Neo's Sad Grow Log

can you sun dry them a couple of days?

Not at this time of year. Maybe I can snow dry them :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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lol ok well if you can dry them infront of a heater and then scrub , they should break down easily

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Plant pots seem to be evaporating water/drinking more lately. I fed them less than a week ago and the pots were already getting pretty dry.

I feel like I might have figured this problem out (hopefully). Today I refilled a new res and the EC was 1.7. I measured the EC of the runoff and it was 3-3.5 :face_with_monocle: so my uneducated guess would be that this salt buildup is messing with my medium pH. I am going to try watering them again sooner before they dry out and hope I can bring the runoff down before it gets even worse. The plants have been looking pretty burnt.

I defoliated the plants half to death today they look like the charlie brown Christmas tree :stuck_out_tongue: got around 2 garbage bags full of leaves. I’m still not really sure how much to take off and how much to leave to went overkill. Took off a lot of the lower branches and leaves from the middle of the plants hoping they fill back in, once they do I will probably flip to flower. Not sure what I am going to do to hold these plants up I have only 4 trellis at the moment.

For all the people that are using pro mix, are you feeding every day or 2 or more often or are you waiting for the pot to dry out a bunch and feeding less often? I was told to not water a bunch like coco coir but it seems like me not doing that is causing buildup. Maybe I’ll try watering a few plants more often and see if it makes a positive or negative impact.

Try not to laugh too much at the Christmas trees :grin: Few pics of before and then the rest after the scissor attack.


Plants seem to be improving some more (finally).Salt buildup making more and more sense. I am going to keep feeding them more often instead of once every 4 days to once a week. It worked well in past with coir. They looked scraggly less than a week ago and already have grown in a bit so I am thinking of flipping them in 2 weeks ish so things don’t get out of hand. The only problem is 2 of my trays have an extreme difference in the height with the plant so not sure what I’m going to do there.

The aunt of farouk x lemon thai are the ones that look the healthiest now which is strange because before I defoliated those were the ones with the most severe looking leaves. They look pretty uniform though.

The blue tara and hallowed ground have pretty varied height. I adjusted one of the lights on each tray to be lower so hopefully they even out a little bit before I flip. If not I might have to put the short ones of multiple varieties in one tray and the taller ones in another.

The happy brother/amnesia x aunt of farouk are also looking much nicer than earlier. The burnt and slightly twisty tops seem to be going away on all of the plants.

The cerise x chocolate rain (berry nice plants) are the ones that still don’t look the greatest yet (not pictured in another tent) they still look like they are a bit mg deficient. Also the tent is ill equipped for growing as I don’t have an exhaust fan, carbon filter, or any kind of ventilation. I just have the tent door open and have been pretty lazy with it. I’ll probably wait a bit longer before I flip those.

I feel like my fan in the my main area isn’t sucking out the air as much as it should since I have 2 tents stuck together I don’t this it’s as airtight. Not sure what I can do about it though. Have also been having humidity issues in my house so having someone come over sometime next week to make some kind of venting that leads directly outside. Can’t be having windows condensate all winter again :stuck_out_tongue: I know nothing about ventilation though. Should I make it 6 inch or go bigger at 10 inches so I have room to expand my grow in the future? The max cfm on my fan is 420 and that is without a filter or ducting attached to it so I’m worried that this won’t be enough airflow if I expand that area to more lights.

Anyways enough blahblahblah here’s a few pics.


Nicely done Neo the plants look very healthy and have good color
Room looks very clean and organized
Great job
Will you defoliate?


Hey thanks. I do plan on defoliating even though it is the hugest pain in the ass and takes forever :stuck_out_tongue:

I took a full garbage bag full of leaves and stems off the plants not even a week ago (post before last) and they looked scraggly as fook and already have grown back quite a bit. I might be doing it overkill but was never really sure on how much to take and how much to leave.

I might switch to flower sooner than later I’m worried about some of these getting way too tall.

What do you guys do with your trimmings? Throw it out with the compost? Throw it in the back yard? I tried to find info on what I’m supposed to do with weed clippings and the gov site says to “destroy” it which seems pretty vague. I want to just throw it all in a pile in my backyard but if it’s going to get me in shit I’ll have to think of something else.

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Make a smudge sit back and inhale. Ya the cat litter idea is pretty far out there who’s got used cat litter to mix in with your unwanted weed and also why would someone do that makes no sense .

Make a worm :bug: bin they eat it


Getting frustrated with my airflow issues. I flipped the plants to flower 2 days ago and tonight turned the lights on max which produces a bunch of heat. I made sure to vent the duct out of the room and it still did next to nothing with the heat and humidity. When I went to check on the room this morning the relative humidity was over 70% and the temp was over 90f. The plants definitely did not like that.

It seems that my fan is not working as it should. I have two 4x8 tents with the open side facing each other to make one big 8x8 tent. I guess there are too many holes (or not enough?) and the seal isn’t good enough to suck the air out? When I was using just a 4x8 even on low the fan sucked so hard it created negative pressure in the tent, now I can’t even seem to evacuate the humidity. As soon as I opened the tent the heat went down 10f and 15% relative humidity in less than 5 mins which was frustrating to see. I have a dehumidifier running in the room the tent is in but outside of the tent set at 60% My fan is a can fan max pro 6 inch 420cfm with a can 33 filter and a few feet of ducting. Do I need a bigger fan? Or is this tent touching another tent not a good enough seal for airflow. Would suck if I had to close both tents and have 2 different ducts and 2 different fans when I thought I had one strong enough for an 8x8. I had issues with botrytis last grow too so something might be wrong with my airflow.

I am also getting pretty tired of hand watering, I haven’t set up my hydrolock because I don’t want to mess things up but would be nice to buy some pvc and primer etc and try to get it setup, I bought the 48 plant kit months ago and haven’t used it. I think being able to auto water more often and use my labour to defoliate/clean instead of hand watering would help.

Last but not least, I was feeling very lazy when the last time to feed came around and instead of cleaning my reservoir and using the pump and hose to feed them fresh nutrient solution I just attached the hose to the tap because it has much higher pressure and takes much less time to hydrate the medium vs my submersible pump that doesn’t create much pressure and has a very weak flow (any ideas to make this easier would be appreciated) The plants did not like just water and they are already visibly brighter green because of it. I am going to try to water as often as possible and not let the medium dry out as much.

I left the berry nice plants in veg because I’ve neglected them.


I do over kill I have an exhaust fan for each tent with its own carbon filter
Each fan is bigger then I need
I run an 6 in ac infinity fan to draw air into each tent I have a 3 way splitter 1 line for each tent


Your LED drivers are external to your tents correct?


Yeah they’re on top of the tent/resting outside on a metal beam.


Turned the lights down slightly and left every window open of the tents that seems to have helped with the airflow/heat issue since the tents aren’t really connected. I think I might ditch the tent in this area when I can and put them somewhere else in the house at some point. Also going to make an exhaust that goes outside at some point. Sweaty windows all over the house.

Some of the blue taras are stretching like crazy. Hope I still have enough head room so I don’t have to bend a branch like last time. Most of my canopies are pretty uneven but oh well. Maybe the shorter plants might stay scraggly since some of the others are growing into the lights. They’re also showing some of that variegation looking spots on some of the leaves.


A few extra pics. They seem to be filling in and recovering now that I am feeding them once per day (aside from the insanely uneven canopy). I chopped the head off one of the blue taras. Was sick of raising the light so cut my loses lol. Hopefully it wont cause problems. I’m surprised this one got so big. Gonna be hell trying to hold these fuckers up down the road. Too stubborn again to setup a trellis. I’ll soon regret it.

Still no smells yet. Those of you that do stem rubs, where on the plant do you do it? I must be doing it wrong because I only get the same generic smells all the time.


Looking good! Can’t wait to see them packed with buds!!


Did a half assed defoliation. Still took a few hours :stuck_out_tongue: after “finishing” I noticed I missed a lot in the middle/bottom but decided to say fuck it for now. I swear they look nicer in person :crazy_face:

I killed all of the berry nice plants. There was a few more males that I didn’t catch (flipped it a few days ago) leaving me with 2 females. When cutting the stalks of one of the males I got the dreaded white puff so decided to destroy the entire thing before it spread to the rest of them if it hasn’t already. Pretty much my fault for leaving them in a tent with the door open and no fans. These ones were also only moved to the room with the rest of the plants a few days ago so hopefully I didn’t screw the rest.


Looks pretty nice to me not in-person!!!

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A few lights off pics. Those Blue Taras are sagging like crazy and aren’t even that heavy yet. Shit is going to get outta hand :stuck_out_tongue: I wonder if it’s too late to put up one of those stretchy trellises. I don’t want to get glue hands though.

One of the Hallowed Ground is flowering the fastest so far. I will have to take a pic of just that whole plant at some point. There’s also a shorter Blue Tara hanging out in the hallowed ground tray since the others were way to tall and the light is very high.

Hopefully the botrytis I found on the Berry Nice Plants didn’t spread to the rest of them. Thinking about getting a buddy to build a room down there to keep the room separate from the rest of the basement. With that and setting up auto irrigation that should reduce the amount of unwanted contact the plants get. Also would be a lot easier to sanitize the whole room before new grows. Benefect is an awesome product for this.


Looks beautiful in there! I also don’t like taking pictures of my recently defoliated plants. I know they’re fine, but they just aren’t as photogenic. Granted, I’d rather have crappy photos than moldy ass plants lol.