Neo's Sad Grow Log

I’d grew that strain years back if I remember right it made excellent hash.Have a picture of the black gooey hash it made some where.


…you made it,Neo…You finally made it!! :moneybag: :gem: :moneybag: :gem: :moneybag::rofl:


Veg plants so far. Doing alright considering the neglect after the soil killing a bunch of them lol. Have just been bottom watering them the whole time. Might be time for a transplant soon. Tent is so fucked covered in pollen.


Though i might as well take some quick pics

Some zoomed out shots. Tall ones are killer grapes, beside them the chunky ones of various height are killer bee and the tall ones that aren’t as packed are the limefire

Limefire skunk

Killer bee

Killer grapes


looking really fantastic, bro.
place must stink like woah :grin:


Last quick pics before chop in a week (around week 9). Lot of these are blurry so maybe I’ll try some night shots a day or 2 before I chop lol.

Midnight delight

Killer grapes

Bubba x killer queen

Limefire skunk


that KillerGrapes do look Killer…the rest too of course!
nice colors on the LiFiSkunk :yum:


Neo wow that KG looks amazing

I need to run these I know I have something grape from San not sure what :face_with_monocle:I’ll need to look now


Thanks. I just cut them all down a few days ago. I put the dehumidifier on max for 3 days and now it’s off. Gonna let it dry slower now. I’ll probably get the most from the killer grapes. Pretty much no scraggly bud compared to most grows. Buds are a lot chunkier. Hopefully trimming will be easier this time.

Still lost some giant super dense buds to mold but even still I think this will be my least affected crop as a percentage of the entire yield. I will know soon enough. It was mostly the bubba x kq that got affected since it has insanely dense and chunky buds and a compact structure. Next time I grow a strain like that I’ll have to try opening it up a bit on a trellis during veg so I can get some better airflow.

I just transplanted next grow into their final pots. They looking rough as usual but I’m sure most will improve soon.

@Papalag you should grow em they’re dank. The phenos I got were either pungent grapey sweet puke background or more on the grape candy side. I loved the spear nugs it produced. None of em had mold either so I’ll probably have more of this stuff than anything else this grow. I had 7 plants compared to like 5 of the bubba xkq (lost most of it ffs buds were so nice though) 3 of the limefire skunk and 1 of the midnight delight.

I’ll do some better reviews when I’ve trimmed and separated all the phenos. 2 of the limefire that I liked are very purple. One smells like heavy lime/lemon fuel and another smells like black cherry/ grape. I’m gonna try to reveg em both. Even if they’re not the most potent like some purple can be, I think they would still be at least growing more of for the smell alone. The bubba x kq were all fruity phenos surprisingly but I’ll be better able to describe everything when they’re dry and trimmed.

I get to be a lazy ass for a week or 1.5 then trim like a madman haha

Smoked some quick dried early nugs like 2 weeks ago and got me pretty high still.

A few trich shots from some non dried plants. I probably cut them a bit early but I can see them ripening while hanging for a few days before they’re dead so hoping to be more on the mark. If they got me pretty high 2 ish weeks ago they should be dank.


NICE :+1: VERY NICE :+1: great work


Gonna try some quick pics of some phenos. I haven’t finished trimming a few of the bubba x killer queen but the rest are done

Bubba x kq 1. Earthy piney bit of fruit.

Bubba x kq 2. Hard to describe. Reminds me of old school weed. Tangy/ piney/ earthy/creamy and a bit of bubblegum or something

Killer grapes 1. This one reminds me kinda of the previous one. Has that tangy/ Piney creamy smell but a bit stronger and a bit of grape/ Berry in the background.

Killer grapes 2. Deep Berry/ grape with the old school piney etc in the background

Killer grapes 3. Very strong grape/ berry smell with maybe a bit of floral and a touch of puke in the background. Shit reeks up the room.

Killer grapes 4. Kinda like number 1. Piney, creamy, less tangy, bit of grape/ earth

Killer grapes 5. Kinda a cross between number 1 Piney old school and number 3 insanely pungent Berry/ grape etc.

Killer grapes 6. Piney, creamy, touch of grape

Killer grapes 7. Similar to 6 with more grape/Berry.

Midnight delight. Only had one plant. Sour lemon peel/ juice

Limefire skunk 1. Sour lemon/ lime/ fuel

Limefire 2. Black cherry/grape/fruit punch background

Limefire 3. Loud sour lemon

That’s it. Might upload the other 2 or 3 bubba x kq later.

Also have been trying to reveg the 2 really purple limefire. Seems to be working alright so far. Hopefully be able to take some cuts for some mother plants.


Absolute madness! :hot_face::heart_eyes:🫠 :drooling_face: :yum:
How I wish those fingers were mine…:wink:
That whole post is a trip in itself! :alien::green_heart:
Enjoy brother and thanks for sharing. :pray:t3:


delishiss lookin buds,Neo! loving the colors :yum:


Neo wow brother

Hats :tophat: off to you sir amazing looking



a ton of buds, haha.
nice one, bro … i am making some new thingies atm.
gonna hit you up as soon as there is more for you :slight_smile:


Hey Neo, you have slammed those Killer Grapes!! Damn, I loved those plants, as I ran them.
Well all the strains, but yeah, I can still smell the Killer Grapes, I ran, from looking at yours!
I also, was lucky enough to find a few seeds in one of my runs of her, and those beans grew FIRE also!
Big Props to your skills man!!
I ran San’s, Queen Bee, and loved that one as well! I did not know about Killer Bee.
Great work!!


Thanks everyone for the kind words @iceman @saxo @Papalag @santero I think this is still my best grow yet even with all the usual issues. I honestly didn’t do it justice by rushing through taking all the pictures just to get it over with. Next grow I might have to post my phenos over weeks or even a month so I can go into more detail about each one/ have better and more pics.

@webeblzr I honestly am really impressed with this strain too (I’m smoking some right now). Your description awhile back was the reason I grew it in the first place and I have no regrets :stuck_out_tongue: Def a winner in my books. Smells strong, not your typical smell, buds look nice, tastes good and a nice body high without being couch lock. My plants also got hit the least with mold in the room (pretty much not at all) even though their tray was the most packed with 7 plants. Def would run this one again (as I might I have another pack of it lol) @santero I can see why you’re still working on this. Hope to see this one as one of your “full releases” in the future. Def one of my favs I’ve ran so far from you. What kinda direction have you taken her?

It’s a shame the killer bee got so much mold as I didn’t get much of it compared to anyone else but this one is still good too. They have some similarities in smell from using the same male I think which is pretty cool. fuck some of those top buds I lost were so fuckin chunky and dank looking prob would have been my heaviest buds I’ve grown so far or close to it lol.

The limefire skunk was the first strain I grew out of my pistil positive seeds and I really liked em too. I got 2 plants that smell very different but both good in their own way, and strong. Both were insanely purple and I’m trying to reveg both of them. Would be cool to run a selected pheno or 2 as a whole run. Also might try hitting a small clone with some of that black afghani/kandahar black pollen I saved when I made seeds. If it’s still even viable. Would be my first cross made on purpose too.


Oh yeah San knocked that one outta the park with KG! And many others, LOL!
Your pics of that limefire skunk, has my genetic antenna roving about, bigbig!! LOL!
She has all the way points I’m seeking out!
Best of luck in your bean bangin, I think you’ll find your way, as your a tenacious grower, you keep on keeping on!!
A lot of my mine (not mine personally, just ones I built for folks in need) local gardens are now, not running, as they just head over to the medical dispo, knowing they are growing FAR better herb, but it’s the work, the planning, the fails, that has them shutting down.
Myself, if I die in my garden, doing my thing, I’ll be a happy universal being!
Excellent work Neo!!


Not much going on. Put the plants all in different trays mixed up. I really need to put them in their own trays. Reveg of one of the limefire skunk is going pretty good so far. Hopefully will be able to take cuts soon enough.

I really need to figure out something with plants that are short and stout compared to the rest. Maybe I can somehow make room in a tent for them to get bigger in their own time instead of flipping them with the rest of the room and having tiny plants that yield next to nothing/ are far away from the light.


Great work on that re-veg clone. And what an insanely great bud post that is ^^^
Your room Looks primed for the next 12/12
Way to go, NEO