Anyone tried Ketogenic diet?

Any experience and tips on low carb/high fat protein diets welcome.

Plan is to lose some mid torso fat…


I ll tag along if you don’t mind


The more the merrier…


my sister did keto when she was living with me. she was tired and grouchy the whole time. it’s unnatural.


I found limiting caloric intake was the key for me. At my most extreme I spent 2 weeks eating 1500 calories in the day MAX. Didn’t matter what just as long as my #'s were under 1500.

Additionally I also did the following:

  1. First thing in the AM warm water with lemon juice + a pinch of salt then a 10-15min workout on my elipsodical machine (approx 2-3km in this time frame).
  2. No food until 12noon or later if possible; and then it was steel cut oats with a little dried fruit and nuts.
  3. Keep hydrated.
  4. Eat dinner early.

I lost 15lbs in those 2 weeks. The am workout is key with the fasting; it makes your body burn calories and if you don’t eat then those calories are your stored fats!

@Shadey has some solid tips too. Cause of his suggestions I now am able to fast during the workdays and with 1 meal a day (dinner) with no ill effects. I’m leaner and stronger in my 40’s than my 30’s cause I need to make sure my “flickering engine light” doesn’t turn fully on like so many friend that didn’t look after themselves either during their 20’s and 30’s :rofl:

Best of success!


Agreed. This is the simplest way.

Eat whatever you like just only eat 2/3s of what you normally might.


i have found the put the fukin fork down diet werks fer me :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I’ve done keto multiple times. But I always end up with going back to eat junk food all the time :grimacing:

Best I’ve done is 36kg in 4 months. From 130kg down to 94kg. It was great being thinner again and I started to move more since it was a pain in the ass to do stuff when I was heavier. Main intake was Eggs and sallads. If you are doing keto, you have to have a high fiber intake or you’ll shit pure whole day long.



keto can be tough for the first few days, but its definitely very effective for weight loss. people with nagging minor health conditions (aches, rashes) sometimes find they disappear, and it can often correct blood sugar/lipid issues for many

the main problem people have is getting tired/angry/dizzy. its called the keto flu and its usually caused by a lack of electrolytes. sipping water with salt/potassium all day can prevent it. read about ‘snake juice’ for more info on that


Dom D’Agastino and Rhonda Patrick

The science behind “it”


The problem a lot of people have when starting a keto diet is their liver and gallbladder are not functioning well. If you are carrying fat you will have a fatty liver and gallbladder problem.

It takes time for these organs to heal and adapt to the new higher levels of fat intake, which can cause digestive issues.

Intermittent fasting helps speed up the adaption and healing so these organs can start to function properly again.

Whilst that is happening your body will struggle and you may get cranky from sugar and refined carb withdrawals.

The bacteria in your gut that have been partying on sugar and refind carbs will start making hormones that make you crave those foods. If they don’t get them they die off so they will try to keep you eating thise foods.

The hard part for me was finding suitable replacements for what I was cutting out.

Dont be fooled by a lot of Youtube posts saying the best keto whatever, its not the same as what you were eating lol, just disappointing.

Being a vegetarian it was even more restrictive, but after I started finding my substitutes it is a lot easier now.

I have increased my carb intake now I am fat adapted, I still avoid sugar and anything with wheat flour in it. Just eat more nuts, dark chocky, potato and rice occasionally now as well.

Just soak any carbs in extra virgin olive oil it slows the blood glucose release and helps with the inflammation they cause.


If you want to understand the science behind it this guy only uses peer reviewed studies to show what’s going on inside your body.

Also if you have concerns about the fat false medical info our health authorities are still pushing, check out this guy. He experiments on himself like I do yo see if these things work and gets full medical workouts all the time to see what’s happening in his body.


Thanks for all the comments, there is a lot to digest (pun intended lol)


@Shadey you are fucking Unicorn + BEAST! :hugs:


Eating a half cup of raspberries, before eating carbs blocks glucose release also.


I have been not drinking sugar drinks, and fasting, for a day or two in between a single meal… usually chicken. But I have other stuff as well. Over the last year I’ve lost 80 lbs. I feel great. I also work out every other day. I have three sets of stairs I run up and down constantly, I average three flights up and down about 20 times a day. All in all I’m feeling great and more healthy now. As for keto and another I tried before, Atkins . They make me sick I did them each for three months and did not lose any weight. I was sick the whole time. :weary: I’ll just stick to eating chicken drinking water and working out.


Atkins here! The minute I go off I gain


That is what I did. I eliminated all “white carbs”


I’ve been in great shape as well as fat back and forth in my life :laughing:. I’ve tried a bunch of different diets and changes to my lifestyle but the one thing that always gets me back in the groove is counting calories. You can literally eat whatever the hell you want and still lose that fat you’ve packed on. Granted it does help to eat healthier foods! You just can’t binge eat those same things like you normally would!

The 1200-1500 per day mark calories wise had me feeling good to where I did not feel loss of energy or the severe urge to raid my fridge or cabinets.

Definitely all about calories in vs. calories out! If you’re in a caloric deficit you’ll lose the fat.

Try out the MyFitnessPal app. It definitely helps.

As a matter of fact your post may have given me the urge to shed some pounds since I’ve been meaning to get
myself back to the in shape version of myself! lol

*Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice!
^Had to throw that in there! :wink:


i like cronometer for tracking my diet, but all those apps are pretty similar. if you HONESTLY log everything you eat for a couple weeks it will be very obvious where your calories are coming from. a food scale can help too because who knows wtf 100g of something is lol

i use it more to track vitamins etc. for example after a couple weeks of logging my food i saw i was well under my recommended vitamin A every day so i bought cod liver oil to supplement it