Neo's Sad Grow Log

Thanks @j0ebob . Can’t wait to try em out.

Alright finally took some quick pics of the last 3 plants I never uploaded.

Wedding cake x sour Cindy 1. This one has a sprite smell (like number 2) but less of a blueberry in the back more like a sweaty cherry or something. There’s some sourness to it too. Nice up high also with some body still in there.

Wedding cake x sour Cindy 2. Already posted this one in another thread. Sprite, blueberry, bit floral, bit of fuel. I love this smell. Prob one of the best smelling strains I’ve grown so far. Translates well to taste in a J. Also tastes good in a vape. Pretty strong up high with some body (like the first one)

Wedding cake x sour cindy 3. This one was the densest of the 3 and smells different than the other 2. This one kind of smells like if roses and rockets candy had a baby. Like powdery, sweet, herb, spice, rockets or something. Hard to put my finger on this one but the main smell is rose with a bunch of shit in the back that’s hard to pick out. Also has a bit of sourness to it. This one is super smooth in a joint or vape. Also translates well to flavour.


Was the wedding cake x sour Cindy
From @santero


Of course haha. Thanks @santero for the seeds as usual. Got some Berry Nice plants crosses coming up next. Haven’t started them yet though (I normally would have started a month ago) but one tent has pollinated plants and one upstairs has the cobra lips in em.


ow hell yeah, those crosses will be so nice :yum:
(pleeeeze keep me in mind for some too, ey *SANmaking dog eyes *)

i did hit you with some a while back, but let me know if you maybe
need more (for a nice selection or to share on or so :wink: ) as always:
i’m just a pm away, my friend.


Anything I ever make that you are interested has your name on it. If you want any of the crosses I made I’ll send a bunch. The main ones that I’ll prob get the most from are the 2 phenos of the limefire skunk crossed to the coastal blueberry males. Will see how much of the cobra lips one I get but I’ll still send em even if I barely get any. I’m sure you have some already but I could also send a bunch of that black kandahar black afghani shit I made awhile ago. I have tons still even though I gave away thousands.

Hoping this one works out well lol. I’m still a noob at seed making. If I took out the males like 2 weeks ago and sprayed the tent with water including the plants do you think I still have to worry about stray pollen? The plants are pretty slumped over and I want to have the supported but I’m paranoid to touch em cuz they still have pollen all over. I don’t wanna get that shit all over my clothes to go in another room and pollinate my other stuff.


never had problems after spraying them down so far.
but better careful, i bet that dry pollen on leafs can indeed
create some surprises :no_mouth:

i always remove stuff in superslow motion, lol …


All good San
I thought they were coming from you
I’m planning to run them this year



Yeah then I forgot to turn the fans off lol :joy:


Cobra lips f2

Coastal blueberry. The shorter ones are starting to look real nice. The taller ones are still small buds but I imagine they are gonna swell up in the next few weeks. 4+ weeks or so left or something. They look nicer in person.

Anorexic pollinated plants. They looks like shit mostly. Hope I didn’t do it too early/ get some seeds out of em. I put them up on a trellis the other day so hopefully they can mature better now but they are looking alien af kinda has me worried lol.


Great looking buds .


How were you calculating this back then?

Great grow log. So many pictures. Awesome dog.


Thanks. It’s def been a roller coaster and still is haha. I use Hydrobuddy for most things. Or that Angelfire page open on a few tabs for each input and then adding them all together.


Grow is going pretty shit atm. They’re only around week 5 (6 for the cobra) too so I hope I can get them to the finish line.

Cobra lips f2. Noticed some thrip damage on these a few days ago. They might be a week ahead of the coastal blueberries. I think they came from that black afghani that I brought inside for a few days at the end of summer. FFS should have known better too lol. I sent an email to some store that sells predatory bugs but they said with 4 or so weeks left it’s kinda too late so I hope they can hold on for another 3-4 weeks.

Coastal blueberry. Found bananas on multiple plants I’m pretty disappointed about that. I don’t know if it’s my low humidity/ slightly higher heat or if I’m stressing them out in another way but I was this close to just cutting them down and being done with it. They are only around week 5 so have plenty of time left still. When I’m less annoyed tomorrow I’ll go down and take out some of the visible ones that I can see. There’s one plant with quite a few so I might have to just harvest it tomorrow :frowning:

Some cookies I made for a buddie’s mom

A few pics from my trip the other day. Went an got a fuck load of nutrients. Was a 7.5 hour round trip(stopped for food) but now I wont have to worry for years.


Few random pics. I cut down one of my Coastal Blueberry that threw bananas like crazy on me a week ago or maybe a bit less. Quick dried it and have been smoking it, it’s pretty good. Nice body buzz. Smells like blueberry syrup with a touch of funk to it. Plant was tiny I only got an oz from it so that’s gonna be gone real quick. I found some seeds in it too but I’m actually gonna keep them. They are pretty mature (last pic) so I imagine they might be from stray pollen much earlier vs the more recent bananas but could be wrong. Def won’t be having males throwing pollen that close to a grow again lol.

First pic is some seeds I separated from the berry/ fruit punch smelling Limefire Skunk pheno that I hit with 2 Coastal Blueberry males. A lot of them were immature but I separated out at least some that look acceptable. I still have another plant down there of the same pheno I’m gonna let go another week before I take it down.

The other pic with way fewer seeds is the Lemon/Lime pheno. This plant died earlier and turned dry as a crisp but luckily got a few seeds out of this one so it’s not a total loss, just not very much. I also have another plant of this pheno down there that I’m taking in a week that I imagine will have some better seeds in it.

The Cobra Lips F2 x Coastal blueberry is looking nice so far but I pollinated it a bit later so that ones prob gonna stay down there for at least another 2 weeks just to be sure.

I’m prob gonna cut my Coastal room tonight or tomorrow. The Cobra Lips upstairs I’m gonna cut next week. I did cut one of em already that was looking done around 7.5 weeks though.

Since I am getting my drains replaced finally in a few weeks, I never started a new grow a month or 2 ago like I usually do to save time. I ended up popping more stuff than the usual 4 packs worth because I’m just gonna veg them in my flower room and when they get bigger I’m gonna have an empty 4x8 and an empty 4x4 tent.

I tried popping some Pink Goo bagseed x Coastal BB but I pretty much just took that shit off the plant and straight into paper towel and it just molded on me so that’s a no go. The plant was very tiny and if I’m lucky I might have 10 more seeds that I can germ at some point after they dry more. Pink goo is Pink Kush x Afghoo. It’s a shame because @Kyumonryu came up with a good name for it “goos berry” :stuck_out_tongue:

Ended up popping:
10x Berry Ice Cream (Gelato 33/45 x Berry Nice Plants)
10x Berry Nice plants 1.5 (BNP 1.0 x BNP 2.0)
10x Strawberry Shortcake (Blues/Wedding Cake x BNP) All 3 from @santero
4x fem Iceberry Gary (Strawberry Gary x Chimera 3) from @hughdunno
10x Frosted Cobra f2 I got from @JohnnyPotseed original cross made by @SamwellBB (Spitting Cobra x Dosi 9) Spitting Cobra is Snake Venom x GG4 BX1. Not sure what Snake Venom is.

I have space for one more 10 pack but I’m waiting for some seeds to hopefully arrive in the mail this week sometime from @Kyumonryu I’m trying to decide between a few things. Old Family Purple x Puck BX3, Gorilla Bubble BX5 x Puck BX3 or Ultimate Pink Kush (maybe this one since my Pink Goo cross was a failure? Maybe I’ll make a poll and pick which one people here vote for :stuck_out_tongue:

What should I pop for my last pack
  • Old Family Purple x Puck BX3
  • Gorilla Bubble BX5 x Puck Bx3
  • Ultimate Pink Kush
  • Puck BX3 f2
  • Bing f2
  • K4 x SSDD x Puck BX3
  • Snow Thrower x Puck BX3

0 voters

Hopefully I did this right haha.

Pic of the Cobra Lips F2 seeded up with some Coastal Blueberry I forgot to include:


Snake Venom is (GG #4 x Viper City OG XIII ) from Moxie :fire:
Viper City OG XIII is (Viper City OG (Grape Kush X Lemon OG) X Lemon OG)


Sweet, thanks for the info. Sounds like it could be dank as a mofo if I don’t fuck it up :stuck_out_tongue:


if I had a wish to get back one of the strains I have had it would be Snake Venom :fire:


Have you started with the custom fertilizers yet?


Not yet I’ve been a lazy ass just finishing off this grow using the 5-12-27 stuff plus some MKP and Purecal. I will once I get this new grow going though. Gonna try to make something similar to Ambrosia’s veg although I cant really know how accurate the numbers are without getting it lab tested. I emailed some spot but it’s almost 200 bucks so I might in the future but not right now.

Since I’ll be using micros I’ll have to figure out how to make my own “pre mix” with all the salts like 5lb at at a time or something. It would make it less likely that I fuck up the micros since the amounts will be larger than if I was just scaling it out individually every time I refill the res (which would also be a pain in the ass with so many ingredients.

Edit: Those cookies I made for my buddy’s mom ended up being really strong. When I gave them to his girlfriend to bring home I sent them basically with a message: take less than you normally do because I used a lot of weed and they’re potentially very strong. I guess the message didn’t get delivered because she took a small piece, didn’t feel shit, took more still didn’t feel shit and had even more after than (still less than 1 cookie). She got so wrecked from it when it finally hit lol. Was greening out / puking. His dad was like are you sure this shit is weed haha. She went to space and back but she’s fine now. I’m sure she’ll be more cautious next time :stuck_out_tongue: . Sounds like a horrible time.