Neo's Sad Grow Log

Sweet. Stoked for this fruity run. Cant go wrong with San’s gear!


I think there might be info on that specifically in @skybound’s thread over on bean basement, from DF. Get some sodium benzoate, if you don’t already have it. You’ll need that.

I know exactly what you mean with the cookies.


I mean pre mix like just mixing the salts together as keeping it powder. I was looking at one of Daniel’s blog posts or videos not too long ago and he was making liquid nutes with sodium benzoate as a preservative as well. I’m just trying to make my own pre mix bag that I can just spoon out onto a scale when I use it. I know it’s not as ideal as the liquid way because the stuff doesn’t mix perfectly but I’d still rather deal with a scale than measure out liquid.

That blue Koolaid 5-12-27 stuff seems to work pretty well though it’s nice to have that when I’m a lazy (which is a lot of the time :stuck_out_tongue: ) It’s way cheaper than Jack’s too.

I ended up chopping the Coastal Blueberry down around Monday. The Cobra Lips F2 a bit after. I had one of the Cobra Lips that I harvested at 7.5 weeks that was pretty dry today, gets me pretty high and was really frosty. Too bad this didn’t yield so good (was the smallest pheno out of all of em). Snapped a few pics when I was trimming earlier. The second 2 pics are a lil branch of Coastal Blueberry I’m gonna try to quick dry for another taste. Hanging plants are all Coastal.


@Nitt This is the one I’m hoping to try and make something somewhat similar to first :

Plus their mag (which I may or may not just mix into the main “pre mix bag”


And calcium nitrate. They have a Cal bag with chelated calcium but I’m not gonna bother with that.


I hear you, but I don’t think that’ll end up well. If you mean that you’ll then take relatively small amounts from your dry micro blend and add it to water to use. Each time you do that you’re probably gonna end up with very different results. But you do you.
I think the sodium benzoate is only for the micro nutrients anyway.

Nice trichomes.


The benzoate is a preservative so the stuff doesn’t get all moldy and gross I can’t remember though.

I am gonna try making like 5lb (or more) batches of nutrients with the micros (not only micros) instead of mixing it in super small amounts. With all the other salts too like potassium nitrate etc so instead of working with like 0.1 grams of micros I’ll hopefully be using more than that (like a few grams) in the mix so I’ll be less likely to mess it up. I’d already been using the plant prod micros mix (I still have it) but I also got all the individual stuff so I can tweak it more if I want to or copy other stuff. I know they don’t mix perfectly as if they were all dissolved in water together but pretty much everything I already use is gonna be slightly different every scoop I take. Pretty much my own home made Jack’s or something but with diff numbers. Still gotta figure out the math on all that though.


Yea. But I think only the micronutrient inputs require it, is what I’m saying. I might be wrong…but I don’t think I am.

Please let us know how that goes if you’re gonna try and do a dry blend with all the micros.


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Been awhile. At the time I was popping my last pack of seeds the snow thrower x puck bx3 was ahead at the time so I might have to pop some of the other ones for next run. Funny the last vote on it was San who made the snow thrower :stuck_out_tongue:

Took a bunch of random quick pics. Mostly the coastal blueberry but the last 5 ish pics are the end are some cobra lips (only one pheno atm) There was way too many phenos of the same stuff for me to bother takings pics of them all. Plus I gave a lot away already.

I’m still using the pre mixed nutes. Seems to work pretty well so far plus I’m lazy so might just end up using it for the entire grow start to finish to really test it. Unless I get a scale sooner than later.

The little seedlings in the tray are a germ test of some of the cobra lips x coastal blueberry I made. I might put a few outside but it just snowed like crazy yesterday so it’s gonna be awhile. I’ll have to test out the other seeds soon too. I don’t know how long I should dry em for though cuz I tried some right off the plant before and they just molded in the paper towel that was barely moist.

Also finally got the new drain setup and it works really well. Went from a previous 0.5 inches to 1.5. Gonna make cleaning way easier. Had to raise all the trays slightly to do it but now my drains look like kitchen sink drains with a strainer on all of em for the fine particles. It goes through the wall out of the grow room and directly into my floor drain.

I switched back to pro mix, trying to HPCC one this time has some coir in it. I didn’t feel like taking all my harvested plant pots and shaking the media out of it so just through all the shit outside. Saves me a lot of effort I wasn’t the biggest fan of having to do that even if it did save me money. If only this stuff was avail year round though.


ahhh, those nugs :yum: … you sir, are killing it as always, haha !!
i just send out a pigeon yesterday with a few trufflez-crosses :wink:


Ah man, you’re too generous thanks for always thinking of me :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll have to pop some of those next run then :crazy_face:

I’ll have to send ya some of those coastal blueberry crosses I just made when I figure that shit out.


enjoy Neo…yummy nugs


Great 'thumbing Neo. Those are some nice buds! :fire::heart_eyes::fire:


your pigeons are always the first to be packed here. it’s such a standard, that
everytime i’m done with a run, my wife asks: “what are you sending neo?” :grin:
this will never stop, bro, haha …


The current disaster I’m working with lol. Been having some issues with leaves going taco and getting a bit twisty. I don’t normally have this issue but it might the lights being too close or something because the ones farther away seem to be less affected by it or not at all. It also reduces in severity when the lights are off, always looks mostly better when I first turn on the lights.
Iceberry Gary from @hughdunno . There’s a funky looking one in there.

Strawberry shortcake @santero

Whippets from fennec plus some Cobra lips f2 x coastal blueberry seedlings made by me
Here’s the website if any Canadians are interested, good sale going on atm too.

Snow thrower x puck bx3 from @Kyumonryu biggest of the plants so far

Berry ice cream @santero

Frosted cobra f2 @SamwellBB @JohnnyPotseed didn’t even wanna tag you 2 because they look so embarrassing atm :sweat_smile: I raised the lights so hopefully the twisting improves. Squat plants


Berry nice plants 1.5 @santero


Flipped the plants flower like 2 or 3 days ago. Some of them were auto flowering on me a week or so earlier. I wonder wtf I’m doing to cause this because it isn’t the first time recently. I hadn’t had my pH thing calibrated properly until like a week ish ago. Was giving them nutrients at too low a pH. I wonder if that’s what made my last run herm lol wouldn’t be surprised.

Took a ton of bottom branches and leaves off last night. Still no trellis in sight lol I don’t have any zip ties left either. Gotta get that shit up soon now or never. I have some plants that are actually decent size for once so gotta get them held up before it’s too late lol.

The really short squat frosted cobra f2s are actually stretching quite nicely for their size which I’m pretty happy about. Can’t wait to start smelling everything in a month maybe a bit longer.

So far this blue koolaid looking nutrient mix seems to be doing alright. One of my iceberry gary (last pic) is still looking fried af hopefully puts out some decent buds still.


They look very healthy

Great job brother


Wow @neogitus! Those are beautiful. Nothing sad about them!


Looking good! excited to see those snow thrower x puck finish. They certainly look like they had some stretch to them.


Thanks @Papalag @Bert @Kyumonryu It’s always a roller coaster :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m also excited to see how the snow thrower x puck turn out. They are really stretchy and they grew super fast during veg. Hoping for some diesel phenos to poke out. These are gonna be massive in 2 months from now (or dead haha)

Gonna be nice to have some variety after doing an entire run of blueberry. The tent upstairs with the iceberry gary already stink in veg when I open the door to the room. Prob gonna be at least one gary leaner in there that reeks. I wonder if my fucked up mutant looking one is gonna look like chimera. Only time will tell I guess.


Do you trellis or what? How do you support? And are you mixing custom ferts yet?