Neo's Sad Grow Log

Neo it’s the land of the Giants great job bro


Thanks. Can’t wait to start seeing buds in a few weeks and see what all these smell like. I have high hopes for the sanfune hope all my plants like hanging out together on the floor later :p.

Really excited to finish getting this irrigation thing setup. For the time being I got all the pvc glued the pump and drilled a hole in the bottom of brute can for the 1 inch pvc to the pump and out the other side, through the wall into the room with a nozzle and a hose adapter. I am still hand watering but with this pump now setup it creates more than enough pressure to extend the hose and actually spray enough volume so it doesn’t take me 5 years to hand water anymore. Pretty good improvement from before even though the pump scares me a bit.

We forgot to glue one of the parts before turning it on at first and holy fuck was there ever an explosion of water everywhere. I never ran to unplug something so quick I’m surprised I didn’t smash into the wall lol. Got insanely soaked and was a bit pissed but overall was pretty hilarious and laughed my ass off hysterically :stuck_out_tongue: I’m paranoid when the pump runs now.

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Santaro ‘s sanfune should be pretty dam good.
Your rooms looking good lots of monsters in the making .


Finally got everything set up. There’s a heavy duty close line wrapped around hooks on the studs. I planned on stringing a trellis over it but we’ll see if I even can at this point. Put it a little bit higher than it should have been but oh well. I’ll string a second lower one next grow to have even more support. It was a huge pain in the ass moving the plants out of the room for the day to do a ton of work and then moving them back after working 12+ hours.

No more hand watering for me let’s see how well these things work. The drains are all attached and lead out of the room into the laundry area and down the floor drain. The 1 inch pvc for the irrigation also goes through the wall to a hose connection if I need to flush the system without getting water to the plants.

Was really nice not having to vacuum up my runoff for once. The drains are pretty slow since they’re attached but work good enough. If anyone knows of any kind of pump I can attach to the end of the drain tube for it to use suction to drain quicker I’d definitely be willing to buy one.

She ain’t too pretty but lets hope she works well.


Looks good maybe a shop vac plumbed into your drain line .


Looks great neo :+1::+1::+1:

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Finally got a trellis set up. It’s a bit too high but I’ll make a second lower one next grow. Will be much easier having plants grow into it instead of me having to weave already super tall plants the best I can without snapping them. I’m sure this will make my life easier than last few grows where the buds were hanging out on the ground. Auto feeding and actually having a drain has already saved me a ton of time and stress.


Damn Neo there’s going to be a lot of dankness in your future I can smell it from the east coast lol


The tall ones don’t seem very far along for 3 weeks hoping they fill in.

@stONER775 the Snow Thrower is the third pic. Smelling like a nice mix of kush and sour d with no gas atm but It’s pretty early so I think they will get stronger smelling later.


The ones with the slow starts finish big

They look great neo

Peace brother


Thanks. The auto irrigation is making life so much easier so hoping I can have a stronger finish than last time. They’re drinking a whole 44gal res in 1 day at this point even though the runoff is less now than hand watering, I’m able to feed them much more often which is nice. Hoping no more lockout issues due to medium drying out too much. Feeding them around 7x a day till runoff atm.

Now I need to get myself a 40x loupe or just use my digital microscope so I can harvest my shit at the right time so it’s actually potent. The last grow was either too early or late but wasn’t strong enough or very sleepy.


Please fill in you tall lanky fucks lol. One of my trays isn’t getting the best light coverage for some reason, seems to be getting lower readings than the rest of the lights at the same distance, could be just because they’re so tall but the numbers close to the screen are pretty low. The other 3 trays are getting a good amount.


A few closer ups. Cell camera doesn’t seem to like being close to the light they aren’t actually yellow :stuck_out_tongue: First 3 pics snow throwers 4th lemon lotus and the last one is possibly choco fudge but the labels are covered in soil and under the hydrolock cones that I can’t lift so I’ll have to find out when I harvest. Those skinny sanfune 7ft spears seem to be getting a bit fatter so there’s hope after all, with these being f2s maybe I got a sativa pheno and they will flower longer.

Aside from the weird colour when close to the lights I’m liking this new cell camera compared to my old one, might have an easier time being able to see trich maturity since pics aren’t nearly as blurry zoomed in. Hopefully helps me harvest at the right time, I always found those usb microscopes difficult to take pics with my shaky ass hands.


These are some frosty looking ladies!
:green_heart: :seedling:

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If you’ve got a old school magnifying glass :mag: shoot your zoomed in phone though one of those to get a better view .

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I don’t. WIth my old cell I had a clip on macro lens that I’d use but this phone has 4 cameras on the back so can’t really clip something on. Old cell was 8mp this one is 48 so lots more room to zoom in without it becoming blurry. I’ll try more zoomed next time.


Had to kill one of my plants that hermied on me but things chugging along. Am feeding them less often now. Less effort and they seem to not mind. We’ll see if I’m screwed depending on how many seeds I get lol.


Bunch of close ups


Took a few vids, seems easier than trying to take a million pics. Might delete as I go not sure. Haven’t used YT in awhile.
first vid is the unknown until harvest stuff, either lemon chiesel or choc fudge or a mix of both

second vid is snow thrower

third is the sf f2 lots of variation


Week 7. Deleted the older vids and made these ones public and didn’t put 18+ on it so should be easier to view without a yt account.

the mystery ones, either chocolate fudge or lemon cheesel or both. Forgot one plant in the first vid so the second one is the plant I missed which I’m guessing is choc fudge because it looks kinda like gg4.

snow thrower

sanfune f2