Neo's Sad Grow Log

Great looking pictures not a ugly bud to be seen . Looks like they all are loaded with crystal nice trim job.


longer veg is the way to go with the little/slower ones …
my schedules always get a bit confused due to those :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

and yeaaah, nice to see the limefire show some nice growth for ya :partying_face:


My disaster of a grow atm. I ended up getting a lot more males than usual. Kinda sucks but luck of the draw I guess. One of the spellbound monkeys still in one of the trays is a male also so hopefully I’ll be able to put a few of the lemon ghost in the bare tray to make up for the lost room since they’re pretty packed in there. Otherwise I’ll just keep one of the lights off like my previous grow. Gonna end up with less weed this time. Oh well.

Just thew a bunch of seeds for my next grow in paper towel. All coastal blueberry from @SHSC-1 I’m searching for something similar to this old school “blueberry” I used to smoke back in the early 2000s. This is a cross of what I think that blueberry was (fraser valley blueberry hashplant) and blueberry northern lights. I’m hoping to find a pheno that reminds me of that old school stuff. If I do I’m gonna reveg it and grow the shit outta it :stuck_out_tongue:


oh boy , so much awesome about to go down!!
I’m grabbin a spot on the couch bud!!!


Distaster update. The blueberries have popped up very evenly. I’m excited for these, hopefully I didn’t start them too early. Time will tell I guess, I hope I have the room. 2 or 3 damped off I need to start adding perlite or some rice hulls to my pro mix, I think it holds onto too much water for plants that young.

@santero are you sure these lemon ghosts are weed and not sunflowers? lol they’re stretching like a mofo :stuck_out_tongue: I think they’re mostly done now. Just in time too I was running out of space lol. I’ve grown plenty with lemon thai in the past I can imagine they’re gonna chunk up like crazy in the next while.

I also never put a trellis up yet, is anyone surprised that I’m a stubborn mofo? haha. The shit that’s still there is from my previous grow that I didn’t even take down completely.


Lol you’re gonna need a sunroof in there :joy:
Here’s a pic of the 10 footer I had behind my house before the storm annihilated it, snapped right in half :sob: lol


yee … og’s tend to stretch, haha.
snap their necks, bro :wink: they can take it.

just supercropp the hell out of them and stake
the drooping parts, so they don’ take damage.


Lemon ghost (ghost og x Lemon thai)

Wedding cake x sour cindy

Shiva dawg (stardawg x m39)

Mixed tray. 1 spellbound monkey (bewitched bx3 x space monkey) and 1 lemon ghost and 1 shiva dawg. Same bwitched that was used on the magic caramels. Space monkey is gg4 x wookie

Coastal blueberry babies and some small outdoor black afghani. Smells fuel/ kush/ grape. Been lazy af with veg as usual lol. Just bottom feeding because it’s less effort.


ooh, cool …
you are the first to grow/show the wedding cake x sour cindy, bro :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Haha, I’m a san gear pioneer :p. Prob another 2 or so weeks until the smells start getting interesting


Some leaves are looking like shit. Not sure why but I checked the runoff pH and ec and both are relatively normal. Runoff pH is around 6.0. The runoff EC is a bit higher so I’m gonna slightly drop it next res fill. When I went to turn off the lights this morning my room was like 88-89f and my humidity was very low so I’m guessing that might have something to do with it. I have my lights maxed out and the heat lately has been pretty high + low rh.

Lemon ghost picked off a few bananas from one of em but not too surprised. I’m gonna assume it was the shitty room conditions. I’ve actually had a decent amount of nanners over the years that seem to not produce any pollen either and just show up to scare / stress me out but end up getting no seeds either way lol.

Wedding cake x sour Cindy

Shiva dawg

Spellbound monkey


amazing pictures, as usual


The title of this thread is misleading…lol…plants and buds all look very good! That last harvest looked primo!!!


Will try not to mix up the jumbled pics lol

Spellbound monkey

Stardawg x m39

Ghost og x lemon Thai

Wedding cake x sour Cindy


Looking awesome neo!!


yes,they do…as always


Hasn’t been that long but some jumbled up pics.

I also transplanted my coastal blueberry into their final containers. Some of em smelled nice blueberry when taking leaves off. I also tried pressure cooking all my soil mix for them. Hopefully I have less issues than in previous grows with it because I want to stick with it if I can. I like the reusability/ being able to keep plants longer in it than peat.


njom, all that buddage is so beautiful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
your place must smell like heaven, lol …


Plants are about a day away from week 8. Like usual found some mold inside buds because they’re so chunky but I’m used to it at this point lol. What bit I do get to keep should be good. I thought about cutting now but I’m just gonna ride it out, fuck it. I’d rather have less weed that’s actually done vs more of something that might not be quite as strong. Either gonna chop most at week 9 or 10. Aside from the lemon ghost which I think at least one of em will go longer. All the buds are flopped over like a mofo, no surprise without a trellis lol.

Lemon ghost. Some funky looking ones in here, I’m guessing these are gonna finish last. Especially the really “sativa” looking one. Colas longer than my forearm. lemon hazy pinesol or something.

Wedding cake x sour Cindy. This shit is caked as a mofo. I imagine the bananas were my fault but I don’t really see any signs of seeds forming. Will see if I get one or 2 but usually don’t. I can probably make any plant pop bananas at this point :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll try to describe the smell another time but it’s pretty dank although hard to put my finger on (can’t describe it just from memory. I’d have to have it right in front of me.

Shiva dawg. I Imagine this one’s gonna get hit the worst from the mold but we’ll see. Super chunky dense nugs of some of em. One pheno has a bit of smell from the stardawg but not as strong but most of em have the m39 smell to it. Like pine/berry god bud/ nuken type smell.

Spellbound monkey. Starting to have a nice apple smell to it. Also chunky AF. Pretty much no small nugs at all on the plant. Also slumped over.

My next major purchase for the money sink I mean grow room is gonna be a co2 generator. I found a company from Canada that makes them. Expensive but when it comes to something with a flame I’m not gonna buy some janky shit just to save money. Hopefully can get in the next few months. I have a buddy that does hvac work so he can probably make me a gas line to connect and use natural gas instead of getting a propane one and having to refill tanks.

Also went crazy and got a bunch of seeds this month. Sometimes I stress buy shit lol.

Got a few things by a seed maker called fennec genetics which is pretty close to meand Canadian. I got some unicorn poop f3 and a 3 pack of hybrids with it: peacemaker x unicorn poop f2, garlic breath 2.0 x unicorn poop f2 and and mackoffee x unicorn poop f2 plus some garlic breath 2.0 x ice koffee

Also got some things from solfire gardens in the states. I traded one of em already. I got cherrylicious, banana clipz, sol sonic, rainbow rush and lung buster.


Nice looking buds. That c02 is very similar to the one I’ve got . They work excellent you won’t be disappointed with purchasing a natural gas burner.