Neo's Sad Grow Log

I have a high pressure pump one of these things

I actually spent a lot of time on on irrigation direct looking at things and although I like the sprayers I don’t like how they don’t spray directly down in a cone. I was looking for something like that but couldn’t find any. I was looking at those antelco the one linked above that you have and they also have one called a shrubbler and it does a bunch of thin streams but I thought the mushroom style might be better. The open tubing with clips are a pain in the ass. I bought 2 maybe 3 different emitters already but I prefer the higher flow ones over the drip ones because I don’t like the pump having to be on for over an hr a day vs seconds. Feel like it would reduce the lifespan of the pump.

I got the 48 plant kit years ago and I liked it when I was using the 5 gal pots but I’m on 2 gal ones so can’t use em anymore. I liked how those cones stopped the tiny water droplets from getting on the plant and helped evenly water it. They told me awhile ago that they have smaller cones now too but for the price it would cost to replace the ones I already have collecting dust wasn’t worth it to me.

Pretty sure this pump can handle twice as many plants as I have setup now too so room for expansion if I ever can afford it one day.

I also have a big submersible pump like 1/3 hp that I used to use with a hose to hand water but it didn’t produce nearly enough pressure the shit came out slowly compared to a tap or something. It also wouldn’t extend those hoses that need pressure to get longer.


2 days to week 4 for most. Berry nice plants prob be at week 6 almost. I’ll be checking em next week to see if they’re ready.

Iceberry Gary

Berry ice cream

The pheno in the last few pics has a crazy smell so far like berry, rubber and dill

Strawberry shortcake
These have quite the “sativa” look to em most of em have a loud lime smell to em , one of em has an acetone type smell in the background I think too. Wonder what parent that’s coming from maybe something Mexican.

Whippets. Still looking ugly but staring to bulk up. They’re gonna be dense. Can’t wait till the smell starts coming out. Hoping for a pheno with any kind of coffee tinge.

Snow thrower x puck bx3
Massive fuckers for not even week 4. Some of em are starting to get that fuel smell.

Frosted Cobra f2 gonna be some golf balls

Bnp 1.5


Holy shit that bud in the center of the snow thrower x puck is huge for 4 weeks. Man I’m stoked on that cross now :slight_smile:

The other plants look great too. Youre killing this run!


You’re killing it! Keep up the awesome work!


Thanks @Kyumonryu and @CurrentMinimum8151

Should pop some :crazy_face:


Week 5 disaster lol. Don’t mind the trip damage they’re holding on for dear life. Gonna have to do a deep clean after this run and get rid of all the soil. Was thinking about grabbing a few clones but not till these fuckers are gone.

Hope the plants can hang on for another 4-5 weeks (maybe more for the satty looking ones posssibly?)

One thing I’m noticing about this run is how important getting plenty of runoff is to reset the media pH and nutrient ratios for drain to waste systems. I have 4 of them in a room on trays getting plenty of runoff and I have some in tents getting next to no runoff because I don’t have them on trays or drains. Just the tent floor. The ones in the room seem healthier and the ones in the tents not so much. I have 2 more 3x3 trays I’ll have to get 2 more tables made for em at some point.

Iceberry Gary
2 phenos are starting to get that pine/fuel type smell to em. The other one is like artificial strawberry candy with possibly a touch of mint.

Berry ice cream
I found a nanner or 2 on one of the phenos but I just took them out with tweezers and I’m gonna just let it ride. It smells so crazy. Super strong fruity rubber dill smell. I showed my cousin last week and he said his hand smelled like rubber for like 20 mins after leaving :stuck_out_tongue: The other one kinda has that lemony haze type smell.

Strawberry shortcake
These ones have that sativa look and have a “loud” lime/lemon oil scent. The buds are really greasy, when I touch a sugar leaf to get some smell my fingers look like they are wet. There’s a runty one that kinda smells like BNP but compared to the real thing it’s tiny and lower yield. So far at least. I might detect some fruitiness in the background but the citrus is so strong it’s hard to tell. I’ll be better at describing it when I chop it and it’s in front of me. @santero do these remind you of any of the parents/grandparents?

Snow thrower x puck bx3
Found 2 bananas on one of the branches also but not worried just took it off and carried on. Can’t expect to run something sour related and not see a banana or 2. These things are massive. The cell phone pics actually make the shit look smaller than it is in person lol. Even some nugs that are 2-3 ft away from the light are still pretty chunky. I’m either gonna yield huge or more likely lose 90% to mold cuz they’re mini trees lol.

Phenos are a mix between that earthy foresty hashplant type smell and sour d fuel. The ones that are a mix of both smell delicious

Whippets starting to look less ugly haha, Still not much smell wise but I think I detect a hint of coffee notes starting to come out so that’s exciting. Another one has kinda a piney cherry smell. These are pretty chunky mofos too.

Group shot of 4 of em.

My sad floppy bnp 1.5. These look pretty sad and are fading but the nugs are nice and chunky and smell amazing. I took a tester bottom nug and quick dried it like a week ago and tasted great in the volcano (and got me surprisingly baked for being very early). I wanted to take them this week because i’m paranoid I’ll lose them to mold. Room the tent is in sometimes spikes to 70 rh at night time which scares me lol. I’m gonna take these down next week at week 8. Can’t get the greatest pic but they are pretty frosty. Can’t wait to smoke this stuff.

Frosted cobra f2 @SamwellBB
can’t quite describe the smell but they smell amazing. I have one freaky looking one but the rest are sexy golf ball nugs. For how tiny these were when I flipped them I’m glad they stretched as much as they did.


Wow great wall of pictures! Shame about the bananas on the snow thrower x puck. But yeah sour d/og haha
Amazing work. Everything looks tasty!


pls don’t beat yourself up about the bnp 1.5 looking floppy
and “sad”, bro. the clone only looks exactly the same :wink:
her smoke will be very nice tho.

the nanas in the berry ice cream come from the gelato, of course, haha.
kind of a gamble with these genetics. the closer to the original te more
hermies or nanas you will encounter. so it’s a easily disturbed equilibrium
with all of those genetics. you are steering these ladies with a strong hand,
so they are much more tame than in other cabs, under different thumbs.
(one of my testers had full blown hermies but also really, really amazing
smokes on the ones that stayed clean).

the lime and sativa comes from the blues x wedding cake f2-mother i used.
the line is called “winegums” and is made by ken in UK (k.g.g beans) … he
shared his breeding cut of that over and i did hit her with the BNP 2.0-pollen.
they lean heavily to the winegums in shape and yield. this’ll be special smoke.


there’s a new pigeon on the way to you soon, bro :wink:
it’s carrying a few of my current larry og bx4-adventures.


Its a pleasure seeing your gardens neo.
f them trips, they should be impressed.


Thanks. Yeah they’re bothering the fuck outta me lol. Plan is after this grow before starting anything is to clean the shit out of every room and get rid of the old grow pots and hope for the best lol. I will never be taking anything from outside again lol totally my fault. Should have known better. Before this bs the only bug I ever dealt with that fungus gnats.

Saw those pics of the taste buds in the other thread, stuff looks tasty. Can’t wait to cut my 2 berry nice plants next week.

@santero Damn, I’m gonna need some more space to catch up :stuck_out_tongue: thanks that’s exciting. I know what my next grow is gonna be then. Some of the trufflez crosses and some of the larry og. Really hoping to get at least one trufflez pheno that has that cherry pancake smell you were describing in the other thread :drooling_face: It’s always exciting to see how things will mix too. If one parent will dominate all the phenos or if there’s a nice mix of both (my fav).


I’m fighting those lil buggers too, but seem to be on the winning side with these… Ignore the instructions a bit though, cut open the packet and water in the lil eggs, don’t keep them in the packets.

Good luck :metal:


Some trich shots. The last one is one of the bnp gonna take it in 5 days.
Starting to purple up and smells so good. 4 years later after my initial bnp fuck up and I finally get to try it haha.

Cut a couple small lowers off a few random plants and am gonna have a taste test in a few days even though they’re barely at week 5 :stuck_out_tongue:


Decided to say fuck it and pulled the 2 bnp at around week 7.5 I think one of em could have done with another week but my humidity spiking was making me paranoid.

A few quick snaps of the now lone floppy bnp that I don’t think I’ve ever posted one pic of yet lol


looks done to me :sunglasses:
the effect is a bit headier when taken early, but potency does not suffer.
the terps are better when taken early too :wink: good decision, if u ask me.


More random trich shots. About 3 or so days from week 7. Seems like some are gonna be done around week 8-9 which is gonna be nice . Will hopefully have the trimming / drying a bit staggered so I don’t have too much shit at once. Might take that last bnp 1.5 at 7.5 like the other 2 (this one is behind since it didn’t flower during veg)


Looks great
Love those trichomes shots


How’re you taking those pictures?

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Thanks @Papalag finally getting the hang of this phone lol.

@Nitt just using cell phone on macro focus then zooming in and screenshot or cropping the pic so it’s not too large to upload here. Phone is pixel 8 pro.


I was looking at macro lense attachments for a few hours the other day.

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Tape a laser pointer lens on it. The cheap ass ones are enough.
No joke. Not enough, i know.