Neo's Sad Grow Log

yep, looking great, bro …
any signficant smells on the “hallowed ground” yet?

too bad about the boytritis in the BNP, these were some of the
best tasting and smelling plants in a while for me (pure rhasp-
berry/strawberry candy, like red winegums², done in 8 weeks)


no very sad in here at all, looking quite tasty, I must say.

Yeah I’m pretty disappointed about the BNP also. I was probably the most excited about that by the way you described it elsewhere. I have been wanting to try santa maria hybrids since. Luckily I planned for fuck ups and I think I still have 2 more packs so I’ll try it again sometime for sure :smile:.

For the hallowed ground hard to put my finger on the smell I have 3 females they all smell somewhat similar atm at around day 30. Notes of what I want to say lemon/tangerine and in the back like raspberry candy and lipstick :stuck_out_tongue: The front end kinda reminds me of the NYC sour I grew of yours awhile back but I can very well see this smell taking a back seat and that candy smell developing further in the next month. They seem to be very fast flowering. Especially one of them. I’ll try to get a better description when time goes on, lights are off atm.

Thanks for all the kind words everyone @piccolo @Sasquatch @Papalag @vernal @santero and anyone I may have missed.

Edit: took a half assed lights off pic of one of the hallowed ground


Lmao really messed up my blue taras. I was getting annoyed with the 2 tents with no room so I had the genius (lol) idea to try and take the fabric off one of the tents. Problem is the lights are up and plants are in there and the fabric comes off from the bottom. Anyways with a shit load of wrestling and cursing and ripping the reflective material I finally got it off. I also attempted to put up a trellis insanely late and ended up bending, squishing, breaking almost every single branch of those lanky things while trying to set it up. My hands got sticky like glue and was losing my mind. Would have thought I would have learned my lesson from trying the same thing another time but I am stubborn as fuck :grin:. If things aren’t already ruined I put 2 of my unused lights hanging on the side for some side lighting for the buds sweeping the floor

Already can’t wait till this grow is over so I can take this bs tent down and figure a better way, most likely going to try putting up 2 trellis when they’re in veg and not sticky

Random pic of one of the lemon thai x aunt of farouk


Some not so clear pics and a bunch of dog hair buds :stuck_out_tongue:

Hallowed Ground

Happy Amnesia v2


Aunt Lemon

Blue Tara f2 hurtin


Some more close up photos of the Hallowed Ground and Blue Tara f2

And another random dog pic :stuck_out_tongue:


I am a walking advertisement for trellises :stuck_out_tongue:

The Hallowed Ground have finally buckled under their weight and are flopping all over now too. Gonna be a long 20 or so days for these ones I think they’re around day 40. I think I learned my lesson and will always use nets from now on. Don’t like saggy sticky plants that I can’t hold up. I tried to fix it with the Blue Taras and ended up bending them to death so I’ll just have to deal with it this time. So far the Happy Amnesia v2 and Aunt Lemon are standing up tall but they have longer flowering times so we’ll see if they suffer the same fate later on down the road.

Hallowed Ground lights out


Damn Neo those are some beautiful looking buds bro :star_struck:

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Thanks. Relatively happy with the way this grow turned out so far considering the bad start I had them off to. Hopefully I can take them to the finish line. Still a bit worried about getting botrytis again but I hope I fixed the airflow issues I had.

The smells off these are my favourite in the whole grow. Lemony/clementine(from shiva maybe?), raspberry candy/lipstick with a nice sour note to them too. Really glad I have more packs of these. If I can manage it I am even considering re vegging my favourite one or 2 and running it again. Although I own a 144 site aero cloner, I have never used it and have no experience with cloning :laughing: One of those things I bought that I thought I might need some day but never got around to it.


Fire up that bubble cloner your missing out on the simplicity of massive roots on healthy clones .
Just wipe out the clone box once a week add fresh water weekly

by day 7/8 you’ll have roots starting and by the end of week 2 there ready to move out .

The 3 in beer cups were exactly 2 weeks since they were cut off the moms .


Blue Tara f2. Surprised these are still alive. Life will get a bit easier when I harvest the Hallowed Ground so hoping to have much more room to hand water it’s been a pain to get in there feel like I’m in boot camp crawling along the floor :stuck_out_tongue:

So far has had a smell of what I can only really describe as “pooberry” kind of a nasty blueberry smell. :smile: but is finally starting to develop more to the blueberry muffin side. I find a lot of strains smell very similar the first half or so of flowering.


“Pooberry” lol, sounds like a new strain hitting the banks soon!


Anybody ever try messing with a UV flashlight while the lights are off? I saw an interesting post awhile ago on the IG page of a photographer I like (shwale) and they were showing that trichs at different stages fluoresce different colours. Greenish for amber and blue ish for milky I think.

Shitty pictures but it’s much easier to see in person. Also an added benefit is being able to easily see fibers that might be stuck to your buds.


Some more close ups and hairs. Mostly Hallowed Ground, some Blue Tara and 3 of aunt lemon. None of the Happy Amnesia V2 since it’s a pain to get to them.


Looking real frosty in there man. What kind of phone or camera do you use?


Thanks. I’m using an s8 with one of those cheap clip on 15x macro lenses for phones on Amazon.

I’m thinking about pulling the HG on day 55 (10 days from now, they seem really fast but also don’t want to lose weight/potency.

Few pics of the Happy Amnesia V2 since they’re getting no love. I think these ones will be the last to finish. Starting to get interesting smells now I’ll have to try describing it next time I am near them.


HG lights out. day 45-47 ish.


Blue Tara f2