Neo's Sad Grow Log

Planted my next round of seeds today after less than 2 days in paper towel. Wonder how many will break above the soil.

20x sanfune f2 (holy princess x choc cheese)
5x choc fudge (gg4 x choc diesel)
5x lemon chiesel (cheese/sour d x lemon thai)
10x toblerone (ecsd/appalachia x choc diesel)
10x lemon lotus (lemon g x snow lotus)
10x snow thrower (the white x sour d)
All from @santero except the lemon lotus @bodhi

All seeds besides the snow thrower had been frozen for well over a year.

Friend of mine is going to help me build a room tomorrow so hopefully it will be less cramped in there than before and if not here comes the cursing :stuck_out_tongue: Already have the drywall and wood.

Pic from a week or 2 ago. No flush or cure. Burns and tastes fine.


A great choice to run cannot go wrong with Santeros gear


I have his Holy Goddess going right very uniform and vigorous :slight_smile:

love his work and the Danish Breeder/growers work

all the best



Looked like a tent full of drunk college girls. :grin: Awesome job. Everything looking really frosty.

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I can’t seem to do any grows without a bunch :stuck_out_tongue: Awesome taste.

@dequilo What’s Holy Goddess? I haven’t tried any of the Holy Princess crosses but I have heard that it is one of Eskos best strains and a lot of people love it. I recently got some of the f2s but have a few crosses to try first.

@TheJanitor Hopefully I can figure out a decent trellis system before they get too big because last time really sucked. We’ll see when this room is finished.


@neogitus it is Santa Shiva x Holy Princess it was gifted to me by a member here

it is growing very nice doing super well

I will work it forward not sure with what yet I have a C99 mix that might

have a nice male for it

all the best and be safe



I’ve got holy princess x herijuana in seed form been a bit since I’d seen it grown.


Reading through your last harvest tempted me so I had to throw a few lucky charms down to germinate lol
Great job man. Finding that harvest spot was my biggest trial when I first started growing. Being impatient definitely doesnt make it easier lmao.


Not much going on yet but all except 2 have popped. One of them I planted too deep so I just uncovered a bit of soil and saw a seedling so hopefully it will recover after a few days and the other one I might have accidentally kept the seed on top of the soil and not noticed. Whoops.One was lemon lotus there was a few extras in that pack so no big deal and the other was a snow thrower but I’m thinking that one will survive my rough handling.

I need to get a move on finishing this room but have no experience with anything so having a hard time picking products. I need to seal the basement floor with some kind of epoxy so I don’t have mold and moisture issues. No idea what to use or how I am supposed to hang my lights from a drywall ceiling. I’d like to get those plants out of the tent asap.

Edit: forgot to add that I finally took the time to trim the airy bottom and popcorn buds from the pile that I was too lazy to get to at first time and ended up getting another 22oz. Wish I had bubble bags or a friend to turn my trim/bottoms into some kind of extract.


Looks like quite the start up just screw 2x4 cross braces to the joists through the dry wall . For floor they sell a killx brand paint used to seal cement and drywall .

Spelling wasn’t right here’s a link to the products.


Ugh back in the tent atm :stuck_out_tongue: doesn’t look like this room is going to get done any time soon as money is tight af. Back to the stressful cramped growing quarters lol. Have a few runt/mutant looking plants I’m gonna probably toss if there is no new growth in a few days. Might be due to something I did or maybe not.

Is there any way I can setup a sprinkler pump I have to hand water from my brute can reservoir? I doubt I’ll have my hydrolocks setup by this run which is a shame so I figure there must be some way I can at least hand water at a decent enough pressure so that is doesn’t take me a century every time to feed. I’d like to setup the hydrolocks but when it comes to irrigation/plumbing I just don’t understand it whatsoever. I need to buy 1 inch pvc to setup the system but I have no idea where to get it locally let alone set it up.


:seedling: :blossom: :sunflower: :hibiscus: :seedling:

Sump pump and a wand with a shut off is a quick way to water .

Hopefully gonna finally get this hydrolock system set up in the next few weeks if I can figure it out. Been collecting dust for more than half a year will make life so much easier when it’s in use.

Shit is getting super cramped in the tent. Still haven’t done the room so not sure what I’m going to do. I popped my seeds stubbornly thinking I’d have my room up and running in a short amount of time but money got tight so had to wait on some things I was planning on buying this run (4x8 tables, rolling benches). Right now I am dealing with pvc panels to cover the drywall and a way to exhaust the room outside. Also need to buy something to hang all the lights from the flat ceiling.

I had the same issues at the start of this grow that I did with last one. Either pH related or my suspicion just not watering often enough. With these solo cups I’m currently at 4x a day and any less they start to suffer or show deficiency. They seem to have recovered now. I also had a mutant looking runt plant that I decided not to throw out and after over a week of it doing nothing it seems to be finally growing out of it.


Got all the pvc I need to install the auto irrigation so I’m hoping only a few more weeks of hand watering. Plants are getting too big for solo cups :stuck_out_tongue:

I am working on getting this room finished but it is taking so much time. This weekend drilled 6 inch hole in the side of house and put a vent exhaust there. Put some plugs in the ceiling for lights, built little tables for the 3x3 trays so I can finally install drains on them, got these pvc/fiberglass panels to put on all the walls so it is waterproof,air tight and easy to clean. Still not done with the paneling though, going to finish it tomorrow. Ran out of glue after using 4 gal. Then get something to hang up the lights and fasten to the ceiling. Then hopefully asap those damn hydrolocks another day. Once I can transplant them to 5 gals I won’t have to water them 4x a day for awhile so I’ll survive. And yes I’m gonna clean those nasty ass trays before I use em :laughing:

I kinda wanna wait till I see more pre flowers so I don’t have to waste soil vegging males in 5 gal pots.


Looking good. It will be awesome!
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:


Plants are in really rough shape but finally got the rest of the panels done for the rest of the room and bars to hang the other lights. Still need to do some caulking along the whole room to seal it but I’m not in a rush yet. My priority is getting the hydrolocks setup asap which I am hoping will be in a month. I should be able to handle hand watering for a few weeks when I transplant them into 5 gals.

My plan is to look for pre flowers this week and try to thin the herd a bit. I want to get rid of as many males as possible before transplanting so I don’t waste a ton of time effort and soil on them. Don’t have the room anyways. After they are transplanted they should recover then I’ll figure out a way to put up a trellis. I’ll never start another grow without the space being ready first :stuck_out_tongue:

Thinking about using one of my 4x8 tents and 4 of my older lights for a cheap veg room to have less time in between runs but I keep telling myself to get cheaper lights since these can still flower really well (480w x 2 drivers 4 panels total for a 4x8)


Clean !!!

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Flipped a few days ago. No trellis in sight. Do I ever learn? lol. I’m not sure how I could set up one in short time as I don’t want to make holes in the wall for support because the panels on them. Droopy plants here we come I guess. I’m thinking about getting rid of a 1-2 plants from some of the trays since there’s barely any room. I was planning on having another 4x8 as well as this room for all these plants but never worked out. Other lights still collecting dust not being used. I think I’m gonna use them and set up a veg room/tent and some point this year so i don’t have to go so long in between flowering cycles.


Stretch city. Glad I have more height now. The tallest ones are at or approaching 6ft.