Neuropathy sufferers unite

I have been doing some research on minor cannabinoids and the current state of understanding when it comes to the entourage effect and multi-cannabinoid treatment, here are a few links to a post in my thread with scientific papers to check out, and a few others I just pulled up on neuropathic pain and cannabinoids. Good ol’ @misterbee sounds like he can hook you up but I can drop a couple seeds in the mail for you too most likely, send me an address in DM and I’ll see what I can do. I’d also be happy to send you some unrooted snips of the three feminized Hoku strains I have getting going in my seedling tent right now, but that would be a month or so until they’re large enough for their first topping.

Check out my grow thread to see the details on those but they’re all mixed ratios CBD/CBG/THC/THCV. You can also order hemp flower from him to try out some of the minors, he runs sales pretty regularly on flower usually 25%. People say the members only stuff is awesome and tends to be more mixed with THC since it’s R&D.

I’ve also been meaning to buy some of this stuff, and maybe some other isolates from this company, the huge % of minor cannabinoids is super intriguing:

Delta-8 THC: ND
CBD: 85.5%
CBDV: 0.30%
CBN: 1.86%
CBG: 5.58%
CBC: 0.96%
Delta-10 THC: ND
Delta-9 THC: 0.26%
Total Cannabinoids: 94.51%”