New Grow Reboot- newb2.0 doing newb things

Been almost a month since I put anything in this thread. In less than a month my spirit train run will be done and this thread will be again where I document all the other fun things I have going.

Unsexed space monkey throwing some big ass fans. Pic doesn’t really put it in perspective but they were a lot bigger than my hand.


Did that package ever show ?

If you’re talking about the stuff in Dec, yes.

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I’ve got 5 different strains, some w 2 or so phenos I haven’t flowered out yet that I need to figure out what I’m doing on my next flower run. Should be moving new stuff in around May 1. Excited to try some new shit.

But at the same time I have this overwhelming urge to go pop some new shit too. Time to go figure out how to make some more room for my veggies and canna seedlings. Hoping my next update in this thread is me throwing down on those 3 OG’s!


Cleared out room in the flower room- spirit trains all came down. Put two, 1 gal, big vegging plants in 2 of the 20 gal no til pots. I’ve got a spirit train pheno #7, lavender, sunshine 4, and krushers all gonna get vegged out and flowered. I decided I won’t do 3, 20 gal pots this time, the way my space is configured I had to move a big pot out and crawl to the back of the room to water once everything was deep in flower. Still gonna be the case that I need to make room for myself to water, but I’m gonna run a couple 5 gals in the front so moving them out of the way won’t be as difficult.

Got a screen delivered today, I haven’t run a scrog net yet, gonna give it a chance this round.

Also, gonna stagger those 5 gals so I can offset my harvest dates a little. Probably will load up another krushers and make room for a space monkey.

Slowly working my way to being able to pop the 3 OGs. Bought a new tent for my veggies, so once those are done and in the ground it’ll be game on for popping new strains.


Next grow: bodhi spirit train, soma lavender, cannarado krushers, & bodhi sunshine 4. First time using a net. Sunday May 24th- 1st day of flower


A couple weeks into flower, hoping stretch doesn’t go much longer. 4 different strains in the screen is tough to get a consistent canopy. They all vegged and stretched differently.


Lavender f2s from @Heritagefarms - very impressive in every way- vigor and structure make me think yield will be heavy.

Not sure what to think about the cannarado krushers- withholding judgement til harvest but the super stretch, floppiness not impressing me now.

Ss4 getting a bit crowded out but should get a good representation.

Spirit train #7 just doing its thing- grows like how I remember trainwreck, almost like its lounging in a lazy boy after its been topped. Sprawling, laid back growth


Let me know how them Lavedars turnout for you


Will do. Got plenty of seeds from the repro run he did. Happy to share if you’re interested

I have a shitload of them just wanting to see how they turnout before I dunk.

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So far so good in my opinion. I think these would be beasts outdoors.

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More pics. Lavender is on the middle right, almost higher than the lights!


3 weeks in flower, had to raise the light bc the lavender was getting too tall on the right. Growing fast now.


Weekly update, just a day shy of 4 weeks, humming along


Hi there! the plants look gorgeous! would you have a link to some info on the lavender f2? I just got a pack and I got nothing on them.
Thank you!


Well thank you!

This was @Heritagefarms thread where he put rhe group together to buy the pack and make the f2s. The originals are soma, you should be able to find plenty on them.


outstanding. thank you very much!

This happened last night


Gummys happen too?

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