Neo's Sad Grow Log

Nice I ran her about 2 years ago I kept her for a few runs really nice smoke


Decided to cut the first plant pictured of the wedding cake x sour cindy. The second pic I’m not sure is the same plant I’m thinking it’s a different one and if so I’m gonna harvest that one also later today. The first one probably the densest bud I’ve grown so far. Bunch of golf ball nugs. Just approaching week 9 I think. Could already be longer though. All the rest of the stuff is gonna keep going.


Beautiful trich shots! :star_struck:


(is that a bean on the first pic? :face_with_monocle:)

njooom, wonderful trichs, bro. :yum: the dieselside is showing here.
those little mini-leafs on the buds are also a trait if the sour diesel :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

hopefully the riri diesel didn’t herm too much …
it’s one of the reasons this line was only freebie :wink:

(the other one being that the SDriri-clone does not create many
seeds when dusted, due to her budshape being so compressed.)


bro, i got some new thingies ready for liftoff.
hit me with your addy, please :slight_smile:


Haha thanks. I wish this site didn’t downsize my pics so much they’d look even better. It’s been a pain in the ass to upload pics because I have to resize them all to 50% or I can’t upload them. Wish this site would auto resize or just allow larger photos, they don’t really take up THAT much space IMO. It’s got me thinking I need to make a website or something where I can post all my pics and info on strains I grow with hyperlinks or whatever lmao. Maybe even vids.

@santero Now ya got me paranoid :stuck_out_tongue: It’s possible but I’m also not positive because I’ve seen quite a few strains over the years that have that really “knobby” look also. I went downstairs and squeezed a few hanging nugs and doesn’t “seem” like it but will only find out when it’s dried and I’m trimming or when I’m actually smoking the stuff. Hopefully at most a seed here and there.

That pheno pictured is dense as a mofo though so hoping it ain’t seeds making it seem so heavy haha. I’ve grown quite a few sours and I’ve had bananas but I have been lucky to get little to no seeds (so far). I remember a grow or 2 ago I accidentally fed some shit with like 3.5 pH water and made pretty much everything in my room pop bananas and even then I got no seeds in the entire crop somehow so fingers crossed.

I ended up cutting all the wedding cake x sour cindy yesterday. Have the dehumidifier running on max for the first few days then I’m gonna keep it around 60 rh after that to dry slower.

I’m excited to try all the stuff. The stardawg x m39 and the lemon ghost are still going though. I have some really sativa looking flowers on the lemon ghost one so guessing it’s gonna go pretty long.

I think the m39 cross got hit the hardest with mold this time (next to nothing on mostly everything else so far). but I’m still letting it go. I have phenos that are m39 smelling berry/pine/mango or some shit (hard to put finger on but remind me of god bud / nuken) and another 1 or 2 that are fuel af and 1 that’s a mix of them both, like m39 fuel. The spellbound monkey smells like apple lol.

This is the same tray that last grow got hit the hardest by mold too so it’s either a coincidence or maybe I need more airflow near where that spot in the room is. I’m replacing my drains in the room over the xmas holidays too (from 0.5 inch to 1.5 at least) and raising the trays up to a foot so I’ll have way better drainage too.

Edit: a few random pics
Some kinda blurry lights off pics of some of the lemon ghost. And a clear close up one. One of them I’m probably gonna take in a week (the denser shorter one) but the tall ones I might let go even longer than that. Who knows.

Some more mostly blurry pics just showing the chunk of some of these plants. I was in the middle of harvesting and fingers were sticky so don’t want to play with phone too much lol. First one is the wedding cake x sour cindy, the other 2 are my one plant of spellbound monkey that I got. Last pic is also spellbound but a quick dried nug. Shit smells even more like apple dried it’s actually pretty nice. I had a few ciders last night and I could smell the similarity a bit.


hey, funny that you mention the godbud in relation to the nl-skunk-phenos :slight_smile:
i think that godbuds “purple skunk”-parent is the m39, hence the same smell.

wow, that faaat wc x c99 top looks really nice :yum: definetly! sour in budshape


My current disaster. Smaller ones are cobra lips f2 from @Budderton the bigger ones are coastal blueberry from @SHSC-1 Have kinda just been half assing it for awhile like usual lol.

ugh having to resize pics before uploading really sucks lol


Right on @neogitus ! I’ve got some of the CL f2s started myself and I’ve been smoking a CL f2 that was grown outside last summer. The flower is really nice and has that lung expanding, high end hack with strong effects.
Best of luck with all your plants!


budderton and strawberry hill seed co have both really good material (!!)
i’ll dive into both their gear too in the next few rounds. i am pretty excited
about the biker-crosses from both of them. they got really nice selections.

man, i can’t wait to see those getting fat and sexy for you, me bru :yum:


btw, a new pigeon flies to you as we speak …
i stuffed some of the berry nice plants- and pot of gold-crosses in there for ya :wink:


Awesome. Appreciate it as always. I think they’ll be getting here just in time for me to be popping a new grow too. Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

I also have biker crosses from both of em, you have good taste :wink: I might have to pop one of em soon too. Wish I had more room lol.

Out of what you sent is there anything you’re most curious about seeing grown? I’m guessing the BNP bx2?


btw, i did not include the 2.0 BNP :wink: i added an exclusive BNP for you.
(BNP 1.0 x BNP 2.0 = “Berry Nice Plants 1.5” = a “santa maria” IX-type.)
i did test those and they ROCK !

but maybe you could try the “strawberry shortcake” :strawberry: :cake: :yum:
those are = (blues / wedding cake f2) x Berry Nice Plants ?

the b/wc is called “winegums” and was made
by my friend kez from K.G.Beans in UK :wink:

it’s a killergood clone (and seedline):
a mix of the skunky blues-type and a triangle kush-leaning cake-expression.
BNP will add rhaspberry and strawberry and lower flo-time to about 8 weeks.


Wait, the BNP’s are ready??? Please don’t forget about me, bro. It’s one of the very few things I missed grabbing from SH and I’m still kicking myself in the ass for it.:confused:


why yes, sir :wink: pm send !


My half assed grows/disasters currently :stuck_out_tongue: First 2 plant pics are the coastal blueberry. Last pic is the cobra lips f2. I’m supposed to be getting my drains made bigger and my trays raised a bit but not for 3 or so weeks. I’m not sure I can hold off flowering for that much longer though. Really hope they don’t stretch like crazy. Some of the coastal blueberry are pretty small but others are like twice the size. Hopefully with the tiny ones I have enough to put on a tray by themselves instead of having varying sizes.

God having to resize pics is annoying af lol. 10+mb to 700 something kb. Way too low for this day and age IMO. You could have 50k+ pics for only 500gb these days which is cheap af if it isn’t SSD. Wish I could host my images from my own hd so I wouldn’t have to resize everything before uploading.

My pc :crazy_face:


It’s what i use for my database :wink:


Gonna do my grow pics different than usual. Instead of dumping them all into one post and doing them all at the same time / taking forever I’m going to try and smoke at least one pheno per day and post pics of that. I got a few seeds here and there because I stress banana’d a few of my plants but nothing serious. This whole grow def could have gone better but oh well.

I’m a stubborn ass and I never put up a trellis so everything was flopping like crazy / barely getting any light. My yield massively suffered because of it. The irony is that I got less mold than I’ve ever got so far (around 2-3 oz vs 1-1.5lb) but my yield is still similar to last run because of the branches being so far away from the lights.

I’ll start with the ghost og x lemon thai. Didn’t do the greatest job on any of em but they still have a nice high. Although they could have def gone longer than 9.5 ish weeks. All my phenos smell very similar / are mostly lemon thai dom (like pretty much anything lemon thai I’ve grown)

This is pheno 1 (of 4) The dog hair comes free. Smells strongly of lemon rind with some sweetness and a touch of that hazey/woody type smell in the background. High is very in the head. Pressure on the temples/cheeks, bit of energy and mood increase. Sometimes find my mind blanking/ staring off for a second or 2. It tastes how it smells in a J.

Reminds me of some of that lemon trip I grew. I remember giving a buddy some of that stuff and he made fun of the way it looked at first (like seaweed according to him lmao) but then later ended up loving it and he’d tell me how high he was on discord all the time :stuck_out_tongue: I wonder if this one will be the same. Sometimes the not so pretty weed can surprise you. Can’t always judge a book by it’s cover, especially with “sativa” ones.


ghost og x lemon thai 2. Similar smell to last one but with a bit less lemon and a bit more “haze” smell. High is more energetic than the last one. Got lazy with the trimming so did a half assed job.


Lemon ghost 3. One more after this and onto another strain.
Sweet lemon lime, touch of haze. Talkative, energetic, slight body but still pretty speedy.


Last pheno of the lemon ghost +dog hair. This one was the shortest/ most dense out of all of em. Looks the nicest IMO also. Sour lemon/lime rind.

My current distaster atm. Cobra lips f2 from @Budderton and Coastal blueberry from @SHSC-1

Thinking I might flip the coastal bb sooner than later since some of em are getting kinda tall. Some of em are really short and I wanted to hold on but might not be able to for much longer. Gotta put a trellis up asap so I don’t have a repeat of last time either.

The drain replacement got postponed till next year now I’m annoyed that I didn’t clean the hell outta my trays. I was anticipating doing it with the new big drains since it would be much easier.

Also my mothers of the limefire skunk that I revegged and then cloned seemed to have started flowering under veg lighting schedule. Has this happened to anyone before? I thought it was just showing lots of pre flowers but it seems to be putting out trichs and smelling now. If it is actually flowering I’m gonna try to hit them with some pollen if I can and then just kill them after. Don’t really feel like going through a reveg twice for it to possibly just happen again. Hopefully can at least get some seeds for the effort. ( don’t mind those crispy ass dead plants I haven’t moved yet :stuck_out_tongue: )


Yep. I had one that went through reveg. I waited till it was putting off 3 leaflet leafs before I took clones. The clones rooted and vegged to the point of having 1 set of 5s but then started to go back down to 3s and then singles, the same way plants do when flowering. This was under 24 hr light. Couldn’t keep them in veg. And the original plant was a normal photo reg plant that vegged fine before the reveg. You should be fine to pollinate that cut and let the seed mature. It would be interesting to see if the progeny displayed auto flowering traits.