Neuropathy sufferers unite

I have Degenerative Disc Disease in my neck and lower back predominantly, which was made a lot worse from an accident, pushing all the spinal fluid out from around my spinal cord. I believe its called spinal stenosis. Diagnosis from my neuro surgeon was, its only going to get worse and I would be in a wheel chair within 5 years without a terrifying operation, and any bump or bang to my neck causing a possible catastrophic spinal cord injury. That was nearly 8 years ago, I didn’t have the op.

A lot of what I see here on OG requesting info for diseases, and this is in no way a criticism, is really just to suppress the symptoms of a disease rather than resolving the problem causing the symptoms. We are convinced by our established health systems and doctors to believe that taking something to mask the symptoms of disease is the only thing we can do, just as it is with pharmaceutical medicine which does not cure, but just mask symptoms. I was prescribed Gabapentin but I declined as it’s really an anti depressant they found helps reduce neuropathic pain a little.

What, and how we eat affects our bodies more than anything. All disease is born from inflammatory responses by our immune systems. Sugar and refined carbs create the most inflammation in our bodies.To correct a problem you have to remove as much inflammation as possible so the body can repair the damage and heal. If you eat a moderate amount of carbs a day and drink alcohol, you will very likely have a Vit B deficiency, most people do. Vit B1 helps with other things to regulate our nervous system, if we are difficient in it, it can create the same symptoms as a neuropathic disease or damage, and can exacerbate a neuropathic condition. If you have severe nerve pain as I did I would recommend a vit B1 sub part called Benfotiamine, it’s natural job in the body is to repair damage nerve sheaths which reduces pain.

If you go on a low carb diet and intermittent fasting and or long fasts you create a condition called keytosis which signals the body to go into autophagy. This is where the body starts creating macrophages that go around scavenging anything in the body that is not functioning properly at a cellular level for energy. Once you start eating again the body creates new stem cells that replace the old damaged ones that were used fuel and repairs the damage. If you have 50,000$ spare you can by pass all the fasting and go to Mexico and get a 2 week stem cell replacement therapy, where they injected directly into the damaged areas and repair the damage.

For the last two years now, I have been intermittent fasting eating only in a 4 hour window mostly every day and I did long fasting up to 6 days at a time once a month for all of 2021, as well as microdose with shrooms all of which I feel has corrected the damage in my neck. I had only 20% moment from left to right and zero moment looking up and 70% looking down. Any further would cause severe pain to the point I would black out if I carried on. I have to wait 5 years to get a new appointment with my neurologist to confirm with an MRI :rage:

At the moment I am relatively back to normal prior to my accident, looking left to right and down with just around 80% movement looking up without any pain.

Having said that, treating the symptoms while you are dealing with healing the disease, I found the Romulan strain to be very helpful as well as the shrooms, but diet and fasting is the key for me to getting back to full health on all levels not just my spinal stenosis.


Very interesting…… and totally makes sense tbh. Thank you :pray:t2:


I actually keep hearing about the stem cell therapies and what wonders it does, but 50,000$ damn . No wonder it’s mostly celebrities :man_facepalming:t2: why is it these miracle cures always cost a damn fortune.


Because the pharmacuitacle industry controls the pricing of everything you need to have an operation and they are greedy barstards :wink:

I can’t offord 50,000 either that’s why I fast lol.


What a world we live in :man_facepalming:t2:


Thanks so much for all of the suggestions and info. I’m going to dive in and do some research today.

The very generous offer of genetics from @misterbee and @Dirt_Wizard, wow, that is so nice. I may reach out In the future as I refine my search, but for now please know I very much appreciate your kind offers and all suggestions. Please keep them coming!


I don’t have neuropathy per se, but I have carpel tunnel in both hands, tendonitis in both elbows, and a herniated disc in my back, between T6-T7.

Sunshine Daydream melts that pain away for me for an hour or two or so. I haven’t tried anything else that’s been as effective. Kush’s can help but don’t have what she does. Absolutely zero CBD/CBG products have touched my pain at all but your mileage may vary.


@Shadey My son was born with a rare form of cancer . Retinoblastoma (was extremely rare then and he was one of 6-7 cases in children) we caught it early thank God and he only had to have one eye removed as it hadn’t traveled to his other optic nerve. Afterwards sick kids set us up with a prosthetic engineer to make his eye. When all was said and done I got a 6400$ bill for his prosthetic eye. Mind you I’m still young 23 and my wife as well, and we weren’t financially set to say the least. I was appalled to find out they pay for a sex change in children, but not my sons prosthetic eye as it was deemed “not a necessity “ but a sex change is. Among other things. I was forced to pay it. (Thank God for family contributions) when he needed a new one I made a huge stink and was eventually approached by the Lions Club and Shriners who offered to pay for any more he needed while he was under 18…. Just an example of how lost our healthcare system is in Canada also. (Basically they said it’s not a necessity, he doesn’t need the prosthetic he could walk around with a huge hole where his eye was at 3 years old smfh)


I’ve been meaning to pop your backcross since I got it. Just got moved up the list @HolyAngel


This is why we cant do nitrous oxide.
NO2 depletes Vit B, which then depletes the myelin sheath around neurons/spinalcord/brain. So yeah, always take a B vitamin.

Microphages. No,the body doesnt create them. Its just a term for cells eating other cells.
After 6-8hrs of fasting, MAO stops being produced in the stomach. Yay for tripping balls.
After 10-12hrs, the body microphages its own supply of surplus. After 2-3 days, the body starts microphaging itself - to include neurons / brain. So yeah, you dont wanna fast more than 36hrs. Its best to get info about that stuff from a licensed medical practitioner. .

Biggest diet change for me was tomatoes.
An old Sicilian mafia grandma taught me to make pasta sauce. And I used to eat pasta sauce and tomato products at least twice a week.
But nightshades induce a hell of a lot of inflammation.


Micropages are not the same as Macrophages but do a similar job.

The key difference between microphage and macrophage is that the microphages are living only for a few days while the macrophage is a type of larger phagocyte with a longer life. Macrophages are the largest white blood cells that are made in the body and are located near important places in the body.

As far as I understand after 12 hours of no food the body goes into autophagy, and our mitochondria start to panic, signaling the immune system to produce more macrophages/white blood cells that go out scavenging.

So long as you don’t move out of keytosis your body will only burn fat as long as you have fat in your body, it will be coverted into keytones for fuel, the mitochondria in our body then start to un couple, creating brown fat which burns the subcutaneous fat for fuel until it runs out. Then it will go after more important things. Our brains are 80% fat so you can lose some neurons, but only the damaged ones until there is none of those left which is why it’s good to fast for auto immune diseases as these damaged neurons get eaten and then replaced when you start eating again and are producing new stem cells.

I use MCT oil in my coffee as well as whipping cream whilst fasting, also vits minerals, and amino acids, to limit what is recycled to just the damaged cells and body fat, although I am not trying to lose weight anymore, just remove damaged cells from my system, just like cleaning out the hard drive on a computer to make it more efficient and run better. Once a long fast is finished I bulk up over the next 3 weeks for the next fast.

Our bodies produce it naturally, it’s part of our fight or flight system, anything that causes strong rythmic breathing causes a vibration in the upper part of the nose, which stimulates a release of NO2. There are meditation breathing practices especially designed to do this to increase blood flow and oxygen to the brain and body, and also allows more oxygen to get into our bone marrow where stem cells and macrophages/white blood cells are made.

How do you get on with potatoes as they are part of the nightshade family?


I dont seem to notice a problem. But, im also irish. So, maybe i have a potato resistance the same way europeans have a prion resistance

Tomatoes, aspartame, and junk food (especially citric acid which is lab-made from black mold) are my kryptonite. But ive always been sensitive to aspartame. Which sucks because ALL bubblegum nowadays has aspartame, even big league chew. Some have sugar And aspartame


I’ll just park this here:


They don’t bother me to much either and I am 1/4 Irish lol. It’s surprising how many plants contain high amounts of lectins that cause a lot of inflamatory problems, even ones we think are very healthy. With tomatoes it’s just the skin and seeds that cause the most problems the same as with chillies.

I have recently started chewing on spices that have high polyphenols, flavonoids and phenolic acid contents, like cinnamon tree bark, cloves, liquorice sticks, cardamom pods and dried ginger. Cinnamon is good, as it almost has a bubble gum flavour to me, but the flavour lasts longer than in gum lol.


Cool @Shadey Based on what you said I’m going on a diet. Less sugar/carbs. Eventually maybe I’ll go full keto. I’ll try to get my fam to do it too.

I’m still going to do all the plants/fungi because I enjoy them. Even if my neck starts feeling better :laughing:


It definitely helps to watch sugar pounding and process food pounding.

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The other thing about extended fasting (past 36hrs) is that your body starts metabolizing muscle, which is toxic to the kidneys. And many people end up with kidney failure from this.
Hence my above recommendation to consult a doctor.


Less refined carbs and sugar can only benifit your body, full keto does not mean just eating meat though to replace your carbs. Vegetables although containing carbs have fiber so that counters the gross content of the carbs. I would suggest going on YouTube and watching a podcast called The metabolic classroom. The Doctor who gives the information is world renound and does big lectures to other groups of doctors all over the planet, all his information comes from peer reviewed studies. It can get a little technical but he tries to keep it at layman levels on the podcast. Shrooms are good on keto.

The biggest hurdle I found being vegetarian was finding substitute foods. Eating became a bit repetitive as my choices became even more limited. You can boost your calories with quality fats that are high in omega 3 and 6 like Extra virgin olive oil and avocado oil, these reduce inflammation as well.

Your basically going to have to get rid of all processed foods from your diet and the things we all love like potatoes, pasta and bread, but the benifits are worth it once you get used to it. Just start gradually removing the high carb foods, it can be a bit overwhelming if you try and remove them all at once.

I will have breaks from it now and again especially Christmas time, I am not so strict with it now as I reached my weight goals and have remained at those levels for 18 months now.

If you are looking at healing damage then intermittent fasting eating only in a 6 hour window, is best as it allows your body to direct energy into healing instead of digesting food 3 or 4 times a day, and apothagy needs to happen for the damaged cells to be recycled. I did a year of keto before I started intermittent fasting, if you try it altogether it’s a big change to deal with.

Yes that can happen, but only after you have no body fat left to convert to keytones. If you do resistance training while fasting you can increase muscle mass quicker than when not fasting as the body is producing up to 50,000 times the normal amount of growth hormone as well as higher testosterone levels. Protein is the most valuable commodity to your body and it will avoid breaking it down until it has no other choice. When fat is converted to keytones, those keytones can then be re converted to proteins and carbs for the body.

Most western doctors get no training in diet whatsoever and don’t have a clue unless they have taken it upon themselves to learn, so personally I would see a nutritionist doctor not a general practioner.

The vast majority of people who live in the west and have a typical high processed food diet have already damaged their kidneys with high amounts of refined carbs. Sugar acts like a scouring pad in your blood causing damage to the fine filtering system of your kidneys and blood vessels.

Most blood tests for kidney function, as I found out from my doctor, are not helpful as they report that function is normal unless you are close to failure. Their “normal” is only operating above the one third of maximum function, which is really bordering on just managing to do their job properly, and leaves no time to improve the condition or halt further damage, so you are forced into using pharmaceuticals or dialysis to deal with the effects of poor kidney function and keep yourself alive. If they told you when your kidney function dropped by 30% to adjust your diet and cut out sugar and alcohol you could have a choice of how you wanted to deal with the situation, but then the pharmacuitacle industry’s would lose money.

I have watched 3 or 4 pharmaceutical ceo’s say in interviews, We are not in the business of helping people, we are in the business of making money. The industrial food manufacturing complex and
Pharmaceutical industry work hand in hand, one creates the problem and the other sells you drugs to deal with the symptoms.

When you have the head pediatrician at Harvard medical school answering questions on childhood obesity in the states, virtually denying food has any part in this problem and its all just genetics, you have to start questioning whether the food and Pharmaceutical industry are working in collaboration to maximize profits. Especially now big pharma have just released a childhood obesity drug that will be pushed on children to take, and once your on it you have to stay on it, for life.

I agree though, one should get a check up before embarking on long fasts, and advise them what you are about to start doing, if you are onn any medication, there are other things that can cause problems, the main one for me was my blood pressure would drop considerably around day 5 or 6 causing a lot of dizziness when standing up, but once I came of my BP medication it wasn’t so bad.

I am only going on my personal experience and what I have learned from peer reviewed studies, so anyone who is embarking on this type of self healing should start investigating it for themselves to fully understand it, we are all different and will have variations to how well it works, once you start to understand internal medicine and how our bodies work, apart from being amazed at how intelligent your body is, you will be able to fine tune your systems.


I agree that what and how we eat is, all things being equal, the most significant single factor regarding our bodily health.

I’ve had ulcerative ulceritis for more than 4 decades. For most of that time I took sulfasalazine, a sulfa class drug. I was okay taking it because of the drug’s longtime use, but just okay, not really good with it. Sulfa drugs are a pre-penicillin class of meds. Fucked as it is, sulfasalazine is no longer available, so I take a more modern med now. The specific meds are beside the point, but rather a simple little preamble to my story.

Twice since I have been taking meds for uc I was able to stop taking meds entirely. How was that possible? Due to a serious change of my diet. This happened because one of my sister’s suggested I check out this book…


I’m not a dietician or some kind of medical researcher, but I can generally follow a valid argument/see the flaws in an invalid one. The first section of her book, maybe as much as half of the book, is her argument for why this diet works. I read it, saw no flaws, and decided to try the diet. Understand, I don’t have the book any longer, so I’m going to be pretty vague on some of the finer points. If you’re really interested, you’ll find a copy of your own. Oh, and the title has changed, but if you search Food and the Gut Reaction you’ll find the updated title as well.

The diet Ms. Gottschall suggests she calls the “carbohydrate specific diet.” Basically, you gets to eat NO complex carbohydrates. Seriously. NONE. Basically, if it has been processed you can’t have it, with very few exceptions. The only sugar you get is naturally occurring fructose. That means only fresh fruit and canned pineapple, which is so sweet naturally that no sugar is added. No canned vegies either, because they often have added sugar, just in small enough quantities that it doesn’t need to be listed as an ingredient, but eat it and it will affect you negatively if you’re on the diet. You can make your own yogurt, but no store bought. Store bought doesn’t work long enough to consume all of the lactose. It has to work a full 24 hours. You get any hard cheese, but no soft or semi-soft cheeses for the same reason. They contain lactose. There are other specifics too, but you get the idea. It’s a seriously strict diet. Here’s my personal experience with the diet.

I did this diet twice, maybe 12 apart. I obviously didn’t continue it, but not because the diet failed. The diet was a spectacular success in terms of my health and general well being! I simply couldn’t sustain the thought of never eating a potato again. Literally, potatoes were my downfall. Twice.

I followed the author’s advice and continued to take meds for, as I recall, three months after starting the diet. I then tapered off completely over maybe two weeks. I suffered NO ill consequences, not the proverbial hiccup. The first time I did the diet, after about six weeks I decided to take a single small bite of toast. That was a bad idea. No kidding. One tiny bite was bad news for the following two days. I don’t need to describe the results. Aside from my one bout of curiosity (or perhaps stupidity), it was so fucking great to be free from taking those meds! And the joy of simply not taking the meds wasn’t the end of it. I swear I felt 10 years younger. I was married to different women when I did the diet those two times and they independently agreed, I seemed more energetic.

I continue to take meds because I don’t feel I can go through the rest of my life on such a restricted diet. There are simply too few joys left.

Let me close with a couple of thoughts. First, Ms. Gottschall does overtly say after a few years, you can begin to introduce banned foods, one at a time in small quantities, to see how well you tolerate them. I tried that and found literally no banned foods I could tolerate either time.

I hope my little narrative is comprehensible. I’m feeling pretty down and am having a difficult time focusing, but I think this is an important subject. I think diet gets very short shrift in our modern world.


I am glad you found something that works, the gut is a hard place to heal it takes a while from what I have learned.

Ulcecerative colitus is an auto immune disease and from what I am seeing more of in papers is that all auto immune diseases start in the gut.

The vast majority of yogourt has sugar added so kids will eat it, pretty much every couple of years, the milk industry requests the governing bodies to be allowed to add more sugar, because they know its addictive and will sell more milk products to kids get them hooked on sugar early :wink:.

Now if you want to eat yogourt and soft cheese try sheep’s or goats milk products. These are actually very beneficial and your good gut bacteria love it, the more you eat the more your mitochondrial bacteria un couple. Studies show that certain blue zones on the planet, these are where people live very long healthy lives, have diets high in sheep and goats milk products, and a very high level of mitochondria from eating it. I eat sheep’s milk soft cheese every day when I am eating, Costco has some and its not that expensive, and tastes really creamy.

There are 2 things one should use for auto immune disease one is Zinc for cellular protection the other is Vit D3, if you live in the northern hemisphere and you dont supplement, you will be deficient, unless you are a naturist and are outside 10 hours a day with no clothes on lol. D3 also helps with depression and SAD syndrome in fact its very beneficial for pretty much any problem in the body as its an immune modulator. D3 acts like a steroid as its actually a hormone. It would be expensive at first though most nutritionists recommend around 50,000 IU at first to start helping an auto immune problem.

I know you said you were back on the drugs to have a less restricted diet but you should look into cabbage juice. There is some new interesting data showing it has known phyto nutrients that help stop ulcers, gastro enteritis and any problem with inflammation in the colon really.

Something else that I read helps is a concentrated probiotic called VSL #3 its also lactose free which most pro biotics aren’t.

Wheat grass helps as well, it helps with any inflammation on internal skin like the lining of the colon, but tastes disgusting lol.

Perfectly comprehensible, sorry you are feeling down man, if you can get shrooms micro dosing should help with focus and depression. I find them very helpful.