonium nitrate in it and the uptake of that can help lower the media pH.

I only ended up with 2 females of the midnight delight and one of them looked so shit and was so much smaller that I decided to kill it. It wasn’t worth trying to recover at that point. So I’m left with one. Thankfully it’s relatively large but it still looks the most rough out of all my plants so far.

The lime soda skunk are the tall ones with minimal side branching. The bubba x kq are the shorter ones and the bm x kq are the taller ones I think. I haven’t even put the trellis on the side with the lime and midnight yet. How many grows now have I said that I’d start putting trellis up before the plants have grown up that high? I’m too damn stubborn :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been fucking around with making seeds and it’s going alright so far. I still have some premature seeds but I’m tired of caring for them (these are black afghani/kandahar black) so tonight I just took the trellis down and put them in the spare bedroom beside where the tent is set up. I’m gonna leave them in the pots and just let em dry out that way. Hopefully some more seeds get to mature in the week or whatever while the plants are still alive. I tried to germ some but I didn’t dry em out enough so I had horrible rates so I’m gonna put them in a room with dehumidifier going/ very low rh and leave them for a month + and then try again then. Def could have done better but I’m relatively happy for my first time making seeds.

Edit: I had a really bad fungus gnat infestation and I seem to have gotten rid of it or at least seriously hurt their numbers by just putting a 1 inch layer of rice hulls on the top of the pots. Seems like it stops them from being able to emerge/lay eggs now. Wish I would have done that weeks ago lol.


I love the “mountain pheno” in the first pic ^^

For your seeds don’t get mad and let them cure gently (in unbleashed paper bag by example). Can’t tell just on picture, i’ve to feel the surface. But test how they are sweeping between your fingers : oily, oily/water, water … it will inform you on the state of their drying process.


i have found out that just leaving the seeds in the buds for a month
in roomtemps (after normal drying) and then taking them out gently
while smoking is best for good results.

if they go into the fridge after that period, then they stay viable
for many years. there’s nothing much to do else for good results.


killer bubba will stay short in comparsion to the killer grapes.
also stretch will be minimal on the bubba-cross, while the grape
stomper in the other one makes the plants stretch out bit more.

those two lines are a great example for quite the different grow
habit-results, while using different mothers to the same males.


I was actually planning on popping 3 fem banana runtz seeds from solfire I got from a buddy and doing a whole room of it but I had bad luck and the plants damped off. My friend also had the same issue so I’m guessing there was some kind of spores on the actual seeds. I should have cleaned them first like I was planning to. Laziness never works out :crazy_face: I planted 3 of those black afghanis (to possibly put outside) and no damp issues with them it seems.

So I just put my next grow into some paper to germinate. If I have good luck with all of these with no damp I’m gonna assume it’s the seeds (since it happened to my buddy too) but if any of these do then it’s prob my fault :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve almost never had plants damp off.

Next line up is:
spellbound monkey (bwitched bx3 #3 x space monkey) Space monkey is gg4 x wookie. From @SportFarmer

Ghost og x lemon thai

Shiva dawg (stardawg x m39)

Wedding cake x sour cindy all 3 from @santero

The seeded plants I just took out of the tent upstairs are now in their own room just sitting there. I’m gonna let them die/ dry over time with the roots still attached. Prob take them out in over a month from now.


Some random close up pics. My one midnight delight still looks like crap but the rest of the look pretty frosty for how early they are.

Shucked one of my black afghani plants and got around 2500 seeds. I still have 2 more to go so will roughly get 7500 although there’s plenty of pre mature ones so I’ll see whenever they dry. I have 2 seedlings I popped that I might try putting outside not sure yet.

Seemed to have finally got my runoff pH lower than 6 after 2 weeks so hopefully that’s good.

I’ve had bad luck germinating seeds with the sand mixture not sure why (possibly my rice hulls not being parboiled) but I’m going to keep using peat for small plants and continue to use the sand/rice hulls for larger plants. I like the media so far and it’s cool it slowly adds some silica and can be re used.

I realized recently that I’m a dumbass and when I was mixing salts/ using nutrient calculator I had no idea that the P and K values were not for elemental percentages like N is so I was using less of a bunch of stuff that I should have been using more of. The P is P2O5 so have to divide the number by 2.29 and K is K2O is divided by 1.21. I Imagine the plants this grow will look a bit better :stuck_out_tongue:


Forgot to add purple trich screenshot on the limefire skunk (i think)


looks goood,as always


so much frost :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Already paranoid about how much of this shit I’m gonna lose to mold lol. When things are going well I can’t get too excited or else I’m going to be even more discouraged in the end :stuck_out_tongue:


First attempt at making seeds went alright. Lot of pre mature but gonna germ test again in awhile.

8750 seeds roughly. That’ll be 200 bucks a pack please lol. I imagine some of these seed makers must be driving Ferraris. Insane how much some charge lol. 3 plants in a 4x4 and a couple months of time.


Buds are looking excellent just have plenty of air movement you should be fine.


Wow those spears are amazing !

It’s a jungle in there humidity must be tough. Make sure you increase your ventilation.
That’s a great amount of seeds that you got there ! what is it from?b


@ShiskaberrySavior I got 2 massive floor fans last grow hopefully they make a difference, and the pro guard of course.

@Papalag They were some black afghani I got from USC years ago. edit: @ShiskaberrySavior

Speaking of USC I saw that they seem to be getting back together which is pretty cool. Braindead, jahgreenlabel and cristalin.


What strain is that mountain of seeds?

1 Like

I just saw that myself

Are those seeds the afghans ?